Newsletter on Circular Waste Management in Africa and G20 countries #49-2024
Nadine Laurence Dulac √
Expertise France Low-Carbon/ Circular Economy/Circular Waste Management/EPR
South Africa
·?????? Guidelines and Product Category Rules to enable and expedite the application of LCA under the EPR Regulations in South Africa. More to read:
·?????? Pollution to solution: Plastic waste put to good use at new Khayelitsha homes. More to know:
·?????? Unlocking Financing for the Circular Economy: CSA’s New Circular Economy Financing Database. To access the database, you need to apply. More to read:
·?????? The relaunch in 2025 of ReSource, the Institute of Waste Management’s official magazine is acted. More to read:
·?????? Decontamination technologies: towards a better integration of recycled raw materials. Regulations?are inviting more and more processors to incorporate?recycled raw materials?(RMMs) into the manufacture of their products. However, the quality requirements and grades required for certain sectors such as agri-food reduce the field of possibilities.?Through this project, IPC proposes to explore the different decontamination processes in order to ideally be able to find the food-safe nature of?post-consumer waste. More to read:
·?????? The Ministry of Ecological Transition accuses Refashion of two shortcomings: the PRO is said to have dragged its feet in providing for the collection of textiles in white areas and it has not reached its collection target for 2023. More to read:
·?????? The PRO ‘Dastri’ pinned for failure to collect certain waste (for perforating medical devices used by patients in self-treatment). Dastri is the first PRO to be officially sanctioned by the Ministry of Ecological Transition for a failure to meet a collection target. It will have to devote an additional 450,000 euros to the management of electronic Dasri. More to read:
·?????? Trials of composting baby diapers are being carried out in conjunction with nurseries. The costs mentioned are higher than management in the OMRs, but with logistics and/or treatments that have not yet been optimized. Disposable diapers for babies represent a deposit of around 700,000 tonnes/year (including soiling), i.e. a total management cost of around €140 million/year on a national scale, this waste being, with some exceptions, put in residual household waste (RMW). A large part of the deposit is diffuse (in private waste), which can make separate collection a little tricky and expensive. In addition, the vast majority of diapers sold in France contain plastic (for waterproofing), which can make it difficult to compost them (need to use plastic extraction devices). On the other hand, part of the pool is relatively concentrated, particularly that which concerns nurseries and maternity wards. And in recent years, compostable diapers have appeared on the market. More to read:
·?????? The French PRO for textile names ‘Refashion’, wants the sector to be more "industrial", by promoting recycling and reducing the importance of SSE and reuse. While the textiles, linen and footwear (TLC) sector is experiencing a fairly serious crisis, the PRO wants to radically change?its operating model by promoting recycling rather than reuse, and by reducing the?space?actors of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) for the benefit of industrial players. He made this known in a press release issued at the beginning of November. For Refashion, the?current crisis is?"structural"?and?"irreversible".?The?historical?model, based in particular on reuse via second-hand clothing, has reached its limits. Second-hand clothing of French and more broadly European origin would be in competition with second-hand clothing of Asian and particularly Chinese origin. Refashion therefore considers that the second-hand clothing outlet is doomed in the more or less long term, unless it is subsidized – which it does not want. More to read:
·?????? Article L. 541-10-2-1 of the French Environment Code requires that PROs and individual systems in EPR sectors pay a fee that covers the costs of inter-sector communication actions related to waste prevention and management to be carried out by the French Ministry of the Environment. For 2024, the fee rates for the communication actions is a total amount of ?€3,698,372. For the services relating to communication actions provided for the year 2024 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention, the fee rates are set at 0.17% of the contributions received in 2023 by each of the PROs and producers in the individual system in respect of their approved activity. More to read:
·?????? The French Circular economy country profile 2024. More to know:
·?????? 2025 Finance Bill: trade-offs that put the virtuous trajectory of the circular economy at risk. While ADEME seems to keep the budget allocated to the heat fund in the 2025 Finance Bill currently under consideration, nothing is confirmed about the circular economy fund. This fund is nevertheless an essential lever for the pursuit of the ecological transition. FNADE calls on parliamentarians and the government to take up this issue, which impacts both our French industry and our energy policy. More to read:,Projet-de-loi-de-finances-2025-des-arbitrages-qui-mettent-en-risque-la-trajectoire-vertueuse-de-l-economie-circulaire
