Newsletter - May 16, 2024

Newsletter - May 16, 2024

News in brief

Introducing our new CEO, Peter Rabley

The OGC has appointed Peter Rabley as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Peter brings to OGC a wealth of experience gained from working across the private, governmental, and not-for-profit sectors. Under Peter’s leadership, OGC will work with new and existing partners and stakeholders to bring accelerated, practical, and implementable solutions to our community.

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One month until the Montreal Member Meeting

The 129th OGC Member Meeting is in Montreal from June 17-21. The theme of the meeting is "Standards enabling collaboration for global challenges”, and the sessions will cover multiple topics including methane emissions, climate resilience, marine navigation, and Artificial Intelligence for Geoinformatics (GeoAI). ?The OGC Canada Forum will run concurrently with the member meeting. ?During this free event Canadian geospatial organizations will collaborate on innovation and standards for economic growth.

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Innovation Days Europe

With the theme Climate and Disaster Resilience, One Health, and Data Spaces, Innovation Days Europe provides a platform to discuss how advancements in geospatial technology can be effectively integrated into governance and policy. Held as part of FOSS4G Europe 2024 in Tartu, Estonia.

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Collaboration & innovation

Urban Digital Twins Interoperability Pilot

Participants in the Urban Digital Twins Interoperability Pilot (UDTIP) will collaborate on geospatial data interoperability and Standards that support healthier, more sustainable, and more inclusive urban living. Visit the initiative page for the Call For Participation. Applications close June 3.


Testbed-20 is a collaborative effort to rapidly prototype, design, develop, and test solutions to location-related problems. The initiative will drive innovation at the foundations of geospatial data ecosystems, with new imagery, HPC, and data cubes. Funding available. A Bidders Q&A Webinar will occur May 24. Visit the initiative page for the Call For Participation. Applications close June 10.


AI Training Data Markup Language JSON & XML Encodings

The Training Data Markup Language for Artificial Intelligence (TrainingDML-AI) Standard provides a standardized format for training data used in Machine Learning models that involve location or time. Public comments on Parts 2 and 3 of the Standard are due by May 23, 2024.

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Features and Geometries JSON – Part 1: Core

Features and Geometries JSON (JSON-FG) is a proposal for GeoJSON extensions that provide standard ways to support certain useful geospatial application contexts. Public comments are due by June 24.

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Upcoming events

OGC UK & Ireland Forum

June 7 | London, UK

The Forum will take place at the Geovation Hub in London and cover topics such as Digital Twin technologies, OGC APIs, and Compliance Testing.

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Open Standards Code Sprint

July 10 - 12 | London, UK & Online

This code sprint will be inclusive of all OGC APIs and encodings and will feature special tracks focused on data quality and validators. Non-coding tasks such as testing, documentation work, and issue reporting will also be available for Code Sprint participants.

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Innovation Days DC

December 3 - 5 | Washington DC, USA

The theme for the 2024 Innovation Days DC meeting is Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Futures, featuring keynote speaker Josh Delmonico of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). The goal of this annual event is to advance the OGC vision of building the future of location with community and technology for the good of society.

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Explore our extensive calendar featuring OGC and partner events.



