Announcing DEFSAT'23- a SIA-India initiative

SIA-India is set to organize DEFSAT'23 in April 2023 in New Delhi. The objective of the conference is to create 'One Stop Shop for Defence Space requirements, provide the critical platform for G2B Engagements and be a knowledge pool for future requirements of Defence Satellite industry.

The increased commercial and military access to space, the force multiplier capabilities and the Tectonic shifts in Geopolitical have led to nations looking to embrace space capabilities for military applications. With the traditional edge of existing space-faring nations being edged out by frequent and fast innovations, it is imperative to weave the cutting-edge of technology available in civil, commercial and military space domains in the application, operationalization and protection of military space capabilities.

This limited invite workshop/conference attempts to bring in experts working on specific capabilities that are integral to the national military space capabilities

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Mission DefSpace by iDEX

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Mission DefSpace was inaugurated by Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi at defexpo2022 with the goal to create cutting-edge defence forces in the space industry.

Mission "DefSpace" is iDEX's premier initiative aimed at celebrating the spirit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India's Defence Sector. 75 challenges were launched as part of Mission DefSpace, including 35 DISC and DISC Prime challenges. This excellent initiative will help bring in the most innovative and advanced technologies and will further strengthen India's position in the global Space arena. Mission DefSpace will propel the development of innovative solutions for the Armed Forces in the space domain through industry and start-ups.

SIA-India hails the efforts by iDex for rolling out such an important mission which aims to strengthen India's position in the global space stage and accelerate all-around development in defence space sector while safeguarding our national interests.

If you have a technology that can serve as an integration between the Space and Defence sectors you have a chance to get funding of INR 1.5 Crores from the Ministry of Defence. To get information about the challenges SIA-India is posting the challenges on its LinkedIn and Twitter handles regularly.

The last date to apply is Dec 19, 2022. To know more about DefSpace Mission:

SIA-India Congratulates ISRO, Ananth Technology Ltd and the Start-ups

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SIA-India Congratulates ISRO on launching PSLVC54 rocket carrying EOS06 also known as Oceansat3 and successfully placing 8 nanosatellites -Thybolt, Astrocast, INS2B and Anand into their intended orbits.

Within a week of launch of country's 1st privately built rocket VikramS by Skyroot Aerospace two other start-ups Dhruva Space and Pixxel successfully deployed communication sats Thybolt and hyperspectral satellite Anand via the reliable PSLVC54 of ISRO. Hearty congratulations to both!

SIA-India congratulates Ananth Technologies Ltd for contributing to the success of the mission. Ananth tech worked on major subsystems in OceanSat with the support from URSC - U R Rao Satellite Centre. Additionally, PSLV C-54 mission has been harnessed, integrated, tested, and qualified by Ananth Technologies Pvt Limited (ATL), a long-time partner of ISRO, under contract with ISRO's Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), and guidance from VSSC's team of engineers. The Thiruvananthapuram unit of ATL has carried out the sub-assemblies of various flight systems/ stages, including their integration and checkout.

SIA-India welcomes the ratification of the India-Australia free trade agreement [FTA]

The India-Australia FTA was signed in April this year and was the trade pact that India had singed with a developed country after over a decade. The agreement encompasses cooperation across the entire gamut of bilateral economic and commercial relations and covers areas like Trade in Goods, Rules of Origin, Trade in Services, Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures, Dispute Settlement, Movement of Natural Persons, Telecom, Customs Procedures, Pharmaceutical products, and Cooperation in other Areas.

It's a milestone in the country's bilateral relations and stands to unleash the full potential of trade ties between the nations and spur massive economic growth.

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SIA-India participation at IEEE SA Standards workshop on 5G and beyond

Anil Prakash, Director General, SIA-India at IEEE SA Standards workshop on 5G and beyond. He stated "Cardinal principles of Business economy are Policy, Regulation, and Standards. Standards provide four walls in which innovation is propelled".

The inaugural session also had Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Subhas Mondal, SVP and Head of R&D, HFCL.

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SIA-India Participation at "National Space Science Exhibition" in Kolkata from 6-11 Dec'22

Organized by Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER Kolkata) in collaboration with ISRO, National Council of Science Museums, Science City Kolkata, Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Kolkata, and SN Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata.

The six-day exhibition provides an excellent platform for students and common people to have the opportunity to interact with space scientists, and space industry entrepreneurs.

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SIA-India is at booth 11 displaying our current endeavours in the space sector, our special interest groups association & our upcoming conferences

1. DEFSAT 2023 - 19-20 April, 2023

2. India Space Congress 2023 - 12-14 July 2023

Mr. D.S. Govindrajan, EB Member, SIA-India and President Aniara Space along with Ms. Chitrita Chatterjee, Sr, Director Operations, SIA-India are among the esteemed panellists at a roundtable discussion on Industry-Academia Relations to be held on 11 Dec from 11:00-13:00 hrs.

SIA-India participation at the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 25 November, 2022

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Mr. Anil Prakash, DG, SIA-India in discussions with Dr. Pavan Duggal, cyber law expert and Supreme Court advocate on- OuterSpace, CyberSecurity & Other Cyber Issues stated that India needs to have uniform standards, protocols and norms across the country in the cyber domain

Government and all the stakeholders should identify critical space-enabled services and should prioritize ensuring their end-to-end cyber resilience. With growing inter-linkages between cyber and outer space domain, India should consider a series of policy options that could compensate for India's vulnerabilities in the space domain.

SIA-India at the official launch of the G-20 Logo

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SIA-India participation in Space Technology Workshop organised by ISRO

Mr. Desh Raj Bhadana, Dy. Director, SIA-India participated in the Workshop which was attended in large numbers by space tech start-ups, Academia and many renowned space scientists. The workshop was held at the ISRO HQ, Bengaluru on 6th Dec 22.

During the event, ISRO and Social Alpha signed an MoU to launch SpaceTech Innovation Network (SpIN), India's first dedicated platform for innovation curation and venture development for the burgeoning space entrepreneurial ecosystem. A one-of-its-kind public-private collaboration for start-ups and SMEs in the space industry, this novel partnership is a significant step forward in providing further stimulus to India's recent space reform policies and will work towards identifying and unleashing the market potential of the most promising space tech innovators and entrepreneurs in India.

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"Space applications cut across various domains from earth to sky. Innovative technologies are expected to bring paradigm shift in utilising the space applications to maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits for the larger society. I wish the SPIN platform would be useful for various stakeholders to collaborate and contribute to the space ecosystem in the country", Dr. S Somanath, Chairman, ISRO.

DG : Connect

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Both space & defence industries will play complementary roles in the upstream & downstream sectors. The stakeholders will have common goals, & the government will have to draft common overarching policy measures so that the sectors grow in tandem & benefit from each other"

Anil Prakash (Director General- SIA-India)

The fortnight at glance:

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MTAR, IN-SPACe India ink pact for development of all-liquid small satellite launch vehicle

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India will be first to hold satellite spectrum auction: Trai Chairman

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Union Ministry, ISRO develop a project-monitoring mobile application

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