·?????? The new draft specifications for the EPR sanitary textiles products is out and it only cover wipes. The support for local authorities is very low. For other products, the ministry wants to postpone and assess more carefully in the face of an inflationary risk. The successive draft texts concerning the single-use sanitary textiles sector are gradually narrowing its scope, and in an increasingly significant way. The latest project to date is that of the specifications of the PROs, which was put out for public consultation. It only concerns wipes, all the other categories of TSUU (wiping items, tissues, diapers, etc.) having been, for the moment at least, removed from the perimeter. Originally (AGEC law of 2020, article 62,) cover "single-use sanitary textiles, including pre-soaked wipes for bodily and domestic use", without any restriction. More to read:
·?????? Disposable baby diapers continue to piss off. For nearly thirty years, despite the explosion in the share of sanitary textiles in household waste, and despite prevention as a priority, disposable diapers have not given way to washable diapers. While the prefiguration study of the future EPR sector for sanitary textiles has just begun, several obstacles remain, including the lack of national and local political support. More to read:
·?????? The development of packaging reuse represents a major challenge in the emergence of new solutions for the design, production, distribution, and consumption of packaging in France. It requires structural and societal transformations. At the same time, France has set targets for packaging reuse through its legislative framework, in particular in the horizon 2027. Therefore, ADEME, in consultation with stakeholders, has carried out a study on the potential for developing packaging reuse. For each sub-sector identified in the 3R strategy, the study establishes the current state of play in terms of existing and possible reuse methods and initiatives in place, then identifies the obstacles and levers to the development of reuse in logistical, technical, and regulatory terms, and with regard to consumers, in order to deduce an assessment of development potential. In any cases, developing packaging reuse requires the implementation of an appropriate action plan, both general and broken down by sub-sector. This plan must include the general development of standardized packaging and shared washing solutions, a major expansion of R&D into packaging and labeling methods, the massive deployment of consumer awareness raising and communication campaigns, and finally, the anticipation of necessary transformations in industrial and logistical structures. While regulatory, logistical, economic, and technical obstacles to reuse remain limiting factors for its large-scale development, and even make it incompatible with certain sectors, several levers are available or are being structured to support the transition. These levers can be specific to each sector, through innovation and industrial transformation, or can be mobilized across sectors, through collaboration, pooling and harmonization of practices. Implementing these actions is a prerequisite for achieving the packaging reuse development potential identified in this study, with two different time horizons: ? The short-term potential, set at 2027, is strongly conditioned by already operational packaging reuse, existing initiatives and solutions and their maturity level, and by the obstacles identified for each sub-sector. This assessment of potential, combined with a vision of the distribution of sales unit between sub-sectors, makes it possible to identify priority sectors for deploying the action plan and contributing to the achievement of the 10% target for reused packaging. ? The medium- to long-term potential is conditional on the implementation of prerequisites and sector-specific actions to be initiated by all stakeholders today. This time horizon will guide the sub-sectors in their sectoral work to develop packaging reuse. Although some sectors will be more advanced in packaging reuse than others, which face more technical and regulatory obstacles, almost all sectors have the potential to develop packaging reuse, which requires the rapid initiation of sectoral actions. The potentials for developing packaging reuse identified by the study are an initial estimate for the short and medium-long term. It is now up to the sectors to make the numbers their own and to examine them in greater depth, particularly in the context of drawing up 3R all-materials roadmaps, to further distinguish packaging reuse potential according to product type and range. More to read:
·?????? Introduced in 2010 into French regulations, the principle of adjusting financial contributions paid by producers as part of their Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations, or eco-contributions, aims to encourage the eco-design of products placed on the market. This adjustment of eco-contributions was initially implemented in the historical EPR schemes and has been gradually extended to the majority of active sectors. In 2020, EPR schemes reached a new milestone with the creation of eleven new sectors and the modification of the existing adjustment system to make it more incentivizing. The 2023 Overview of Adjustments in EPR Schemes provides a cross-sectional review of the adjustments in place across different sectors as of July 2023. More to read:
