Newsletter #5 | Green Jobs & Skills

Newsletter #5 | Green Jobs & Skills

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Nelson Lage, EnR President 2022

Green Jobs & Skills

As stressed in REPowerEU, the current challenges Europe is facing makes a fast energy transition ever more essential, which creates an unbalance of skills in the job market. The European Commission Skills Agenda acknowledges the importance of addressing the lack of green skills for a competitive and socially fair economy that responds to the climate crisis.?With 2023 being the European Year of Skills, the discussion on green jobs&skills for the energy transition becomes even more important. Energy Agencies must be proactive in this field as adequate skills and professionals in the energy sector are essential to meet the goals agencies strive for. The EnR study on Green Jobs & Skills, developed under ADENE’s Presidency of EnR, addresses this issue and highlights current best practices and challenges across the EnR network, showcasing how energy agencies can support public policy, anticipating market needs, developing instruments to attract talent and promoting cross sectorial knowledge.

EnR Presidency 2022?

With the handover of the EnR Presidency to dena, it is time for an overview on the results achieved during ADENE’s Presidency.?In line with its existing cooperation strategy, ADENE implemented an ambitious agenda with the aim of accelerating the energy and digital transition of the European Union. As I stated at the handover, "We must move from words and promises to actions, rapidly transforming our industries and buildings, investing in new technologies and sharing knowledge", and this is what the Portuguese presidency sought to do, promoting dialogue in five thematic areas - energy poverty, renewable energy communities, water-energy nexus, green jobs & skills and international cooperation - based on transversal axes of digitalization, territory and youth engagement.

2022 was a very active year for the network with several successes achieved. As far as technical work is concerned, surveys were launched to produce five reports on the topics mentioned, addressing, among others, the role of energy agencies. The Portuguese presidency also invested in the communication and dissemination of EnR's work, namely with the creation of new social media channels, the renovation of the website, the creation of the EnR newsletter, and the organization and participation in more than 15 international events. All these results exemplify the capacity and added value of our network to find solutions to accelerate the energy transition, addressing the current energy crisis. ADENE leaves the presidency with a sense of mission accomplished, having proved this value on a global stage.

Nelson Lage , EnR President 2022

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Kristina Haverkamp, EnR President 2023

EnR Presidency 2023

It is a great pleasure that dena, the German Energy Agency, has the opportunity to take over the EnR presidency for 2023. We are taking up this role in times of major changes in international energy policy. Around the globe, we have all experienced an energy crisis of historic proportions and had to adapt our policies.?

From our point of view, the experience with the current energy crisis makes the cooperation within the EnR network even more important as we are facing great challenges. For the coming years, we need an energy policy in Europe that is less based on imports of fossil fuels from a few suppliers, but instead focuses on a diverse network of partnerships for the joint development of critical value chains, risk management on the global energy markets, and trade in renewable energies and climate-neutral goods.

There is much ahead of us in these tasks, and I believe that the EnR network can contribute to this work. After all, during the crisis we have seen once again how important reducing energy demand and promoting energy savings are as policy instruments. The importance of this field of action will continue to play a crucial role in the transformation of energy systems in the future.?Another aspect that will certainly occupy us in Europe in the future is the question of how we diversify and make more robust the value and supply chains for our European energy transition. This involves diversified access to the key segments of the value and supply chains that are essential for a fast and well-managed energy transition, such as production capacities for key components of renewable energy systems.

Close European cooperation is essential in this area as well. We believe that the EnR network is a suitable platform to discuss these topics and therefore want to make them the focus of our presidency.?

Kristina Haverkamp , EnR President 2023

Managing Director at Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

Opinion | Miguel Fontes , Portuguese Secretary of State for Employment

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Miguel Fontes, Portuguese Secretary of State for Employment

Green Jobs and Skills: pivotal investment for the future of the country

The profound transformations in the labour market in recent years have made professional training and qualification key elements to respond to the challenges of the future of work.?And one of the biggest challenges, which is changing the way we produce and consume, is climate change. The decarbonization of the economy imposes the adoption of greener and more sustainable models and practices that are absolutely essential and that will not be achieve without an active, qualified and trained population.

Through the RRF, we have earmarked about 149 million euros for training, which includes professional training and lifelong reskilling of workers in sectors that are in discontinuity, and also the reskilling for areas of technological modernization, so that those who are unemployed have better chances for employability with training solutions with a view to upskill and reskill in emerging areas, namely in the areas related with Green and Digital Transitions, and the Care Economy.

