Newsletter #18 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Newsletter #18 Microsoft No Code / Low Code

Today you will read about:

- Slaido, which I recommend using ??

- animated backgrounds in Teams ???

- synchronizations between Loop - To Do - Planner ???

- Power Platform templates for the lazy ??

- creating data structures in the Dataverse in Power Apps ??

- about the limits of Power FX ??

- offline access to Dataverse tables ??

Worth reading by ?ukasz Falaciński

[?? Teams ??]?From time to time, it's worth reviewing "praise-writes" like this one: How ISVs are driving customer retention by enabling unique experiences in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Community Hub. Thanks to it, I discovered and started using the Slaido and I recommend you too!?

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By the end of the vacations, animated backgrounds will also appear in your Teams?

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[??? Loop ???] Tasks from Loop components will sync with task lists in To Do and Planner. All in all, there is a chance that in your case they are already synchronizing. It's worth checking! This could be one of the most important features of this platform.?

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[?? Power Platform ??] Is there anyone who doesn't like templates? After all, it's the best way to make and not make yourself ??! That's probably why I was happy to see this article: Run Your Enterprise on Power Platform with New Enterprise Application Templates | Microsoft Power Apps?

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In it you will find a description of two new Power Platform solution templates and the announcement of more to come. I particularly recommend this one:

The recently announced Low-Code plugins in Dataverse can already be tested. The first tests do not bring spectacular results, but beginnings are hard. See: [Experimental] Let’s try Dataverse Low-code Plugin (Automated) – Temmy Wahyu Raharjo (

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[?? Power Apps ??] One of the new features announced at the last Build is the ability to create a Dataverse table structure based on an Excel sheet. This is certainly a big improvement for those starting their adventure with Dataverse. The whole thing is as simple as importing a worksheet into a SharePoint list! Take a look at: Introducing an easier than ever experience to import data from Excel | Microsoft Power Apps?

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What are the limits of Power FX? I'll admit that from time to time I happen to wonder about this. After watching this video, I will wonder more. Absolutely impressive! Business value: 0. Artistic value: 100 ??.??

As there was Scott Durow?? , there must be Matthew Devaney too ?? What's the fit for 3D gaming in Power Apps? Offline access for Dataverse tables, apparently. An important and highly underrated topic, yet quite simple to implement. Be sure to check out: Power Apps Dataverse Offline Mode For Canvas Apps (

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[?? Azure Dev Ops ??] This category probably wasn't here yet. We're making up for it because Dev Ops works very cool with Power Platform. In general, all the cool is ??. Without it, we don't get into projects anymore. I recommend a cool tutorial on templates:


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