Newsletter May 2024

Newsletter May 2024

A very common question in the world of simulation is: which simulation software is the best?

Things are not always black or white, and FEA is no different.

What simulation software is the best for me? Now that is a better question.

It all boils down to your needs. There is no point in paying for a Multiphysics FEA package if you are planning on performing modal analyses.

That is why we, at Simulexa, are crafting a comprehensive list of simulation software that categorizes every solution in the market based on: the stage of the development process that it is used at and the problem that they solve.

If you would like to have this document, contact us and we will send it.

If you would like to contribute to filling this document, contact us and we will add it.

If there is any question that you would like to ask, contact us at [email protected] to discuss this further.


Webinar - Nonlinear simulation

This month we would like to take a look at nonlinear simulation.

It is possible that, during one of your projects, the question of "is my analysis linear or nonlinear?" came to mind.

In this webinar, we will deep dive into what makes a simulation nonlinear and how to approach it.

  1. Brief FEA introduction
  2. ?Linear or nonlinear?
  3. Types of nonlinearities
  4. How to solve a nonlinear problem

If you would like to better understand how nonlinear simulations are performed and what can cause these nonlinearities, register at the following link:

Take a look here


Simulation allows for faster AI trainings

We usually talk about how AI can help speed up simulation tasks, but the opposite is true as well.

Simulation can be used to train AI in many different virtual scenarios to extend the number of available data.

Take a look at this use case where simulation is used to enhance the autonomous driving experience.

Tool of the month


If you find yourself editing large amount of text files (which is usually the case in the CAE world), take a look at Vim.

It is a fast and keyboard-centric text editor. It takes some time to get used to, but it can save you a lot of hours.

Are you looking a CAE partner? Contact SIMULEXA at [email protected] for more information.



