Newsletter #38 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #38 Microsoft No Code / Low Code


The one about breaks

Sneak peek

Wednesday off work can mess up the weekly rhythm quite a bit. Especially if one of your kids has Monday and Tuesday off from school and the other has Thursday and Friday off. As a result, I'm more tired this week than some of the previous, longer weeks. However, I hope that things are different with you and you find time for a little rest. You may even find time to read. Who knows, you might even have enough time for this newsletter ?? .

I invite you to join me, because this week's interesting news is exceptionally abundant.

Worth reading by ?ukasz Falaciński

[?? Power Automate Desktop ??] Robotization from under the sign of Power Automate is growing in strength. Steadily and at a good pace. In the latest update there are more cloud connectors. Excel Online, Word Online, OneNote (that sounds particularly interesting) and finally Microsoft Teams (unfortunately, all Premium). As usual, the updates should install automatically, and you can find all the details of the news here: October 2023 update of Power Automate for desktop | Power Automate Blog (

[?? Power Automate ??] It's as we're on automation, there's still an important news in cloud and desktop processes. Queues is gaining GA (General Availability) status! Queues are another bastion hitherto reserved for traditional projects. As is usually the case, in this case it's a simplified, lowcoded ?? platform that won't replace Azure Service Bus or Rabbit, but it will provide a lot of opportunities for organizations that are seriously investing in Power Platform. More details here: Microsoft Power Automate work queues are generally available | Power Automate Blog

And from more down-to-earth topics, Matthew continues to fight Excel with Power Automate. Another article with a report from the battlefield has appeared. Cool. I recommend:

Fill-In An Excel Template With Power Automate (

And finally I have a small gift, because we waited a long time for this feature. Seemingly simple, and yet we couldn't get enough. Support for multiple environments (including defining them dynamically) has finally arrived in Power Automate! Link: Seamlessly connect apps, data and processes across Dataverse environments | Power Automate Blog (

[?? Power Platform ??] Found on the web. Short and to the point. Specifically the topic of Dataverse ??

That and another self explanatory graphic. This square everyone knows. An update for this year has just been released. Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms according to Gartner: Microsoft again named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner? Magic Quadrant? for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms | Microsoft Power Apps

[?? Teams ??] I'm posting with the hope that I'm not the only one who finds this useful. Browser versions of Teams (Chrome and Edge) will show more video feeds. There were 4 (2x2), there will now be 9 (3x3). By the way, there will also be an option to forward messages. I don't know how I didn't miss this until now ??

I happen to often attend online meetings from the best muted place there is, which is the car ?? . If you have the same, you'll definitely appreciate the Quick Capture feature, which allows you to quickly save the content you just shared. The snapshot saves to the native photo library on your phone, and then you can calmly review it and, for example, read the text, which is impossible to see during the meeting.

All the aforementioned innovations will be implemented in November. The process is expected to be completed in December.


No Code Days is less than a month away! Three tracks are waiting for you: No Code & AI, Low Code and Changes. Two days of the conference - the first day of workshops in 4 sessions and the second day full of lectures and panel discussions in 3 sessions at once! You can already find the entire agenda on the event website:

The next Mazovia Power Platform meeting #3 will be held on November 16! Power Platform specialists from PwC Polska : Zbigniew ?ukowski and Mariusz Jakubowski will speak on our virtual stage. We invite you, admission is free, you can find the link in the event on LinkedIn.


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