Newsletter – The Discipline of Denying One’s Self
Rob Streetman
Workplace Minister | Disciple Maker | Writer | President of inLight Consulting, Inc.
Our new book, The Storms Have Only Just Begun, is now available at Barnes and Noble and other popular platforms. Its purpose is to encourage and enable Christians to become houses who will stand in the relentless storms of the decade. Houses that stand will serve as God’s refuge, encouragement, and wisdom for family, friends, and fellowships who have lost theirs.
Then He said to?them?all,?“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” Luke 9:23-25
Most people, myself included, would rather not think about “deny himself” too often, or too long. I suspect our carnal mind works especially hard to distract and discourage us from such thinking. Well…
Just the other day, the Holy Spirit brought this matter of “deny himself” to my mind and would not let it go. He made an interesting – and troubling – observation: I have never intentionally considered what it means to deny myself in any specific way. I’ve always lumped “deny himself” into “take up his cross”, which to me means “die to yourself”. All that is the truth, but not the whole truth (at least for me, you judge for yourself).
The fact that we are to deny ourselves “daily” only strengthens the point: I should ask the Lord “daily” – each morning – what He would have me deny myself that day. This brings two other passages to mind:
But?seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,?let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares?us,?and?let us run?with endurance the race that is set before us… Hebrews 12:1
I bet you could think of some others. The discipline of asking this simple question – Jesus, what would you have me deny today? – will likely change the trajectory of your life. It will certainly help you prepare to stand in the storms of this decade.
There is going to be a wedding feast, when the Bride has made herself ready (reference). A part of that preparation – her purification – involves denying ourselves the things of this world. Some of those things are big – and dangerous to our completing the race; others are small, but none-the-less impure. For me, in this moment, those things are sports news, Facebook videos, and the Rummikub app.
How do you (meaning, the reader) determine what must go? Four tests come to mind:
1.?????Is it a substitute for something God offers (e.g., security, or a break from the grind)?
2.?????Does it satisfy my self beyond God’s intention, provision, or will (e.g., the right to be heard, or friends)?
3.?????Does it prevent me from striving to enter through the narrow gate (e.g., sleep, or a movie)?
4.?????Does it weigh me down in the race God has set before me (e.g., bitterness, guilt, or addiction)?
Not all the examples apply to everyone; we are not trying to be prescriptive here. Only God knows what you need to deny. Some things will be obvious; others will require conversation with the Lord.
God will require what seems good to Him. He doesn’t want to discourage you or spoil you, and He takes away to give back in a better way. Here are several reasons to pursue this exercise:
1.?????We want to be disciples of Jesus (Luke 9:23).
2.?????We are commanded to do so (same).
3.?????We want to know the Father and His Son (John 14:23).
4.?????We want to run with endurance, to win the race (Hebrews 12:1; 1Corinthians 9:24).
5.?????We prefer transformation over conformity with the world (Romans 12:2).
Please, let me know how this exercise works for you; and let me know if I can help you through it (we need each other in these chaotic days).
God bless you with grace, courage, and endurance for the race He has laid out before you and those entrusted to your care.
Have a strong day in the Lord,
Updates and Prayer?Requests
Thanks to your prayers regarding my development as a CBMC Trusted Advisor Forum (TAF) facilitator and coach, I recently graduated from the CBMC Leadership Coach Training certification program.
Additionally, we have received approval to launch a TAF in Douglas County which will include a community transformation focus (part of inLight’s mission in the workplace). This feels much like the good work God has been preparing for me (and me for it) these sixteen years of ministry. We continue to covet your prayers for grace and courage to hear God’s perfect plan and pursue His purposes for this season – with supernatural passion.
Check out the CBMC TAF + Transformation Message and let me know what you think. Also, let me know of any Christian workplace leaders you believe are hoping for more out of this life.
As we mentioned above, The Storms Have Only Just Begun is out. Please pray for the marketing effort, that we would reach as many Christians as possible with this important and timely word.
I am currently teaching from The Storms Have Only Just Begun to two faith communities. Pray for my preparation, my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit while teaching, and their ears to hear and understand how to navigate the chaos we are sure to experience the remainder of this decade.
Please join me in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, who are under tremendous persecution from the radical Muslims there. Please pray with me for their encouragement, protection, and faithfulness in the face of severe trial and tribulation.?From my reading, I understand they are also praying for us.
Continue to pray for the workplace leaders you know?– for their transformation into mighty men and women of God; that they would boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let me know how I can help you minister to them (we have tons of resources for you to share).
Please keep praying for Beth and me as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Partnering with inLight Consulting
God's purpose for inLight Consulting is beyond human capability. We are desperately dependent on Him; and would have it no other way.?We are grateful for the continued support of those that trust God to use this ministry to further His kingdom. Please pray?for our vision and?mission .
Share the truths you find here?with the?leaders in your life;?it will make them free.?
God bless you with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; and may He give you the grace?and courage to walk in the work He has prepared for you.
Humbly yours and forever His,