Newsletter Agribrasilis - February 24th

Newsletter Agribrasilis - February 24th

Appreciation of the Peso and the Grain Market in Argentina

“The appreciation of the peso caused costs to exceed revenues, reducing profit margins…”

Carlos A. Pouiller?is the founding partner of?AZ Group?consulting firm.?Pouiller?is an agronomist, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

Media Partner Event:?Agrishow (April 28th to May 2nd, 2025 – Ribeir?o Preto, SP, Brazil)

Agrishow is the biggest and most important agricultural technology trade show in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. It is the only trade show that brings together agricultural solutions for all types of crops and property sizes and it is recognized as the leading showcase for the main technological trends and innovations in agribusiness.

In addition to presenting innovation, new technologies and best practices in field handling techniques, Agrishow also plays an important role in developing the agricultural industry by providing a prosperous environment for doing business, making connections and driving the evolution of agribusiness in Brazil.

Overview by AgriBrasilis (02/15/25 – 02/21/25)

SynTech Research Group nominates?Mariano Battista?as global seeds and traits leader

Agricultural exports in Argentina exceeded US$ 48.37 billion?in 2024, 25%?up?on the previous year. (Fundación Fada)

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock created the?National Program for Modernization and Support of Agricultural Production, aiming to modernize the sector, increase?agriculture?productivity, and reduce regional inequalities. (Ministerio da Agricultura)

Tether Investments,?a?blockchain company, has?proposed buying a majority?stake in Adecoagro for $12.41 per stock, after investing?U$100 million in the company in September 2024. It currently holds 19.4% of the stocks. The bioenergy multinational’s board is evaluating the offer. (BTG Pactual)

Raízen stocks?increased 3.39% to $0.32, despite a net?loss of US$ 444 million?in?the?Q32025, a 21% drop in Ebitda, and higher-than-expected cash burn; XP Inc., Itaú BBA, and BTG Pactual recommend buying, with target prices of US$ 0.76, US$ 0.78, and US$ 1.21, respectively, projecting gains of up to 295.5%.

Santiago del Carril is the new General Manager of ADBlick Granos. The CEO, Jose A. Demicheli, highlighted Santiago’s importance in facing the global and local challenges of the agricultural sector and expanding the company’s operations.

The State of Mato Grosso leads the certification?of Responsible Brazilian Cotton (ABR) in the 2023/24 season, with 2.12 million tonnes (69.93% of the national total) across 284 farms in 49 municipalities. Certified production in Brazil reached 3.04 million tonnes (82.84% of the season). (Abrapa - Associa??o Brasileira dos Produtores de Algod?o)

Coopercitrus will invest US$ 17.6 million in an industrial complex?in Ara?atuba, in the State of S?o Paulo, Brazil.

Bancolombia has opened applications for the En-Campo program for?innovative agricultural projects in Colombia, offering mentoring and acceleration. Since 2019, the program has invested more than US$5 billion in 230 businesses.

Maximum alert was declared after an?H5N1 avian flu case?in Maipú, Chaco, Argentina, 200 km from the Paraguay border. (senacsa)

Lemon exports?in Peru in January 2025 grew by 43% in volume, totaling 7,322 tonnes, and 53% in value, reaching US$ 7.98 million. The average price was US$ 1.09 per kilogram, reflecting a 7.2% increase compared to the same period last year.?(Fresh Fruits Company)

Uruguay increased its?beef exports to Japan?by 26% in 2024, totaling 10,000 tonnes. (INAC Uruguay)

Prolesa, private company belonging to the National Cooperative of Milk Farmers – CONAPROLE, announced a?division of US$ 4.3 million to Conaprole cooperative members.

President of the Cattle Consignors Association, Otto Fernández Nystr?m, has spoken out?against the deal between Marfrig Global Foods and Minerva Foods, which would give Minerva around 40% of the country’s slaughter capacity. (ACG)

Now is a Good Time to Invest in Cocoa Farming in Brazil

“The cocoa cultivation area in Bahia has expanded significantly, especially in non-traditional regions…”

Moisés Schmidt?is a farmer, owner of?Schmidt Agrícola, president of the Association of Farmers and Irrigators of the State of Bahia.?Schmidt Agrícola?recently announced that it will invest US$ 47.29 million to expand cocoa farming in the western region of Bahia.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website

Crop Protection and Nutrition – Weekly Update Brazil & Latin America (02/13/24 – 02/19/25)

In compliance with?court rulings, ANVISA approves in Brazil the toxicological evaluation?of Acetamiprid 725 g/kg WG from BIORISK; Lambda-cyhalothrin 240 g/kg WG from SM Agrocare; Fluroxypyr-meptyl 115 g/L ME from Bra Defensivos Agricolas; Flumioxazin 500 g/L SC from PROREGISTROS; and Glufosinate – ammonium salt 880 g/kg SG from Solus do Brasil.

Roberto Levrero,?president of the Brazilian Association of Plant Nutrition Technology Industries and leader of the Agricultural Inputs Thematic Chamber, has taken up the post of Inputs Director at FIESP’s Agribusiness Department. (ABISOLO)

Use of pesticides in the State of Maranh?o has?increased?191.5%?since 2013 (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis - Ibama)

Yara International Fertilizers has announced the?gradual suspension of production of phosphate fertilizers and sulphuric acid?at its Cubat?o and Paulínia plants, in the State of S?o Paulo.

The largest seizure of counterfeit soybean seeds ever recorded?in Brazil happened after the Court of Justice of S?o Paulo decided?the seizure of 1,405.8 tonnes of seeds in Santiago, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The suspicion was the seeds would be sold illegally, amounting to the crime of counterfaiting. Estimated value of the cargo reaches US$ 3.43 million. Lawsuit was filed by CropLife Brasil.

Federal University of the Southern Frontier (UFFS - Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul) obtained its second?green patent with a biosensor that detects glyphosate in water. UFFS has 16 patents under review at INPI.

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ - Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz) is?debating the excessive?pesticide?use in Brazil?after China suspended soybean imports due to contamination. Brazil is the world’s largest consumer of pesticides, with companies like Cargill and ADM Agriculture Ltd among the biggest users of these substances.

Study by the Institute for Consumer Defense?analyzed 27 ultraprocessed foods?and?identified?pesticides in 59.3% of the samples, with glyphosate present in seven products in Brazil. (Idec - Instituto de Defesa de Consumidores)

Since 2006?Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil (Ministerio da Agricultura) has approved 4216 generic pesticide registrations. 10 companies have 44,95% of the total approvals. (AllierBrasil)

Nairo Pi?a Rojas is the new president of Sumitomo Chemical Latin America for?Latin America.

13th report of the?National Monitoring Network for?Dalbulus maidis?recorded an increase in the presence of the corn leafhopper in 410 locations in?Argentina?from January 24th to February 7th, 2025. (Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres)

Agricultural unions in?Peru?are rejecting congressmen’s attempt to repeal the moratorium on GMOs (Law 29.811), which is in force until 2035. They call on Congress to?respect international agreements and defend a GMO-free agricultural model. (Convención Nacional del Agro Peruano - Conveagro)

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

