A Newsletter for Infinite Believers...!

A Newsletter for Infinite Believers...!

When we work in Organizational and Transformational Science, we need to believe, ... and keep on believing. Infinitely...!

This newsletter is intended for professionals active in Business and Functional Analytics, Solution and Enterprise Architecture, Portfolio Management, Learning and Development, Organizational Design, Human Resources, Digital and Business Transformation, Program Management, Agile Coaching, Talent Management, Change Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Technology, and also Strategic Workforce Planning.

It will occur monthly and can contain several parts. Being: Books & Papers, Short Articles, Tastings & Events Info, Upcoming Training Programs, Divers Topics, Quote Of The Month

A) Books & Papers:


Dan Heath has written several books, among which the very interesting and practical change book Switch, which was co-authored by his brother, Chip Heath.

This book goes further and is in my view more for seasoned practitioners. Actually for those in the Transformation Office, who have the nice job of clearing the organizational ghosts of the past. These "ghosts" are in our field, correctly named, the orthodoxies in the organization.

As long as those are not addressed each project or program will continue to hit the same wall(s), as the route cause is not firmly cleared at the level it should be dealt with.

Examples are non-aligned leadership teams, overloaded middle managers, undertrained staff members, old/redundant processes and systems, data unavailability/non-alignment, etc.

This leads each time again to problems being handled "downstream", often using a firefighting/quick-fix approach!

Dan Heath has split the book into three parts:

  • He starts with what "moving upstream" means and what it physically and mentally takes, to learn to master this challenging mindset.
  • Secondly, he dives into the three barriers in "upstream thinking", namely: problem blindness, lack of ownership, and tunneling.
  • Finally, he walks us through seven key questions to sharpen up and re-focus future "upstream leaders".

The short article just below will provide some extra insights on achieving that goal via the use of corporate rebels and anchors.

Advanced practitioners will love reading this book. Please note that this book is available in several languages.

B) Short Article:

Our allies? The anchors, the good rebels, and ... the bad rebels!

When we enter missions in business transformation (of which digital transformation is a sub-form, in our view) we need as external practitioners to connect rapidly with our internal counterparts. Why?

A) It is a bit like a paratrooper landing in an unfamiliar zone. The locals know the zone! In the beginning, the paratrooper does not.

B) So we need to find "strong internal and external readers". Marc, what...? Well, we call them rebels because they have a unique skill set to see what goes right and wrong, inside and outside the organization.

C) We look for the good rebels, first. They are still positive about their organization and its survival possibilities for the future. Immediately after that, we start "hunting", the bad rebels.

D) Bad rebels have the same analytical, "early warning brain" as the good rebels. The difference is that they are mentally disconnected from the organization. Why? They usually have been considered annoying and were multiple times overruled, demoted, or otherwise silenced.

E) And then, we start to look for the anchors. They are often the informal leaders in each department or business unit. They make via their presence and experience, that the unit involved, functions at its best. Take them away and the performance drops to 50% or below. Mind you this has nothing to do with grade or rank!

F) As external transformation practitioners we need the good and bad rebels, for the cut-and-dry analytics and to keep us as externals "razor sharp". And we need the anchors for their relational wiring and natural influence.

In short, we need the rebels and anchors next to us, to MOVE UPSTREAM...!

C) Tastings & Events:

By Inscriptio

Inscriptio is organizing two tastings in the next two months. One on 27/03/2024 concerning Taking Point Leadership? program, and one about The Way Of The Sherpa? program on 17/04/2024. Both start at 17.00 PM (CET).

More info can be found at the Inscriptio Company Page on Linked In.

If you are interested in following one of these tastings, please send me an email at [email protected] .

D) Training Programs:

New classes are starting for The Way Of The Sherpa? and the Taking Point Leadership? program.

More info via these links.

If you require more info, just ask.

E) Quote Of The Month:

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.

And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see geniuses. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do!”

Steve Jobs

By all means, do not hesitate to repost this newsletter in your network or to people who might be interested.

Happy reading,

Marc Van Obberghen

Partner Vade Ad Cor & Inscriptio

Publisher - Infinite Believers

Mobile: 0032 (0) 497 401234


Johan Reubens

Leader Transformation and Digital

11 个月

Very interesting thoughts Marc. And thanks for the suggested read :-).



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