Welcome to the summary of the month's top news and talking points curated by Data n Dashboards. We hope you enjoy our monthly email!
This?edition?summarizes?our?progress?and?achievements?for?the?year?2022.?In?short,?it?was?a great?year?with?a?lot?of?developments?and?learning.?The?experiences?we?got?in?2022?have?set?us?on?a?path?for?2023,?and?we?are?hoping?it?to?be?awesome?as?well!
Let’s look at what we’ve done in the past year!
- In?Collaboration?with?Taituarā?—?Local?Government?Professionals?Aotearoa,?we?rolled?out?Community?Wellbeing?&?Place?Making?Dashboards?to?all?78?Regional,?City?and?District?Councils?across?Aotearoa?New?Zealand,?giving?them?access?to?more?than?80?dashboards?around?demographics,?social,?economic,?cultural,?and?environmental?wellbeing. Read more here
- Tauranga City Council became the first Local Government Council to subscribe to our Public Sector Data as a Service (Level 2: Data-Driven) subscription. We have been working with them in the space of Level 3: Data-Led and developed dashboards around Vital Updates Survey 2020, Kāinga Tupu (Homelessness), and SmartGrowth (Housing). Read more here
- South?Waikato?District?Council?subscribed?to?our?Public?Sector?Data?as?a?Service?(PSDaaS)?Level?2:?Data-Driven?subscription.?This?is?an?exciting?development?for?us,?as?we?now?have?the?opportunity?to?work?with?an?organisation?that?shares?our?vision?of?using?data?to?improve?efficiency?and?transparency.?This?is?part?of?our?ongoing?commitment?to?providing?timely?and?accurate?data?services?to?various?public?sector?organisations?in?the?area.
- Another milestone that took place was the rollout of place summaries dashboards for SociaLink. The dashboards are designed around seven topic areas that cover education, health, population & dwelling count, work income & unpaid activities, ethnicity, culture & identity, housing and means of transport. ?Read?more here
- We announced our collaboration with Waikato Regional Council to develop dashboards for their economic regional profile. The profile aims to provide information so that everyone can have a shared understanding of the economic issues and opportunities faced by the Waikato region and take steps collaboratively to address these.
- Attended 8th Annual FST Government New Zealand 2022 Conference in Wellington, along with Tableau/Salesforce team. Showcased our work along the lines of Public Sector Data as a Service. Read more here
- Became research partners with EDNZ.
- Sponsored Economic Development NZ 2022 Annual Conference Best Practice Awards which included Best Practice for Collaboration, Best Practice for Primary Research, Best Practice for Innovation, Best Practice for Integrated Planning, Best Practice for Inward Investment, Best Practice for Inclusive Development and Wellbeing Outcomes, Best Practice for Business Recovery Support, and Distinguished Service Award.
- Developed New Zealand’s Local Government Election 2022 Turnout Dashboard. The dashboard was based on the data available for 45 cities/districts as provided by election NZ. The dashboard aimed to provide insights into New Zealand’s Local Government Election 2022 Turnout rate. ?Link?to?the?dashboard
- Not just this, Data n Dashboards also participated in a business tradeshow experience at Rebel Business School Trade Show - Hutt Valley. The event was organized by Rebel Business School Aotearoa in partnership with Hutt City Council; Upper Hutt City Council; Wellington NZ and the Ministry of Social Development.
- Last but not the least, showcased at Gartner IT Symposium 2022! It was a big shout-out for the Community Wellbeing work which we are doing with different organisations. Read more here
We also managed to launch our own blog, create a monthly newsletter, and have 250 subscribers on our online forum.
The year 2022 was great for Data n Dashboards - we can't wait to see what comes next!
To?view?our?progress?report?for?2022,?click?on?this?link?to?download?our?yearly?progress?report: Download?Data?n?Dashboards?Project?Portfolio
For?more?details?about?services?and?subscriptions,[email protected]?or?schedule?a?meeting?online?by?clicking?the?button?below.