Newsletter – The Desires of My Heart for 2023
Rob Streetman
Workplace Minister | Disciple Maker | Writer | President of inLight Consulting, Inc.
We have now entered the fourth year of the most chaotic decade most of us will face in our entire life. Seven years to go (give or take a couple of years). Some suggest we are at the end of days, and with good reasons. Others see this as predictable turmoil caused by the convergence of institutional and socioeconomic cycles. I’m sure you have your own observations and opinions, and I would be blessed to hear them.
I am also interested in your expectations for the other side of this stormy season. What will become of America, and the church that resides here? Will we be at war with another country, or with ourselves? How will our children and grandchildren fare in a world hell-bent on their perversion?
I know. This is not the best way to begin an article. It is depressing, and who needs more of that?
I agree; so, while I still hope to hear from you regarding the questions above, let me offer a couple of better queries for consideration as we look ahead to the New Year:
What is God up to?
How do we participate?
These two questions will take us to the positive side of the current and foreseen storms which plague and worry us. God has allowed (or created) the storms and chaos of this decade for His eternal purposes – and we are called to them. He has promised “that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those?who are the called according to?His?purpose (Romans 8:28).” The safest place to be in the storm is in the center of His will. So…
The desire of my heart in 2023 is for us – you and me – to know the answers to those two questions. And not just generally (i.e., for America or the church), but for ourselves and those God has entrusted to our care and responsibility.
I believe with all my heart if we will delight in Him (i.e., be soft/surrendered; Psalm 37:4) and commit our way to Him (v. 5), He will not only answer but give us the wisdom, faith, and grace to experience verse six:
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
Stop here just a moment and imagine what that might look like in your 2023 and beyond. Considering it for myself, I am reminded of another desire I will be carrying into 2023 – that everyone I know and love would become the house Jesus describes at the end of His Sermon on the Mount:
Therefore?whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25
Such a house will stand as refuge, encouragement, and wisdom for those who lose theirs. Those houses will be centers of disciple making and transformation. Those houses will experience joyful, Spirit-filled ministry. Those houses will know the truth of “the works that I do he will do also; and greater?works?than these he will do, because I go to My Father (John 14:12).”
We’ll close this article and this year with one final encouragement: Discover the desire of your heart for this chaotic season; it will lead you to the good work God has created for you to walk in, in this chaotic decade and beyond. Let me know if you need my help and, in the meantime…
God bless you with a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind; and a close fellowship in which to share it.
Have a great New Year in the Lord,
P.S. Please let me know if you would like to experience the kingdom truths God uses me to write in our weekly articles. You can also access them at the inLight Adventure blog . This year, we have been focused on “The Ways of God for…” . He has a way for everything, and His ways are the only right, good, and holy ways.
Ministry Updates and Prayer?Requests
This year has been challenging and fruitful. Working with Christian Businessmen’s Connection, I have learned how to be a better peer advisory group facilitator and leadership coach, served as the Trusted Advisor Forum (TAF) Coordinator, and helped disciple more than a dozen Christian businessmen. God has also used our partnership with CBMC to encourage, edify, and equip workplace leaders and young professionals through encounters I would not otherwise have enjoyed.?
The Douglas County TAF will have its first monthly meeting on January 25, 2023. We will focus on becoming a stronger Christian business leader and transformation agent in our family, business, and community. This is the good work God has created for me to walk in. Please pray for the workplace leaders who will join us – that they would clearly hear the Father’s call.
Please share Our Vision with the workplace leaders you believe are hungry for the good work God has created for them to walk in. Or send me their contact information, and I will make the connection.
The revised edition of The Map Maker has been published. This will be the first book we use to encourage and edify the Douglas County TAF members. I am rejoicing over the opportunity to provide them with a much-improved edition.
The new inLight website is up!! Now that we have a good design running on a stable platform, I can make some necessary changes to the messaging (to reflect God’s renewed mission for inLight). Please pray for the time and wisdom to complete this soon, and perhaps someone to lend a hand.
As we mentioned last month, The Storms Have Only Just Begun is available at several online outlets. The publisher has asked me to write an article “About the Book” to be shared on The Christian Post website and to all their newsletter subscribers. That task has been completed, but they have been slow to respond. Please pray for their attention, and the subsequent marketing effort, that we would reach as many Christians as possible with this important and timely word.
Please join me in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, who are under tremendous persecution from the radical Muslims there. Please pray with me for their encouragement, protection, and faithfulness in the face of severe trial and tribulation.?From my reading, I understand they are also praying for us.
Continue to pray for the workplace leaders you know. And let me know how I can help you minister to them (we have tons of resources for you to share).
Beth and I are now hosting a prayer meeting in our home – the first ministry we have done together since Beth’s retirement, and the first offering of our home to the local church community. Please keep us in your prayers – particularly regarding our ministry to our adult children (and our wonderful, beautiful grandchild).
Partnering with inLight Consulting
God's purpose for inLight Consulting is beyond human capability. We are desperately dependent on Him; and would have it no other way.?We are grateful for the continued support of those that trust God to use this ministry to further His kingdom. Please pray?for our vision and?mission .
Share the truths you find here?with the?leaders in your life;?it will make them free.?
God bless you with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; and may He give you the grace?and courage to walk in the work He has prepared for you.
Humbly yours and forever His,