We recently presented the Green Skills & Jobs initiative that aims to prepare professionals with qualified training to rise to the challenge that decarbonization poses. We have signed a protocol for the creation of the Professional Training Centre for the Energy Transition, involving the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP), the Portuguese Energy Agency (ADENE), and the Portuguese Association of Renewable Energies (APREN).

This Centre aims to help companies adapt to a green economy by retraining and (re)skilling workers, promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy with quality employment and adjusting the supply of labour to the challenges of the future.

Therefore, in the European Year of Skills in 2023, professional training and qualification in this area becomes even more important. Not only to value the work developed at the level of training and the improvement of qualifications, but also to give a new impetus to lifelong learning, empowering the trainees to contribute to the ecological and digital transitions, supporting the innovation and competitiveness of our country.

Miguel Fontes, Portuguese Secretary of State for Employment

Interview | Stefan Olsson, Deputy Director-General Jobs, Skills and Social Policies, DG EMPL

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Stefan Olsson, Deputy Director-General Jobs, Skills and Social Policies, DG EMPL, European Commission

With 2023 being the European Year of Skills, and given that the current energy and climate crisis are sound reasons to accelerate the energy transition, how is the European Commission working to reduce the gap between the existing workforce skills and the needed green skills??

We are trying to promote a mindset of upskilling and reskilling among the population and encourage relevant actors to step up efforts in this area. This also applies to skills for the green transition. One of the most powerful tools at our disposal to support Member States is EU-funding, with instruments such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the European Social Fund Plus. Another example is the recent proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act, which plans the creation of Net-Zero Industry Academies in strategic industries such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal technologies and renewable hydrogen technologies. The European Year offers a great opportunity for the EU to make all actors aware of the available tools as well as for all interested parties to showcase their own practical initiatives to put skills first.

What role can national energy agencies play in making education and skills accessible to all?

It is important that all relevant stakeholders, including national energy agencies, help identify the skills in demand and also get involved in the design and delivery of training in their areas of expertise. At EU level we are encouraging this through the Pact for Skills, which promotes coordinated action by companies, workers, public authorities, social partners, education and training providers and employment services in key industrial ecosystems, such as offshore and onshore renewable energy.?
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EnR Presidency 2022 comes to an end

ADENE - Agência para a Energia took over the presidency of the European Energy Network on 16 February 2022, and its mandate ran until 28 March 2023, with the support of EnR Troika Plus 2022, composed of the agencies from France (ADEME), Germany (German Energy Agency (dena)) and the Netherlands (Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)), which held or will hold the presidency (2021, 2023, 2020, respectively).

The Portuguese presidency has invested in the promotion of five thematic areas - energy poverty, renewable energy communities, water-energy nexus, international cooperation and green jobs & skills - based on transversal axes of digitalization, territory and youth. In each of these areas, ADENE stimulated the debate, highlighting the role of energy agencies in promoting advances on these issues.

The?EnR Presidency 2022?report details all the activities developed by the network during ADENE’s mandate, in a period of strong geopolitical and energy market instability.

Find out more in the EnR website.

Dinner-debate with DG-ENER in Lisbon

Closing the Portuguese Presidency year, EnR hosted a dinner-debate on March 30th, on the occasion of the visit to Portugal of the Director-General for Energy of the European Commission, Ditte Juul J?rgensen.

The debate on “Long-term solutions to the energy crisis” gathered high-level representatives of the energy sector, from public authorities to sectoral and consumer associations, as well as businesses,?on a discussion around the?ongoing reforms of key aspects of the EU electricity market.

For Nelson Lage, President of ADENE, Portuguese Energy Agency, in his last appointment as President of EnR, “the big issue in Europe today is energy security. It is urgent to invest in new technologies for the production and storage of renewable energy so that it is possible to shut down the fossil fuel dependent infrastructure.”?

Find out more in the EnR website.

EnR at UN Water Conference 2023

On #worldwaterday2023, last March 22, and throughout that week,?EnR, was present at the UN Water Conference 2023, representing the recently approved Working Group (WG) on Water-Energy Nexus.

At a side event at UN Headquarters in New York City, Nelson Lage, the President of EnR and ADENE, Portuguese Energy Agency, highlighted the importance of partnerships and cooperation between water and energy professionals, and EnR’s commitment to the Water-Energy Nexus, with the formal creation of a new WG in the network. In fact, the creation of this WG on Water-Energy Nexus was formally submitted as EnR’s commitment to the UN Water Action Agenda. The Chair of the new WG,?Filipa Newton, also spoke at the side event on the activities the EnR is developing and on ADENE’s water efficiency rating AQUA+ and its combined potential for water and energy savings.