EU & Other countries
·?????? Almost 12% of materials in the EU came from recycling in 2023. This indicator is known as ‘circular material use rate’ or ‘circularity rate’, and it measures the contribution of recycled materials in the overall use of materials. More to read:
·?????? EPR textile operations begin In the Netherlands. Starting 1 January 2025, all domestic and international companies – retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and online suppliers – placing textiles on the Dutch market must comply with extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations and are financially responsible for managing textile waste. More to read:
·?????? Navigating Plastic Management: Tools for Government Action Planning. Plastic pollution is a significant global issue impacting ecosystems, livelihoods, and human health, prompting international efforts to create a legally binding instrument known as the Plastic Treaty. To address the scale and nature of plastic pollution and implement potential solutions, various stakeholders have developed numerous approaches, tools, methods, models, and information sources. These resources, including guidance documents, academic research, technical reports, decision support software, and publicly available data sets, cover a wide range of issues from assessing plastic pollution flows to evaluating policy solutions and financing. This report aims to inform national governments about key tools and toolkits specifically designed to help plan actions at the national level to combat plastic pollution. More to know:
·?????? Preparing for Compliance with California’s New Apparel/Textile Extended Producer Responsibility Requirements. California recently adopted the Responsible Textile Recovery Act (SB 707). This Act will establish an extended producer responsibility program for apparel and textile articles that will require designated producers to pay fees based on the volume of covered products sold in California and the environmental sustainability of those products. While many states have passed EPR legislation targeting packaging waste, the Act is the first EPR law in the United States specific to apparel and textiles. More to know:
·?????? the Council of the European Union adopted the recast Urban wastewater treatment directive. ?Of particular relevance to pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, the recast Directive will introduce new extended producer responsibility, obligations in respect of micropollutants from their products that end up in the urban wastewater stream. The Commission estimates that pharmaceutical and cosmetic residues represent the main source (90%)?of micropollutants found in urban wastewater requiring further treatment. The recast Directive therefore introduces the obligation to apply additional treatment (known as quaternary treatment) to urban wastewater in order to eliminate the broadest possible spectrum of micropollutants. Under the recast Directive, all urban wastewater treatment plants of 150,000 p.e.?and above must provide quaternary treatment by 2045, while plants over 10,000 p.e. may be mandated to provide quaternary treatment based on a risk assessment. At least 80% of the costs of such treatment will then be funded through the introduction of EPR obligations for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. More to read:
·?????? The Global Deposit Book 2024, now in its fifth edition, provides a comprehensive summary of the deposit return systems currently in place, including those scheduled to be implemented by the end of 2027. More to read:
·?????? Sustainable valorization of agricultural waste into bioplastic and its end-of-life recyclability for biochar production: Economic profitability and life cycle assessment. More to read:
·?????? Plastic to Oil: Japan's Revolutionary Recycling Technology. The impact of this technology goes far beyond Japan's borders. As countries try to combat the buildup of plastic waste, innovations like HICOP bring hope. The ability to turn plastic waste into usable fuel or raw materials for new plastics could significantly reduce the environmental impact of our plastic consumption. However, experts warn against taking an overly optimistic view. Dr. Akira Tanaka, an environmental scientist at the University of Tokyo, said: "This technology is promising, but it is not a silver bullet. We also need to focus on reducing our use of plastic and improving existing recycling methods. ? More to read:
·?????? EPA to update landfill air emissions rules in 2025; The U.S. EPA is soliciting comments?on a series of white papers regarding landfill management practices through Jan. 23, 2025, the agency announced in a release. The agency said it is looking for ways to “streamline, improve, and harmonize the current suite of emissions regulations” for municipal solid waste landfills. In eight white papers, the agency included a series of possible changes to its New Source Performance Standards and Emissions Guidelines for new and existing landfills. Those changes include adding an organic waste diversion credit, allowing a regular aerial monitoring program,?creating a methane emission threshold to trigger regulations for landfills and more. More to know:
