Newsletter AgriBrasilis - May 27th
Nelson Füchter Filho?is the CEO of?Fever Mobilidade?and the Le Monde Group, with a degree in administration from the State University of Santa Catarina and a law degree from the Federal University of the State of Santa Catarina, with a postgraduate degree in finance from FGV and a specialization in business strategy from INSEAD.
AgriBrasilis – Why did you choose to sell electric vehicles for Brazilian farms?
Nelson Füchter –?The agricultural sector is perhaps the place that will most feel the positive effects of the electrification of fleets, which carry out the heavy work on farms.
With the advancement of technology, electric mobility in commercial vehicles is causing a revolution in the way these machines coexist with workers, the environment and, mainly, in the financial spreadsheets of companies that have fleets.?
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
Media Partner Event:?X Abisolo Fórum e Exposi??o?(June 06th and 07th, 2024 – Campinas, SP, Brazil)
"On June 5th and 6th, 2024, one of the biggest events in the Specialty Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Substrate Industry in Latin America will be held. The X Abisolo Fórum e Exposi??o is an environment for exchanging information, experiences and mainly for generating business for the entire value chain of the segment."
Argentine peso in the illegal market reached a record low on May 22nd, of 1280 pesos per dollar, mainly due to political tensions and slowdown in grain exports.?The difference between the official exchange rate and the illegal market has increased to almost 44%.?(Banco Central de la República Argentina)
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that his country has always placed Brazil among its diplomatic priorities and that?Beijing recognizes Brazil’s international status and influence. Statements were made during the Minister’s meeting with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s special advisor, former Chancellor Celso Amorim.?(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China)
The timber and forestry extractive market of Colombia?fell by 12.8% in the 1Q/2024. In 2023,?this market generated US$ 4 billion, representing 1.02% of GDP. The country has 28 Forestry Development Centers, with 4 million hectares of natural forests, and 7.5 million hectares considered “highly suitable for forestry plantations”.?(Federación Nacional de Industriales de la Madera FEDEMADERAS)
Study developed by the National University of Colombia identified the?bovine respiratory syncytial virus and the bovine respiratory virus, also known as bovine parainfluenza virus, as the main agents that cause respiratory problems in calves on dairy farms in the country. The first was detected in 25% of nasal samples collected from the tissue of 96 calves from dairy farms.?(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL)
Microsoft is financing a reforestation project?in the country, which involves an area of 10 thousand hectares, focused on carbon sequestration. The company announced that it will acquire 1.6 million carbon credits. Amount invested was not disclosed. Project is being developed by Ponterra, Rubicon Carbon and Carbon Streaming Corporation. (Microsoft)
Inspiratus Technologies announced the construction of the?first industrial biochar production plant?in Sullana, Piura region, Peru. “Biochar is a solution to improve soil quality and productivity… With this technology, Peru could regenerate and restore more than 2 million ha”, said Sebastiaan Saverys, CEO of the company.?(Inspiratus Technologies)
Michele Regina Lopes da Silva?is a plant protection researcher at the?Institute of Rural Development of Paraná?–?IDR-Paraná, collaborator of the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy of UEL/IDR-Paraná.
AgriBrasilis – Is the corn leafhopper problem getting worse in Brazil?
Michele Lopes da Silva –?The corn leafhopper?(Dalbulus maidis) is native to tropical regions, and is a cause for widespread concern in all corn farming regions in Brazil. This insect, in addition to sucking nutrients from plants, excretes a sugary substance that attracts other insects and encourages the growth of sooty mold [a dark-colored fungus], damaging photosynthesis. When the leafhopper eats, it can transmit pathogens responsible for the Corn Stunt Disease Complex.?
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
?Mauro Alberton is the new?Latin America?marketing and business development leader at Sumitomo Chemical Latin America.
BASF announces a?new product line?of bioadjuvants to optimize biological pesticides. “Adjuvants are chemical compounds that are safe to be used together with biological agents and that will improve the action of pesticides and biopesticide products, supporting a more sustainable agriculture”, according to Andre Karadi, marketing analyst at BASF for?South America.
Agroterrum, a company based in Santa Fe,?Argentina, carried out a “commercial tour” with its main customers in China, on a?technical visit to Rainbow Agro’s factories?in Qingdao and Weifang.
Researchers from INTA - Argentina?are performing research to adapt crops capable of metabolizing?phosphite (HPO3), an inorganic compound that may be capable of providing phosphorus to plants. Phosphite has a greater range and availability at different pH levels and less interaction with soil particles than phosphate (HPO4), which can mean greater agricultural efficiency. “It [phosphite] cannot be absorbed by plants”, said Feingold Sergio, research coordinator.
In the last 20 years, the?volume of agrochemical imports has increased fivefold in?Bolivia. In 2023, 152.6 thousand tonnes were imported. Santa Cruz is the department with the highest demand: it accounts for 96% of fungicides, 97% of herbicides and 90% of imported insecticides. (Fundación Tierra; Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade)
“Currently, through the application of the Andean rules (Decision No. 804 and Resolution No. 2075), it takes an average of 4 – 4.5 years to approve a registration after the request to the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service, and then to the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health”, according to Jorge Aranibar, president of the Association of Suppliers of Agricultural and Livestock Inputs, Goods and Services of?Bolivia.?“Registering a pesticide costs between US$ 8,000 and US$ 10,000”. (Aprisa)
In Brazil, the Fertilizer Purchasing Power Index?reached 0.99 in April of 2024. This represents a drop of 3% when compared to March. The?moment is favorable for purchasing the input, since the lower the indicator, the better the exchange ratio for the farmer. (The Mosaic Company; The Mosaic Company - Brasil)