[Newsletter] DLT Labs Insights - October '22 Edition
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Leading the Supply Chain Transformation using Blockchain Technology
With a vision to enable business collaboration, DLT Labs has created DL Asset Track - the world's most powerful Blockchain-based, low-code platform for Fintech and Supply Chain, which makes it seamlessly efficient and easy to collaborate with and within enterprises.
See how DL Asset Track enables secure data exchange among multiple entities and ensures transparency throughout the supply chain operations.
DLT Labs Co-Founder & CIO Ajay Singh shares his views at Proof Of Community
Our Co-Founder & CIO Ajay Singh recently participated at Shardeum Foundation's Proof Of Community in Hyderabad. As a pioneer in Enterprise Infrastructure and Application Development in Web3, Ajay shared insights on Blockchain technology and its applications through various panel discussions and speaker sessions.
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Dispute Management: An Integrated Approach
As digital data is available for every process, a significant change in the existing dispute redressal system is needed to curtail the delays and associated overheads.
DL Asset Track is an industry-agnostic, permissioned Blockchain platform with a Dispute Management feature that enables participants to raise disputes for applicable instances of a business workflow.
The Importance Of Smart Contracts in an Enterprise
A key application area of Blockchain that is gaining traction with businesses is Smart Contracts. Enterprises are investing in it to derive wholesome business networks.
This is where DL Asset Track is helping global enterprises design, develop and deploy Smart Contracts in no time. It enables business users to easily adopt Smart Contracts for the execution and enforcement of contracts between multiple entities.
DL Freight: Enhanced Accessorial Solution & Carrier Bidding
The variability of accessorial charges makes them unpredictable and error-prone due to the manual processes used to add them to the final invoice.
This episode discusses an overview of the automated Accessorial Solution and Carrier Bidding feature of DL Freight that is faster, more predictable, and at a substantially lower risk of errors and omissions that lead to disputes.