Newsletter AgriBrasilis - December 9th

Newsletter AgriBrasilis - December 9th

Why Are Soybean Prices Increasing in Brazil?

Matheus Pereira is the founder of?Pátria Agronegócios, a consulting firm specialized in soybeans and corn.?Pereira?has a degree in agronomy at the Federal University of Goiás and agribusiness at Western Illinois University, with an MBA from Edinburgh Business School.

AgriBrasilis – Why are trading companies having difficulty with grain origination?

Matheus Pereira –?In terms of origination of available grains, the Central region of Brazil is experiencing a shortage. There is no product available to be traded on demand. Demand exists, but supply is restricted.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

Media Partner Event:??Agro en Punta (February 05th to 07th, 2025 – Punta del Este, UY)

“Agro en Punta Expo & Business is an innovative business integration platform for Uruguay's agro-industrial and agro-export sectors.

It aims to promote national and international exchange, addressing new trends in world markets and highlighting the country's productive differential, showcasing the active work being done in Uruguay and the region, promoting sustainability, and the adoption of new technologies.”

Overview by AgriBrasilis (11/30/24 - 12/06/24)

Governo Federal of Brazil has announced?investments of US$ 90.4 billion for the agro-industry, with?US$ 6.81 billion in public credit until 2026. Other funding will come from institutions such as the National Development Bank, CAIXA, FINEP, Banco do Nordeste, Banco da Amaz?nia and Embrapii.?(MDIC)

Rice prices decreased by 14%?in November in Brazil, closing at US$ 16.90 per 50 kg bag. (Centro de Estudos Avan?ados em Economia Aplicada (CEPEA))

Chilean government has?announced a plan for 40,000 km of firebreaks, but lack of technical support from governors makes it difficult to implement effective preventive measures. (Ministry of Public Works)

Beef exports have increased in Paraguay, reaching annual highs and record values.?Up to November, exports totaled 319 thousand tonnes, an increase of 12%, with revenues exceeding US$ 1.589 billion. Chile is the main destination market (36%), followed by Taiwan (11%), Brazil (9%), the US and Israel (8% each).?(senacsa)

Fertilization, Deficiencies and Nitrogen Metabolism in Soybeans

Lílian Angélica Moreira ?is a postdoctoral researcher, has a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in plant nutrition from the?University of S?o Paulo. Her postdoctoral research is focused on the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers associated with bioinputs.

AgriBrasilis – To what extent does nitrogen fertilization in soybeans harm biological fixation?

Lílian Angélica Moreira –?High doses of nitrogen (N) at the beginning of soybean development reduce nodulation. Therefore, in general, only a starter fertilization is recommended, that is, approximately 30 kg/ha of N when sowing. This N will be responsible for meeting the crop’s demand until Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) is established. Another point is the foliar application of N, a practice about which there are still many doubts in the available research.

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)

Crop Protection and Nutrition – Weekly Update Brazil & Latin America (11/28/24 – 12/04/24)

Report released on November 28th?by Emater/RS-Ascar provides an?overview of citrus production in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In Erechim?city,?citrus farmers?have carried out treatments to reduce fruit drop, although flower drop is still a concern. In Santa Rosa?city, most?varieties are in the fruit formation and growth?stage, but the incidence of aphids and leafminers remains high in several areas, and farmers are spraying with bioinputs and sprays to control cochineal and aphids.?(EMATER-RS/ASCAR; Secretaria da Agricultura - SEAPI/RS)

National Association for the Promotion and Innovation of the Biological Industry – Anpii Bio offers, free of charge and online,?a course on Biological Nitrogen Fixation. “More efficient strains in N fixation and consortium with other beneficial microorganisms are examples of trends we observed to increase the amount of nitrogen fixed in crops. An example of a successful consortium is the coinoculation of?Bradyrhizobium?with?Azospirillum?in soybean crops”, highlights Solon Cordeiro de Araujo, founding advisor of the Association.?(ANPII Bio)

AgroGalaxy filed a Bankruptcy Protection plan on December?2nd. The plan provides for full payment, without any discounts, of values owed to suppliers, labor creditors and farmers.?The document was presented within the legal deadline of 60 days and brings especially favorable conditions for strategic suppliers and farmers.?“The Bankruptcy Protection plan brings together the payment conditions that ensure the viability of operational continuity, resulting in the financial recovery of the company to comply with the plan and honor its obligations with creditors”, stated Eron Martins, CEO of AgroGalaxy, who took over command after the departure of Axel Labourt and five advisors during the crisis. (AgroGalaxy)

First occurrences of?soybean?Asian rust?in commercial crops?in the 2024/25 season were recorded on November?26th?in the State of S?o Paulo. Notifications came from areas in the municipalities of Itaberá and Itapetininga, identified by technicians from the companies Sipcam Nichino and G12 Agro.?According to researcher Claudia Vieira Godoy, from Embrapa Soybean, the occurrence of Asian rust between the end of November and the beginning of December is considered normal, but continuous attention from soybean farmers is necessary. “Soybean diseases are one of the main factors that limit the grain’s productivity potential”.?(Embrapa Soja)

Mexican?Union of Agrochemical Manufacturers and Formulators organizes the Webinar Program: “Maximizing plant growth through the use of seaweed and amino acids” on December 4th, 11th?and 18th. The Institution also promoted, on December 3rd, a training event on “Management of Foliar Nutrition and Biostimulants in Citrus & Responsible Use of Phytosanitary Inputs”.?(UMFFAAC)

(Access the full article on the?AgriBrasilis?website)



