Newsletter AgriBrasilis - January 9th
Carlos Alberto Tavares Ferreira ???? is the founder and CEO of?Carbon Zero, a consultancy specializing in energy and carbon emissions.
What is carbon sequestration and what is its relationship with agriculture?
Carbon sequestration refers to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, reducing its concentration to mitigate climate change.
In the context of agribusiness, sustainable practices, such as planting trees, soil management techniques, and crop rotation, can contribute to carbon sequestration. This is crucial as it helps offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with agriculture.
(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
Media Partner Event:?Fertilizer Latino Americano?(February 05th to 07th, 2024 – Miami, Florida, USA)
"Fertilizer Latino Americano brings together fertilizer professionals in Latin America at a crucial time of the year for the market to network, negotiate, and learn about the new trends and opportunities. This leading event regularly attracts?700+ stakeholders?from over?50 countries, representing over?360 organisations." ( Argus Media ; CRU )
Argentina:?Soybean sowing reaches 78.6% of the planned area, with the remaining area located mainly in the north of the agricultural region. The cultivation condition is considered predominantly Normal/Excellent, and 10% of the planted area is at the beginning of the reproductive stage. Corn sowing, in turn, reached 69.9% of the planned area, however, the southeast and southwest regions are suffering from the impact of adverse weather events, such as hail. (Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange)
Brazil:? StoneX Brasil reduces the estimate of?Brazilian soybean production to 152.8 million tonnes?in the 2023/24 harvest, ruling out the possibility of a record harvest, since the 2022/23 harvest produced 157.7 million tonnes. The previous estimate was 161.9 million tonnes, and was reduced due to the lack of rain in much of the country’s producing region. (StoneX)
Marfrig Global Foods increased its?shareholding in BRF, reaching 50% of the company’s capital. According to Marfrig, the objective of the acquisition is only to increase shareholding, without changing the current composition of control or the company’s administrative structure. There were no contracts or agreements regulating the right to vote or the purchase and sale of securities issued by BRF. (Marfrig; BRF )
It is expected that Brazil surpasses the USA in cotton exports. The cultivation of the 2023/24 harvest in Brazil will likely be encouraged by delays in soybean sowing, which should maintain the large domestic surplus in 2024 and part of 2025. This scenario, together with lower supply from the US, should lead Brazil to overtake the competing country, becoming the third largest producer and the largest exporter of cotton lint in the world in 2024. ( Centro de Estudos Avan?ados em Economia Aplicada (CEPEA) )
Colombia:?Colombia handed over and formalized?1.4 million hectares of rural properties to peasant families?by December 2023 through the agrarian reform, benefiting more than 60 thousand families. 200 thousand hectares were also acquired to be handed over to peasant and ethnic families who do not own land. (ANT; SAE)
Sergio Raposo de Medeiros?is a researcher at the?Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation –? Embrapa and a specialist in animal nutrition.?Raposo?is an agronomist, M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the “Luiz de Queiroz” Higher School of Agriculture.
Is Animal Welfare the main demand from consumers today? And what is the livestock farmer’s perception?
Regarding consumer demands, in general, the main one is that the price should be affordable. The demand for Animal Welfare is a growing concern, but it tends to occur more among consumers when food is less of a burden on their budget.
Even though Animal Welfare is not the biggest concern for consumers, there is at least one study that shows that, if the consumer is aware that production involves animal suffering, this would be enough for them to stop buying a certain product.
Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)
Biobest announced the completion of the acquisition of Biotrop,?contributing to the company’s plan to be among the top10 global agritechs by 2034. According to the contract signed in September, the company acquired around 85% of the shares based on the company’s value of US$ 571.3 million, and the remaining 15% will be acquired after a three-year transition period. Between the signing and completion of the acquisition, Biobest had a capital increase of US$ 387.6 million to finance the transaction, with the participation of its former shareholders, such as Sofina, and new shareholders, such as Tikehau Capital, M&G Investments , Unigrains and Sofiprotéol and Floridienne. (Biobest)
Syngenta Crop Protection launched an acaricida?insecticide for corn and soybean, based on the?active ingredient isocicloseram, from the chemical group of isoxazolines. ( Syngenta )
Federal deputy Pedro Lupion , president of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front, announced he?will seek to overturn the vetoes in Bill 14785, which expedites pesticide registration in Brazil. The law was sanctioned last week, with 14 vetoes by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. “An issue that was discussed for more than 20 years in the National Congress, which had almost unanimous approval in the Senate and which President Lula, in a demonstration of total disrespect for Parliament and a predilection for playing with his fans rather than actually fulfilling his obligation, vetoes the main sections”, said the deputy. (Pedro Lupion; Frente Parlamentar da Agropecuária (FPA) )
The?Argentine?Association of Direct Seeding Farmers releases?recommendations taking into account that more and more municipalities are restricting?the use of chemical inputs, such as herbicides?to control weeds. “Peri-urban areas constitute a challenge in the development of productive activities”, highlights the association.?The recommendations, then, are some practices that can help farmers in these areas to deal with weeds without resorting to pesticides and soil preparation, such as service crops, which compete with weeds for resources, in addition to techniques such as mechanical drying and use of biodiversity borders.( Aapresid )
After four years of delay due to the pandemic, the Association of Hass Avocado Farmers and Exporters of?Peru?(ProHass) was granted the?registration of 17 of the 21 pesticides?it requested from the National Agrarian Health Service ( Senasa ). Products are acaricides, fungicides, insecticides and growth regulators that are constantly needed in Hass avocado cultivation. By mid-January 2024, the four pending registrations are expected to be obtained, and ProHass hopes to put the 21 products on sale in the call for proposals it plans to hold in February 2024. (ProHass; Senasa)?