Newsletter #5 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #5 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Welcome to Newsletter #5 of Microsoft No Code / Low Code

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Worth reading

[SharePoint] A summary of February's announcements and news from the world of SharePoint. As usual in the form of an article and podcast episode. I wrote about most of it last week, but I particularly recommend the SharePoint Advances Management plugin. It's sure to come in useful in any major organization: Microsoft SharePoint Roadmap Pitstop February 2023 plus companion The Intrazone podcast episode?

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By the?way,?there?is?also?a?section?of?related?technologies?in the?article, and in?it?I?found?this?feature:?

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Automatically leaving a virtual hand at a meeting. Teams will do it themselves as soon as the person speaks. For me, the bomb!?

[Teams] If you are faced with the task of deploying a larger number of teams and its members in bulk, then be sure to take a look at this (DTAS): Rapidly deploy Microsoft Teams at scale to empower your frontline workforce - Microsoft Community Hub. In short: PowerShell to the rescue!?

[Power Platform] Pipelines gain GA (Generally Available) status! This is the easiest (in configuration and operation) way to implement ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) in Power Platform. I strongly recommend that you take an interest in this feature: Pipelines in Power Platform is Generally Available (GA) | Microsoft Power Apps??

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In the article, the most interesting section is the one dedicated to features yet to be planned. It looks very interesting, as you will find scheduled deployments, the possibility of extending pipelines or their integration with Azure DevOps and GitHub.?

[Whiteboard] Buried at the end of an article on news from across the M365 ??Whiteboard will get a timer control - sure to come in handy during larger meetings: From AI in Teams Premium to updates for Viva—what's new in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft 365 Blog?

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By the way, new templates (e.g. SWOT analysis) will be available in Whiteboard at the end of March. It remains to keep our fingers crossed for further product development ???

[Viva] I've been spending a lot of time lately on various issues related to building knowledge bases in a Microsoft 365 environment, and I recommend a short recording that deals with this very topic. Starring: Viva Topics! Building your knowledge sharing culture for Viva Topics - Spring Series 2023?

[Power Platform] Matthew Devaney with another portion of good practice and hints. This time on the topic of DLP policies for Power Platform environments. Do your environments have a DLP in use? If not, I strongly recommend you read with understanding and implement: 8 Power Platform DLP Policy Best Practices (


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