Welcome to Andrew, Chantel, Duke, Aiden, and Hadleigh! Enjoy!
To celebrate Dads we invite all "new" dads to try classes for the month of June!Just check the schedule and come on in!
We have sweatshirts!? Most sizes so if you want one please get it now!?We will order again before the winter but you definitely want one for the fall! (Which the way the year's flying will be here before you know it!)
This term's Staff Award goes to Brian!?Congratulations!
The week of June 19th will be Buddy Week! Zumi's gift cards!!!
We will do our annual vacation from July 3rd to July 8th.
We have great ideas for our special summer weeks! Ice Cream Week, Super Hero Week, Beach Week, Team Game Week, Tickets to earn for prizes, and more!!!
Please see the attachments above!
Water Bottle Update!? Please bring a water bottle.?We are trying to reduce waste and will fill your bottles from our dispenser.?If you forget your water, we do have some individual bottles for sale for $1.
We have started a writing club geared for teens and adults who would like to share their experiences and thoughts about the martial arts. Articles YOU write will be published in the Martial Journal. (check out the entries!) These sessions will be at 6:30 every other Friday alternating with D and D!
Sparring Dates; Adult;?June 7, 15, 23
Teens;???June 6, 14, 22,30?
Juniors??June 5, 13, 21,29
Please bring your own gear...
Camp Dates;
Juniors; July 10-14, 17-21, and July 31-August 4
Teens; July 24-28
There are 2 spots left for Camp #1 and #3 for Juniors and 1 spot left for Week #2.?Teens are 1/2 full.
We now offer classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 11 (ages 7 to 11) specially designed for home schoolers. If you know anyone who would like to participate have them give us a shout!
Dungeons and Dragons for teen students will continue and run every other Friday evening from 7:30 to 9.?Let Tashi Mark know if you wish to join in!
Watch Tashi Mark's and Tashi Deb's Whislekick interviews on?Spotify, Twitch, and Youtube and also on our FaceBook page!
Sparring; Juniors, Teens, and Adults. It will be done during regular class time on a rotational basis.?After January first we would like all intermediate and up juniors, teens, and adults to have their own gear. You can order at or purchase gear elsewhere. Gift cards are also available!
Have you noticed the lovely basket of fruit! Please visit the Green Grocer next door and thank him!?Dave is providing a filled basket every day and the students are loving it!
The monthly self defense seminars for seniors will now be held on the third Tuesday of the month at Mark Warner's instead of the town hall. It will run right after the free Tai Chi session. It begins at 11:30.
Want training videos in kali sent right to you? Check out Tashi Mark's Patreon page! Details at the school or send us an email!
Graduations:?We will hold them at the school and have the Demo Team perform. We are going back to our regular schedule on graduation days so there is no Wu Chan class for teens on graduation Saturdays. Also no children's classes! .
I you like what we do, leave us a review on Google!?Thanks!
Best wishes,