Newsletter #19 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #19 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

And today you will read about:

- No Code Days 2023 conference ??

- our "I want to IT!" course, which will start this week! ??

- the Power Automate app on IOS (it's already out on Android, too) ??

- FetchXML what is it and what does it come with? ??

- new view layout in OneNote ??

- June news in Power BI not only for analysts ??

- a few words about links in Power Apps according to Matthew Devaney ??

- the best data source according to Shane Young ???

- MENU component in Power Apps ??

- counting token utilization in AI Builder ???


Registration for our fall conference NoCodeDays 2023 has started ! This year there will be even more activities, integration and knowledge:?

??2x offline days?

??3 panel discussions?

??18h workshops?

??21 thematic sessions?

Buy the cheapest tickets available or EarlyBirds.?

The pool is limited! (46 pieces in total)?

Within the early bird ticket you will receive:?

??Two days filled with knowledge?

??3 thematic tracks to choose from: No Code & AI, Low Code, Track of Change?

??When? ? 20-21.11.2023?

??Where? ? Expo XXI Warsaw

Follow No Code Days ??

Our "Chc? do IT!" course starts this Wednesday. Become a Power Platform Consultant by learning from the practitioners in Developico !

From 0 to Hero in 2 months! ????♀?

See if this is for you ??

Worth reading by ?ukasz Falaciński

[?? Power Automate ??]?A new version of the Power Automate mobile app, has finally hit the iOS platform. As a reminder, it appeared on Android last August ??. It took a long time to get complicated ??. Read more about it here: Experience the refreshed Power Automate mobile app for iOS – now generally available! | Power Automate Blog (

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Querying a large Dataverse database in Power Automate, or a bit about FetchXML. What it is. I recommend reading: Optimal ways to query large datasets (Dataverse) i... - Power Platform Community ( It's useful!?

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[?? OneNote ??] Have you seen this option in OneNote ????

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Personally, I prefer the old layout, but if you like unification (web and desktop versions) then I recommend the following ???

[?? Power BI ??] Not only for lovers of data analysis, visualization and DAX, I recommend a summary of June news from the world of Power BI:

[?? Power Apps ??] In most solutions, the weakest link is somewhere between the seat and the keyboard and monitor. Sometimes this link even has a problem accepting the permission to use connectors, which comes as standard when you first launch the Canva application. Fortunately, this consent can also be given by the administrator. It's quite a useful feature, and you can learn how to implement it in this article: Disable The Power Apps Permissions Pop-Up (Bypass Consent Form) ( by Matthew Devaney

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This is a question that every Power Apps solution developer has asked themselves. So what is the best data source for Power Apps? Listen to Shane Young 's answer:?Power Apps Data Sources Ranked! Which is best? ???

And at the end of the Power Apps corner, I recommend this Menu component. It has it all here. Interesting design, background blur effect and animations. It certainly looks interesting. Link to the article and the component itself: A fun, animated FAB menu for Power Apps -

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[?? AI Builder ??] Counting the utilization of AI Builder tokens has always been a secret art. Now monitoring their usage will become a little easier with this feature: Activity monitoring (preview) | Microsoft Learn. Good change!?

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Ma?gorzata Ko?odziej

Power Platform | Automation | PSM I

1 年



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