Newsletter AgriBrasilis - February 28th

Newsletter AgriBrasilis - February 28th

China May Buy Up to 5 Million Tonnes of Brazilian Corn in 2023

paulo molinari ?is the director of the agricultural consultancy Safras & Mercado ?and a senior consultant specializing in the corn and meat segments.

Molinari?is an economist from the Federal University of Paraná and has a postgraduate degree in agribusiness from FAE.

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Will China continue with the current pace of Brazilian corn purchases in the second half? Why?

China will use Brazil as a competitive point in relation to US corn. Until 2022, China practically bought corn only from Ukraine and the US.

Now, with a better sanitary agreement between China and Brazil, the doors are wide open for China. Also, Brazilian corn is well accepted throughout the global market.

China will indeed participate in the Brazilian market, acquiring something between 2 and 5 million tonnes of corn in 2023.

However, we must remember that when China buys Brazilian corn, it reduces demand for US corn, and this drops prices on the Chicago Board of Trade – CBOT. This is important because prices in Brazil are set by the CBOT.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

Overview by AgriBrasilis (02/18 - 02/24)

Argentina:?National Institute of Agricultural Technology developed a? pesticide detector to carry out measurements in protected areas.?“The equipment is a high-volume air sampler,?that?is able to measure pesticides. It works for pesticides in the vapor phase and particulates. The equipment collects air samples with a suction pump and this air goes?through specific filters that allow the capture of pesticides”, said Mariela Seehaus , INTA researcher. (INTA)

Brazil:?BNDES suspends nine rural credit program lines?claiming a high level of resource commitment. Small farmers will be the worst affected, since most of the suspended lines are from the Family Farming Strengthening Program. Rural credit?release?reached approximately US$ 43.3 billion in seven months of the current harvest plan. ( BNDES )

President Lula da Silva declared that US$ 83.56 million will be allocated to areas affected by drought in the?State of Rio Grande do Sul.?The economic loss caused by drought in soybean farms in the region during the 2022/23 harvest was estimated at US$ 5.51 billion.?Brazil may not reach the?record?harvest?of over?150 million tonnes, widely expected by the market, if the rains in February are not enough for the partial recovery of the plants. (Federal Government)?

Colombia:?Recorded?6,515 cases of pesticide poisoning in 2022, compared to 6,159 cases in 2021. A report by the INS indicates that pesticides rank third among the products that most cause intoxication in the country, behind drugs and psychoactive substances. (National Institute of Health)

Losses of Over US$ 579 Million for the Sugar-Ethanol Sector

Evandro Gussi ?is the president and CEO of the?Brazilian Sugarcane Industry and Bioenergy Association – UNICA , was a federal deputy for the State of S?o Paulo and inspector of the Chamber of Deputies.

UNICA?is an entity dedicated to providing clean, renewable and natural energy in the form of sugar, biofuels, bioelectricity and biomass.

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What is the Provisional Measure (MP) No. 1,157? What are its effects on the sugar-ethanol sector?

MP No. 1,157 reduces to zero the contribution rates for the federal taxes on gross revenue, PIS/PASEP and Cofins, levied on operations carried out with ethanol and gasoline until February 28th, and other products until the end of the year. In practice, this measure maintains a gasoline subsidy policy implemented by the Bolsonaro government, that favors fossil fuel over renewable fuel, considered by consumers as substitutes.

The measure is inconsistent with Brazil’s commitment to the environmental agenda, reinforced at COP27 - UN Climate Change Conference , in Egypt, and at the World Economic Forum , at Davos. From an economic perspective, the losses for the sugar-ethanol sector are around US$ 579 million in two months, directly impacting the entire sugar-ethanol chain, that has invested heavily in research and development to increase productivity, offering a product lined up with the country’s decarbonization goals in view of international agreements to face the climate crisis.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

Brasil Agrochemical Update – 02/22/2023

拜耳 ?must?deposit US$ 250 million in court?to?soybean farmers.? Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Nunes Marques, denied the claims?from? Monsanto Technology LLC . and Monsanto do Brasil Ltda. , both Bayer Crop Science companies, against the decision of the State of Mato Grosso Court of Justice. The Court ordered the deposit of one-third of the?amount?of royalties related to soybean varieties containing Intacta RR2 Pro technology. ( Aprosoja Brasil ; Federal Supreme Court)

Representatives of chemical industry from Egypt visit Brazil in June 2023 to?meet with?Brazilian importers, with emphasis on the fertilizer trade. (ANBA)

Price of potassium chloride continues to accumulate the highest increase among the main imported?fertilizers?in?Brazil.?In 2022, potassium chloride?share was?35.3% of the total amount spent by the country on?fertilizer purchase, that?reached US$ 24.74 billion, of which?US$ 8.74 billion was potassium chloride. This is the main imported?fertilizer, followed by urea, that in 2022 accounted for 18.0% of the total imported, equivalent to US$ 4.46 billion. (Cepea)

Illegal pesticides represent 25% of the market?and cause losses of US$ 3.87 billion per year in Brazil.?( CropLife Brasil )