·?????? Since April 2024, when the European Commission published the draft rule for calculating the carbon footprint of electric vehicle batteries, all the players in the sector have been in turmoil: manufacturers, professional associations, LCA specialists, ministries, etc. The German government has even written to the Commission asking for changes to the rule in question. Why such excitement about what should have been a technical document, the development of a simple "thermometer"? Because here two registers are mixed: the scientific register and the political register. From the outset of the approach, which was intended to be scientific and objective, it was specified that the carbon footprint that would be calculated would serve as a basis for the implementation of taxes and regulatory limits. A way of wanting to show that politics (what could be more political than taxation?) would somehow submit to science. That taxation would be objectified by the scientific approach that would have established its base. But the opposite happened. Since the beginning of the discussions, the positions of the actors have been guided by the benefit they expect from taking into account this or that parameter, from the adoption of this or that method. Politics has imposed itself in a playground that was not designed for it.? More to read:
·?????? STUDY ON THE VERTICAL INTEGRATION OF PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY ORGANISATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE MARKET. Vertical integration gives Producer Responsibility Organisations, at least theoretically, the ability and incentive to harm competitors in upstream and/or downstream markets by raising their prices through some form of refusal to supply, bundling of products, or leveraging—i.e. vertical foreclosure (input and/or customer). This allows the integrated entity to forgo some profits at one level of supply in order to may earn additional profits at a different level. This may result in rivals finding it more difficult to compete, either because they lose customers and/or forego economies of scale. ? Vertically-integrated entities also give rise to a concrete risk of information leakage. That is, the potential flow of commercially sensitive competitor information to the vertically-integrated entity’s competing subsidiary via its other subsidiary operating at a different level of supply. This can lead to an integrated Producer Responsibility Organisation having an unfair advantage. More to read:
·?????? In India, Proparco and GRP Limited are setting a new benchmark for sustainability in the tire recycling industry. Proparco has announced a €15 million line of credit to GRP Limited (GRP), a pioneer in India’s tire recycling industry and top tire recycler globally. This funding will fuel GRP’s expansion and accelerate its E&SG strategy, reinforcing its leadership in sustainability and decarbonising the tire industry. By advancing circular economy principles and driving sustainable manufacturing, GRP is setting the pace for a greener industry. More to read:
·?????? The Plastic Waste Management Framework. This comprehensive report by the Alliance, in collaboration with Roland Berger, offers insights into various policies and levers that countries can adopt to enhance recycling rates, strengthen waste management systems, and progress towards an improved circularity for plastics. More to read:
·?????? APR Releases New and Improved PCR Certification Program. Based on ISO Chain-of-Custody and Traceability standards, including requirements for elements of management systems to be in place and traceability through sales of product, the program covers all major types of plastic resin and can be used in any application of recycled content. The standard was written in coordination with RecyClass’s Audit Scheme for Recycled Plastics Traceability and associated modules to provide needed global harmonization and more efficient processing for multinational companies. More to read:
·?????? The optimum role of a Producer Responsibility Organization within an Extended Producer Responsibility System. PROs positioned outside the circular system, focused solely on financial contributions and therefore not having any influence on the operations like sorting and recycling, lack the ability to influence stakeholders to act optimally, potentially undermining the entire system's performance. This observation is substantiated by the findings of the European Commission's Early Warning Report. Countries with PROs that influence the packaging cycle, such as Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Italy, and Luxembourg, tend to outperform others in packaging management. Conversely, countries where PROs are limited to just reimbursing municipalities and/or waste management companies for their collection, sorting and processing activities without any real co-operation with sorting lines and/or recycling companies providing them any influencing possibilities, are likely to fall short of their 2025 (plastic) packaging recycling targets. More to read:
Fondateur chez ONG (EDDACI) éléphant Doré pour le Développement de l'agroforesterie en C?te d'Ivoire
2 个月Nous sommes en C?te d'Ivoire et nous avons besoin de partenaires pour un objet commun, car n?tre solution est la pratique de l'agroforesterie