Newsletter 35: Leading Edge of Creation - Embracing Preferences and Desires as Lifegiving.
Dr Adeline Twigge
Doctor in Educational Psychology exploring overlapping foundational principles in Psychology, Biology, Philosophy, Physics, Neuroscience, Metaphysics and Nonphysical.
At the forefront of philosophical and spiritual thought lies the profound concept of the Leading Edge of Creation. This notion posits that we, as human beings, are active participants in the continuous unfolding of the Universe.
Central to this discourse is the idea of Consciousness as the bedrock of existence. Matter, contrary to its perceived inertness, is a manifestation of Consciousness, challenging traditional dichotomies between matter and spirit. This understanding fosters a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity within the Cosmos. At the heart of creation lies a symbiotic relationship between Creator and Creation, Humanity and the Divine, regarded as a "Relational Whole."
Just as the Source of all creation can't cease to be, we can't cease to be, states Abraham[1]. ?We are part of the eternal Consciousness and part of the Leading Edge of Creation. The entire Universe is established to assist Source/us in focusing our preferences and desires. This article delves into the foundational ideas underpinning this view, exploring how Consciousness, Divine Dynamism, and the interconnectedness of all existence shape our understanding of creation and our role within it.
Empirical Hints[2]
The behavior of living beings and the constant motion of the cosmos suggest a fundamental non-contentment in the underlying mental life of the Universe. This empirical evidence hints at a dynamic, rather than static, Divine nature. The ongoing changes and advancements in the Universe reflect this restless drive for continual creation and evolution.
God's Inherent Dynamism
It seems that it is in Source's nature to be dynamic and not fully content. This inherent restlessness drives the continual unfolding of creation. The lack of absolute Divine satisfaction underlies the perpetual motion and change in the Universe, indicating that creation is an ever-evolving process propelled by Divine energy and intent.
Meaning and Purpose in Human Life
Divine Discomfort and Human Purpose
The notion that Source expresses Divine discomfort through human experience imbues life with profound meaning. Our actions and thoughts contribute to Divine comfort, suggesting that our individual and collective experiences serve a higher purpose.
Ultimate Divine Purpose
Our lives and experiences are part of a Divine effort to achieve comfort and satisfaction. By aligning our actions with this Divine Intent, we participate in the greater Cosmic narrative, providing a deep sense of meaning and direction.
Necessity of Polarities
To understand Divine nature and creation, we must embrace polarities. The interplay of contraries - contentment and discontentment, dynamism and rest - could be essential to the Divine Nature and the ongoing process of creation. This duality then could drive the evolution of everything.
Leading Edge of Creation
Abraham Hicks[3] contends that we don’t yet fully realize we are part of Leading Edge Creation. The variety we focus on inspires new ideas which then lies at the heart of the evolution of our species, at the heart of all understanding, and at the heart of Being. We are part of the Leading Edge of the expansion of All That Is.
How Creation Works on the Human Level
Vibrational Reality vs. Physical Reality
Humans rely heavily on their physical senses to validate reality, making it challenging to appreciate vibrational reality (Spirit), which precedes physical manifestation (Matter). Understanding that our requests are answered vibrationally requires shifting focus from 'what is' to 'what is becoming'.
Freedom from Justification
We need to free ourselves from the bondage of justification. The need to explain or defend our preferences slows down the creative process. Source purely focuses on what It wants, and aligning with this undiluted focus accelerates manifestation.
Aligning with Your Preferences
To align with your preferences, it's essential to recognize and address any discomfort indicating misalignment. If you are not a vibrational match to what you are asking for, you cannot receive it. Misalignment is the sole reason desires are not realized.
The Role of Emotions
Emotions indicate our vibrational alignment. Negative emotions signal a contradiction between our focus and Source’s perspective. Using our emotional guidance system helps harmonize with Source’s preferences, allowing smoother manifestations.
Dominant Vibrations
Your dominant vibrations can be discerned by how you feel about specific subjects. Positive feelings indicate alignment, while negative feelings signal misalignment. Focusing on what feels good deactivates unwanted vibrations and facilitates the manifestation of preferences.
Past, Present, and Future
From Source’s perspective, the past and present are old news. The focus is always on the unfolding energy of creation. Embracing this viewpoint helps us look forward and align with the continuous flow of Becoming.
Humans often misconceive that Source is finished and perfect, but in reality, Source is expanding into greater capacities of joy, love, and peace because of human experiences. We are eternal beings, constantly evolving. The process of creation is never complete, and there is always more to prefer and manifest. Accepting that we will never "get it done" and that we can't get it wrong liberates us from the pressure of perfection and allows us to revel in the continuous flow of creation.
[1] Abraham is Non-physical Source Energy who refer to themselves in the plural as 'Abraham' (no relation to the Biblical figure). Esther Hicks translates blocks of thought from Abraham, which she also identifies as her 'Inner Being' or 'Soul'. She maintains that the process of translating Abraham is not 'channeling' but tapping into Infinite Intelligence. For more information, the YouTube video entitled "Abraham Explains Who They Are" can be viewed. You can also visit the Abraham-Hicks website to listen to the audio entitled "Introduction to Abraham." Newsletters 1, 2, and 9 of Psychology and Vibration also attempt to explain the phenomenon of Abraham Hicks.
[2] (from 1:11:14).