Find out more in the EnR website.

Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe | Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities

Under ADENE's presidency, EnR?developed a study on policy and the current status of energy poverty, with a focus on the facilitating role of energy agencies as enabling agents in the context of renewable energy communities and combating energy poverty, the effectiveness of current policy measures including strategies for fair renewable energy access, and financing mechanisms considering special emergency measures due to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine.

The study was presented in the webinar “Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities” on March 14th. Full study available in the EnR website.?

Smart Finance for the Water-Energy Nexus

Water efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus are key contributors to reach EU decarbonization targets. Financing mechanisms are cornerstone to achieve much needed water and energy savings through water and energy nexus (WEN) improvement measures in buildings and cities.

Under ADENE's presidency, EnR?developed a study on funding and financing options for water and combined water and energy efficiency in the built environment, under a WEN approach, identifying existing mechanisms, challenges to implementation, and solutions to overcome them.

The study also reflects on the role that EnR Agencies can play in facilitating improvement and application of these mechanisms, and?brings new light on a set of existing mechanisms allowing a benchmark between the different type options available. As a conclusion, a set of examples are analysed, barriers identified, and actions recommended to be adopted by European Energy Agencies.?

Full study available in the EnR website.?

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Deadline 16th June 2023 (17:30 CET)

BEHAVE 2023 is the 7th edition of the biannual EnR event focusing on the application of behavioural insights in energy efficiency and climate mitigation. BEHAVE will take place in November 28-29 in Maastricht, Netherlands, exclusively in person, as it is an important networking opportunity at a critical moment for the targets set for the energy transition. BEHAVE is a unique forum for policymakers, academia, industry and practitioners to share ideas and experiences in promoting effective solutions for reducing CO? emissions and climate mitigation, in 6 main topics:

  • Public engagement in energy solutions and policy making
  • Public acceptance and adoption of energy behaviours, solutions and policies
  • Interventions to promote or facilitate behaviour change among households and employees
  • A fair and inclusive energy transition
  • How technology/system design could encourage and facilitate behaviour change
  • Public & Private procurement of re-cycled materials over raw materials (resource efficiency)

The call for abstracts will soon be launched at BEHAVE 2023 website and will be open until June 16th 2023. Full papers will be selected for later submission.

???? Free Heat Pump Installer Toolkit for installers operating in Scotland

Scotland needs between 7,500 and 15,500 heat pump installers to meet its installation target of 200,000 net zero heating systems per year by 2030. Delivered by Energy Saving Trust and funded by Scottish Government, a handy Heat Pump Installer Toolkit has been created to help installers start their upskilling journeys. Installers will be able to find information on funding and training opportunities, heat pump myths and installation considerations.

Find out more

???? Green and Digital Jobs Action Plan

During the Spring of 2022, the Dutch government announced the introduction of a Green and Digital Jobs Action Plan, complementing the generic policy against labour market shortages. In parallel to this there are many investment programmes from the National Growth Fund and the European Commission aimed at accelerating the energy transition.

Find out more and read the full documents.

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26 - 28 June 2023, Lisbon | Saint-Gobain Architecture Student Contest

The 18th Edition?of the Architecture Student Contest will focus on the city of Lisbon, and is being developed in close partnership with the Lisbon Municipality. The contest final event will take place in Lisbon, between 26 and 28 June, with the presence of senior representatives of Lisbon Municipality and the Saint-Gobain Group.

The objective of the Architecture Student Contest is to develop a project based on sustainability, both for people and the planet.?Every year the architectural challenge is selected by Saint-Gobain to address to its participants from all over the world a real task in a chosen city.?

28 - 30 November 2023, Maastricht | 7th EnR BEHAVE 2023 Conference

Behave 2023, the 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency organised by EnR,?will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 28th and 29th November 2023.

The theme of this year’s conference will be ‘Scaling-up behaviour change in the light of the energy and climate crises’.

Did you know that...

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The passing?of the EnR hammer is a ritual that is associated with the handover of the Presidency from one EnR member agency to the next. In the past, every point of any topic put up for discussion at network meetings was exhaustively discussed. The meetings were very long and the discussions progressed slowly, so the moment of consensus and formal decision-making on any matter had to be celebrated with some energy. Thus, the hammer came into use by the President in office, to commemorate the approval of whatever was under discussion at a meeting.

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Find out more about the European Energy Network

from the EnR website.


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