Newsletter #42 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #42 Microsoft No Code / Low Code


The one about consultants

Sneak peek

They say gentlemen don't talk about money. If that's true, we're clearly not them, because at a recent webinar we talked about them directly. All in the context of Power Platform consultants and the re-branding process. I immediately encourage you to watch the recording and the Draft Rozmowy , where we continued the topic. Contrary to popular belief, technology in the life of a consultant is not the only element. Ba it is often not the most important, but it is still crucial. So I invite you to review a packet of interesting facts and news from this world??

Worth reading by ?ukasz Falaciński

[?? Power Platform ??] AI Builder is great, but you don't always need to use it. There is always the option of direct integration with Azure AI Document Intelligence. Admittedly, the configuration will be minimally more complicated, but in return you get definitely more flexibility (both in terms of cost and features). An example of application (as usual in the mode of a very clear guide) was prepared by Matthew Devaney : Document Classification With Power Automate And Azure AI (

By the way, I also recommend an interesting reading of the document dedicated to modernization of applications using Power Platform. A bit of marketing, but also a lot of practical information that I'm sure will be useful in the process of adopting this Platform. If your organization is wondering whether it is worth getting into Power Platform then send them this link:

[?? Power Apps ??] An interesting news. Model-driven application development will also be possible offline. Good news for all Citizen Developers traveling by train ??. Details: Announcing General Availability for model-driven apps offline for maker | Microsoft Power Apps

[?? SharePoint ??] This is one of the more interesting new features in SharePoint Online unveiled at the recent Ignite. Microsoft 365 Backup and Microsoft 365 Archive are services that are sure to come in handy for many organizations. So far we don't know very much, but the announcements themselves look tasty. I'm especially curious about the integration with Partner solutions (AvePoin, Veeam, Veritas, etc.). For now, I recommend this blog post: Welcome to Microsoft Inspire 2023: Introducing Microsoft 365 Backup and Microsoft 365 Archive - Microsoft Community Hub

The SharePoint Online team seems to have changed the form of publishing news summaries. This time we get a summary of autumn. I like this approach. Despite the longer time window, the content is more condensed and for each topic we got a neat summary of the implemented changes and the upcoming ones that await us in the next months. I buy it! The whole article: SharePoint Roadmap Update – Fall 2023 - Microsoft Community Hub

By the way, sentimental update. SharePoint Online is discontinuing support for Add-Ins. A piece of the platform's history is tied to them. If you don't know what this is all about, rest assured you can skip to the next post. If you remember or even created SharePoint Add-Ins, it remains for me to offer my sincere condolences. You can find the farewell entry here: SharePoint Add-In retirement in Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Community Hub

[?? Power Automate ??] A great and very practical set of best practices for creating processes in Power Automate. I strongly recommend this reading: What Not to do in Power Automate - DEV Community

[?? OneDrive ??] There can never be too many good practices. OneDrive is no different. Seemingly such a simple service, we seem to know everything about it (don't we?), and yet due to its widespread use it can be dangerous. It is therefore worth properly securing and monitoring it. How to do it? Here you will find a lot of good and practical advice: Unlocking OneDrive’s Potential: Pro Tips for IT Administrators - Microsoft Community Hub


Did you miss our webinar? No problem, you can replay it at any time and download the materials for it. Just click on the image above ?? Listen to how much a Power Platform consultant really earns, what does he/she need to know, can he/she find a job quickly and who is all this IT for? ????????


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