Newsletter #10 - Week 33

Newsletter #10 - Week 33


As a continuation of Newsletters 6 to 9, let's dive deeper to discuss the concept of?#motivation?and how it relates to a reliable & adaptable set of #leadershipskills.?

As written before, dopamine gets you going, but how much effort we put into something depends on how valuable we perceive the!?

So a personally salient goal, e.g., intrinsically oriented, requires more effort. When confronted with #challenges, we can keep going because the goal is more important than any temporary physical, emotional or mental pain & fatigue we might feel.?

And suppose we understand our deepest values and have developed the ability to control our attention during challenging experiences.?

In that case, we'll be able to focus on how the current situation is a necessary part of the process of achieving your goal.

Using attention to manage sensations of pain & fatigue is especially important!

The more fatigue or pain we subjectively experience, the less motivated we'll feel!

The standard & outdated view of pain & fatigue is through what is called a "Cartesian" model or method by René Descartes [1], a French philosopher, scientist & mathematician from the 17th century mostly known for his philosophical statement, "Je pense, donc je suis." from the Latin "Cogito, ergo sum." - "I think, therefore I am."

And this centuries-old philosophical & scientific concept, "Cartesianism", views the mind & body as separate entities and sees fatigue as a direct, linear process.

Sort of like a gas gauge telling us how much fuel we've left in the tank.?

Pain is typically thought of the same way: the amount of pain we feel is directly associated with the amount of damage occurring.?

Neither model is accurate!

Because clearly, perception, past experience & prediction all play a role in how hard, challenging, bearable or painful we feel something is.?

Pain, fatigue, and our sense of effort aren't just measuring how much gas is in the tank; it's a complex, emergent phenomenon.?

We can know & influence many of the pieces that drive it!

By directing our attention away from internal sensations of pain & fatigue, managing our beliefs, self-talk, and using other mental skills - more on these in the following newsletter- we can alter how much pain & fatigue we feel regardless of what we're experiencing.?

And this isn't to say that we can't think our way out of feeling all pain & fatigue.?

But, managing those sensations wisely, healthily & effectively goes a long way towards sustaining motivation to continue during the most challenging experiences leadership can bring about.


Every leader has a unique #leadershipstyle!

And "Multipliers" see people as intelligent and capable of figuring out how to solve #problems. "Diminishers", on the other hand, assume that even smart people need their help.

But the real?#difference?between these two types isn't based on good intentions or intelligence but on how a?#leader?treats the people around them as part of their #leadershipstyle, as pointed out in my article, "Multiplier or Diminisher - What's your leadership style?" [2].


Evidently, being in a position of #leadership or authority, especially as an #executive, in fast-paced, demanding & ever-changing corporate & entrepreneurial environments can often lead to #anxiety & #fear.

And as described in my article, "How To Approach Anxiety & Fear For Courageous Leadership" [3], clearly, for every self-aware executive & leader, it is worth looking into them for gaining some knowledge on tools for dealing with anxiety & fear on a theoretical level as a first step to #courageousleadership.


To be or to do. Which way do you want to go?

Because sometimes #leaders have to choose to attain great status or to do great things, and my recent article "To Be Or To Do? - Essential Choices Of Personal Leadership" [4] dives deeper into this very individual choice.


Last but not least, in my article "Improvement & Change Through Impactful Leadership Training" [5], I elaborate why #preparedness is key for all intrinsically motivated leaders to drive any desired change for their #leadership refinement & improvement.

Because impactful training of mind & brain changes what they perceive accurately, regulates self-talk and puts them in charge of executing all necessary actions as a #leader.


[1] Discourse on Method, Meditations of First Philosophy & Principles of Philosophy

[2] "Multiplier" or "Diminisher" - What's your leadership style?

[3] How To Approach Anxiety & Fear For Courageous Leadership

[4] "To Be" Or "To Do"? - Essential Choices Of Personal Leadership

[5] Improvement & Change Through Impactful Leadership Training


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So please share your thoughts in the comments.

. . .




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