Newsletter AgriBrasilis - March 28th
Ariel Antonio Mendes ?is the CEO of the?Foundation for the Support of Poultry Science and Technology –?FACTA,?a veterinarian graduated from the Federal University of Paraná, M.Sc. from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Ph.D. from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
The State of Paraná asked the Ministry of Agriculture to become an autonomous productive area.?What does that mean? What are the necessary steps?
Many health certificates negotiated with our importers mention the requirement of “country, zone or compartment free of Avian Influenza”. This means that, in case the virus enters Brazil, the Ministry of Agriculture will propose zoning, that is justifiable in view of the continental dimensions of the country.
The plan is outlined, but this will only occur after the onset of the disease. This zoning will probably be by Region or State. The United States did this for counties, that are regions equivalent to our municipalities. Mexico also has a free zone program, for example.
As for compartmentalization, today all genetic houses are compartmentalized. In the case of chicken production, only the Seara de Itapiranga unit in the state of Santa Catarina is compartmentalized.
What is the current scenario of the poultry sector? Why?
The broiler industry has been recovering from a severe crisis resulting from the increase in the cost of inputs, mainly corn and soybean meal. The egg sector is going through a good moment because the accommodations are adjusted.
On the other hand, chicken exports have been breaking records mainly because of the high demand from China. This is likely to continue for the next few months or even years if the Avian Influenza situation continues in the US and Europe.
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
Argentina:?Soybean?harvest?in the 2022/23?season?is estimated at 25 million tonnes, below the 29 million tonnes previously estimated. This?is?the?smallest? soybean?harvest in almost 25 years. Estimates for?2022/23 corn?harvest?were also reduced, reaching 36 million tonnes, compared to 37.5 million previously estimated, the worst corn harvest in seven years. (Buenos Aires Grain Exchange)
Agricultural emergency was declared until March?31st?in Buenos Aires?Province because of drought.?Tax benefits will be announced for farmers in the region. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Brazil:?Agricultural exports from the State of Minas Gerais totaled US$ 1.8 billion in the first two months?of 2023, reaching 1.4 million tonnes.?Recorded?value? during the two months is the second best result of the historical series, started in 1997, behind only the 2022 values. (Department of Agriculture of Minas Gerais)
National Supply Company – Conab confirms Edegar Pretto as president.?Pretto was state deputy for the State of Rio Grande do Sul in the last three legislatures. ( CONAB - Companhia Nacional do Abastecimento )
According to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture, the?Food Acquisition Program – PAA budget will be US$ 95.77 million?in 2023. PAA is a Federal program that aims to aid?family farming by stimulating the consumption of its production through purchases made by the government. (MDA)
Chile:?Confirmed?second case of avian influenza in industrial poultry, in commercial egg laying hens in the Maule region. “We want to insist with small farmers who have birds to lock them up. There are many vectors of contamination, and Andean countries have reported cases of avian flu. We must act with the utmost diligence for food security…” said Agriculture Minister Esteban Valenzuela. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Cesar Aldrighi ?is the president of the?National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform –?Incra, was secretary of agriculture and supply of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and has worked at Incra for 16 years.?Aldrighi?is an agronomist from Universidade Federal de Pelotas and specialist in cooperativism.
What are the relations between Incra and Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement – MST? What is the Institute’s position on land invasions?
We are open to dialogue with social movements, representative entities and other government entities. Recently, the Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture, Paulo Teixeira, reaffirmed obedience to the Constitution, that guarantees protection to private property while at the same time demanding compliance with the social function of property.
What is the agreement signed between Suzano, MST and Incra? Is the agreement being fulfilled in accordance with the parties?
Negotiations with Suzano were interrupted in 2016, with management changes in the municipality. At the present moment, Incra adopts measures to update the administrative processes instituted at the time for the appropriate technical and legal verifications.
The current management of Incra believes that the creation of settlements in the region is a measure that can mitigate existing conflicts between the company Suzano and the local population, in addition to collaborating for the development of the region.
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
ADAMA Brasil , Cropchem and Sumitomo Chemical Latin America request the voluntary?withdrawal of toxicological evaluation?of atrazine, glyphosate, carbendazim, and esfenvalerate + clothianidin.?( ANVISA )
Cropchem, Solus do Brasil and Macroseeds?went?to court?against Anvisa in order to speed up pesticide?toxicological evaluation:? bifenthrin (Macroseeds), chlorothalonil 720 g/L SC (Cropchem), and S-metolachlor 960 g/L EC (Solus) evaluations were approved. (Anvisa)
Herbicide and insecticide dealer was?fined?US$ 23.5 thousand?for?illegal?storage of?11,000 liters of pesticides?in Tacuru, State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Products were stored in?drums?without?risk warnings on the labels,?and?in an unprotected area.?(Environmental Military Police)
Biological pesticide sector?revenue?reached US$ 570 million in 2022. Sales of chemical pesticides reached US$ 15.37 billion, representing 96% of the market.?( Cogo Inteligência em Agronegócio ; Kynetec ; Kynetec Brasil )
Galvani Fertilizantes announces investments of?US$ 116.48 million in mining projects?to produce?fertilizers in the State of Bahia. Company will invest US$ 57.29 million in its phosphate mining facility, in the city of Irecê. It will also invest US$ 49.65 million in its industrial complex in Luís Eduardo Magalh?es and US$ 9.55 million in the city of Campo Alegre de Lourdes, where it produces phosphate rock.?(Grupo Galvani; Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral )
State of Paraná’s Government discusses?partnerships with Canada to increase fertilizer imports. Acting Governor, Darci Piana, met with the Consul General of Canada in S?o Paulo, Heather Cameron, to discuss investments. “We are happy with the development of the partnership with the Government of Paraná in recent years and we want to intensify this relationship with the technological development for agriculture…”, said Cameron.?(Government of Paraná State)
Luis Carlos Ribeiro Carlos Ribeiro?is the executive director of AENDA – Associa??o Nacional das Empresas de Produtos Fitossanitários , and member of the Council of the National Institute for Processing Empty Pesticide Packages.?Ribeiro?is an agronomist from the Federal and Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, master and specialist in plant protection from the Federal University of Vi?osa.
Is it possible to sell products without the respective State registrations?
No, the products are only released for sale after completing the product registration request.
How much does it cost to register a product in all States?
Fees are instituted in the States upon publication of a Law, and each one charges differently. There are States that set an annual amount. There are others in which the value is paid monthly. Having an approximate calculation for the month of January 2023, the sum for 24 States is approximately US$ 20.99 thousand. For the time being, there is no charge for this service in the State of S?o Paulo and the Federal District.
How long does it take for State registration approval?
It varies greatly, as there are States that receive the process via email, others, mainly in the Northeast, request that it be sent via Post Office. There are States that are very hard to contact, as they have a small staff of inspectors, and the infrastructure needs to be improved. Implementation of electronic systems to streamline processes is essential.
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)