Newsletter November 2023

Newsletter November 2023

- When values are calling! -

The discourse surrounding the coronavirus and how it exposed the instability of modern society has been stretched and pinched, kneaded and folded, such that one would think the topic has been sufficiently and over-discussed. While that may be true for some, it doesn’t hurt to reiterate some of the key learning points from the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly that the future is uncertain.

The pandemic triggered a cultural shift across different dimensions, whether social (within societies and communities), public (governments and inter-governmental organisations), and even within and across economic and financial markets.?

As ‘woke’ culture intensified, companies and employees became more self-aware - a? mixture of quiet quitting, voluntary unemployment, and increased calls for work-from-home arrangements are some of the indicators of frustration with the current workplace. While some companies have acknowledged and recognised that this is an issue, some have chalked it up to ‘laziness’ and ‘weakness’. These ignorant and slow-to-adapt leaders will only see higher employee turnover rates and inconsistent growth in time to come.

Adaptive and insightful leaders will see that this phenomenon in the labour market is a sign that companies need to redefine what it means to be an employee and an employer. Leaders need to reprioritise. Starting from the very foundation of their companies, decision-makers need to relook and realign the values of their organisations.?

Why Values??

More often than not a company’s ‘About Us’ page will have its Mission, Purpose, and Values boldly stated. While the Mission and Purpose of a company are important to guide business operations, the Values of an organisation guide the people conducting these activities.



1. Values work as a moral compass.

Values signal the convictions that a company wants its employees to represent, and serve as guiding principles for the kind of actions and behaviour that is permitted and encouraged in the company. Inverted, it also signals what is not allowed or condoned.

2. Values humanise corporations.

Since the pandemic, business has become more than just meeting the bottom line. People want to know their companies are not driven purely by profits or maintaining the status quo. Instead, they want a workplace that feels human: it should be caring, empathetic, and working towards a common goal beyond the conventional KPIs. The labour market is filled with educated people, but how do you attract the extra talented and how do you ensure they stay committed to your organisation?

Values that are genuine (meaning the company walks the talk and does not use it as a PR campaign) and well-thought-out work as magnets to attract the cream of the crop, particularly those who are passionate about and exceptional at what they do. If a company's values reflect most of their own personal values, candidates are more interested in such organisations and likely to perform.

3. Values work as support systems, especially in times of crisis.

COVID-19 reflected this exactly. Companies who managed to retain their employees have exemplified the values they set in their manifesto, and have taken steps to reflect their genuine commitment to protecting and improving the welfare of their employees.

4. Values serve as a measurement of accountability.

Just as any employee?of an organisation should hold and represent values similar to the ones of the organisation itself, more so should the leaders of the organisation. Values ensure leaders are guided by the same principles as their company and work as a means of cross-checking that the decision-making in the organisation is not based on the mere will or preference of the decision-makers.?

In his article “Make Your Values Mean Something, Patrick Lencioni brought up this very topic of Values in the Organisation. Back in 2002, he found that new and adaptive approaches to organisational values are emerging, and these approaches are successful because they aren't as unstable as traditional models. One key approach is to ensure your organisation's values (and subsequently its actions) reflect that it cares about its employees, and nurtures both the personal and professional growth of its staff.

Without a doubt, organisational values are critical to cushion the fragility of today's labour market. Not just for the growth of the company and its customers, but also (and especially so) for its employees. Nevertheless, one must always strive to 'walk the talk'. ?

Most importantly, the actions of the organisation must reflect and display the values, as well as the standards, it sets for itself while prioritising its alignment with its employees above all.

Value-based Leadership:

how to show up during difficulties

With current fast-changing environments, leaders are expected to show up and help the organisation to go through turbulences. However, this is a difficult task for which each single person will have to juggle with his/her own anxiety and the one from others. So how can you up as an inspiring and guiding manager or colleague??


?Why such a program?

This workshop aims to propose an approach called “Value-based Leadership”. It will provide everyone with guiding principles to engage with others when the organization is facing challenges and a high anxiety level.

??This program is designed to help all professionals:

- ? ? Grasp what value-based leadership is

- ? ? Find your values and map them with the ones from your company

- ? ? Infuse your values into your day-to-day job?

??How does such a program look like?

This is a 90-minute interactive session that can be organized with up to 15 people.

?? Get more details by contacting us ?? here.

We have many more workshops available. Check our website for more inspiration and details.


- Team Alignment exercise -

Team alignment has become a critical factor in achieving organizational success. A well-aligned team can drive productivity, foster innovation, and maximize overall performance.

SeeAre helps organizations optimise their teams and unlock their full potential. Here's a snapshot of the different consulting services we can offer in this domain.

  1. Assessing Team Dynamics: Understand where the team thrives and if members are hindered in their work
  2. Facilitating Communication and Collaboration: Foster open dialogue and encourage constructive feedback by creating an environment where team members feel heard and valued
  3. Defining Clear Goals and Roles: Align team members on the same targets
  4. Enhancing Leadership Skills: Coaching and mentoring programs to develop team leaders, including how to align teams
  5. Implementing Performance Metrics: Track progress and ensure continuous improvement



Values At The Core: How Human Values Contribute To The Rise Of Nations Paperback – by Chin Hwee Tan (Author), Thomas Grandjean (Author)

This thought-provoking book shares the impact of values in society and sheds light on differences between countries and cultures.

Based on the exploration of a "combination of values and policies affect national economics outcomes, the book deep dives into the complex value system that weaves our nations and ultimately shapes our economies.



Come join SeeAre's founder Carina Rogerio in free-of-charge 45-60 min sessions every 1st Thursday. Our next session will be Thursday, December 7th!

There are no restrictions on topics to be discussed. It can be anything since we tap into everyone present to exchange and nourish the conversation, always with the intention of expanding our understanding of the world.

Let's create a Human Library moment which is totally agenda-free. Filled with honesty and curiosity, come prepared with a question or questions to get the most out of these sessions.

? G E T? ?I N? ?T O U C H

If you have any questions, reach out to us via our Contact Form on our website or by sending an email to the address email below.

[email protected] / SeeAre website ?




