Newsletter #40 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #40 Microsoft No Code / Low Code


The one about the last chance

Sneek peak

Actually, with each of our courses, events, meetups, conferences and other events, the registration chart looks like a boat drawn by a kindergartner. Lots at the beginning (stern), then less (keel), and a huge peak at the end (bow). Starting today No Code Days . A proforma reminder, as this is really the last chance to join. We are already drawing the bowsprit of this sailing ship (it's that long beam on the bow) . For the sake of establishing attention I add an overview drawing (exceptionally done by AI, not a kindergarten teacher).

Worth reading by ?ukasz Falaciński

[?? AI ??] We will start atypically, as we will start with OpenAI. I recommend watching the opening video of the recent developers' conference. Let me reassure you right away. You don't have to be a programmer to benefit from this content. They are very accessibly given, and the content itself is mega interesting. In a word, it's good to watch! ??

[?? SharePoint ??] Designing intranets in Figma, becomes even more convenient. SharePoint Web UI kit just got a major update with quite a large database of webparts. New web parts available in the SharePoint Web UI kit! - Microsoft Community Hub?

[?? Power Apps ??] Slowly, slowly, but steadily the Power Apps upgrade is progressing. This time we get the ability to change the font and colors in the properties of the controls (finally!), support for other sources in the table controls (finally!), validation of fields and a few more. October updates for modernization in canvas apps (includes GA of few modern controls) | Microsoft Power Apps?

Another useful new feature is automatically generated descriptions of applications. The author of these is, of course, Copilot. That's cool, because no one bothered to create them. In addition, we get a new view of the application list, which presents these descriptions accordingly. Take a look at:

Copilot now powers all app descriptions | Microsoft Power Apps

The Power Platform licensing model itself is an endless source of problems, questions and concerns. That's not going to change any time soon. Since it can't be simplified, at least someone has automated the process of assigning the licenses themselves. Counter-intuitively, this can solve several logistical problems in larger organizations, so at the end of the day, I can't help but recommend attention to this feature: Simplified License Assignment for Power Apps | Microsoft Power Apps

At the end of the section on Power Apps, I leave the meat itself. The topic is Dataverse and Model Driven Apps, specifically Businesss Process Flows. A must-read if you're getting started with applications of this type. Build Business Process Flows like an expert

[?? Power Platform ??] Loop is cool, Adaptive Cards are cool. What will be created from their combination? Probably something cool! Evaluate it yourself??

One of the more interesting features in Dataverse is the ability to generate documents (Word/PDF) based on data from the database. The process has its limitations, but when implemented well it provides tremendous business value. The management of such templates unfortunately suffers from a number of problems related to their management. Those who have created such templates know ??. Fortunately, there are good people in the world who create such tools! Personally, this update fell to us from the sky, because we happen to be creating a large number of such templates in one of our projects. I'm uploading with the hope that it will be useful not only to us:

[?? Power Automate ??] What to do when someone, or ourselves, deletes a production process in Power Automate? Where is the garbage can? Isn't there? It turns out that there is! Deleted processes are still available for 21 days, during which they can be recovered. How? The best way is through Power Automate ?? Building a flow to restore deleted Power Automate flows (


This is your last chance to join the biggest Low Code and No Code conference in Poland! Go to and grab your ticket. Today is workshop day, tomorrow full day of talks on three tracks: No Code + AI, Low Code and Changes. You're welcome, you won't regret it ??


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