Newsletter #10 | Socially Just Energy Transition in the Housing Sector
European Energy Network (EnR)
A voluntary network of European energy agencies which aims at promoting sustainable energy.
Dear readers, dear EnR colleagues,???
Our presidency, which we extended at short notice until the end of June 2024, is coming to an end. We are therefore all the more pleased that we have once again been able to put together a well-filled newsletter that gives us an insight into the focal points, opinions and activities of our network.??
We are also looking at the structure of the network, because in addition to the continuous and established work in the working groups, a rotating presidency within the EnR is essential to complement the networks activities and further support these important insights and exchanges.??
We are very grateful that the second half of the year will be realised together with our colleagues from France ( ADEME ), the Netherlands ( Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and Portugal ( ADENE - Agência para a Energia ) and that our colleagues from Ireland ( Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) ) will take over the presidency next year. We also very much hope that in the final weeks of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) presidency we will be able to take the discussion about future presidencies from within the agencies a step further and expand our involvement in the network and spread it across several shoulders.??
With this in mind, we hope you enjoy reading the latest issue of the EnR newsletter.?
Welcome address by Declan Meally on behalf of SEAI ?
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) is delighted to be part of the EnR Troika + Committee and we are honoured and are looking forward to assuming the Presidency of EnR in February 2025. We have been active members of the EnR and participants in quite a number of the working groups since the EnR was founded and it is an extremely valuable collaboration and information forum.? During 2025 we look forward to hosting the members at some of our meetings in Ireland and want to continue to build on the recent momentum and collaboration activity which is the most important part of EnR. We would like to thank our colleagues in the Troika+ group for their support as we learn and plan for a successful 2025 and a Presidency that will continue to add value for the members.??
?The role of SEAI as the national Sustainable Energy Authority has grown significantly in the last number of years and this is as a result of increased commitment and support from our Government as well as the support of our Department and the collective great work of the staff in the organisation. We acknowledge that the EnR can continue to help us to learn from you as members as we each plot our national decarbonisation course over the coming years.?
Declan Meally?
Director, Business Public Sector and Transport | SEAI?
Correlation between energy poverty and health | ?? René Schellekens
Imagine being cold from the moment you wake up until you go back to sleep, knowing that if you turn up the heating you are setting yourself up for future problems. Maybe you won’t be able to pay your energy bill next month. Or maybe you will have to choose between paying your energy bill or your healthcare costs. Your life has become an endless trade-off between short term livability and long-term financial wellbeing.?
Energy poverty has become a major topic for most Member States over the last few years, as a result of the steep rise in energy costs, inflation and low energy performance of buildings. Living in dwellings that can’t maintain or reach adequate indoor temperatures is not only uncomfortable, it can also have negative health implications for residents. It is believed that health related problems can be both cause and consequence of energy poverty. On the one hand, living with an (chronic) illness or disability can limit people’s disposable income, which leaves them at a greater risk of energy poverty. On the other hand, the effects of living in energy poverty can cause health problems or exacerbate existing ones.?
In 2023 Belgium – Flanders –, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and Greece set up an Expert Study Group under the Concerted Actions EED in order to establish an overview of research done on the relation between health and energy poverty, and the health benefits of alleviating energy poverty through energy efficiency measures. This report provides an examination of the health implications of energy poverty and poor housing conditions. The work is based on an analysis of approximately 50 documents that vary from scientific research to project studies and policy plans, primarily from North-West Europe and the United Kingdom.??
The report suggests that the long-term indirect and socio-economic savings, which are challenging to quantify, could be up to ten times greater than the direct health cost savings. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating health considerations into Member States' Climate Action Plans and renovation strategies. The availability of comprehensive health data and the impacts of energy efficiency upgrades should be integral to assessing programs with multiple benefits.?
Governmental Programmes for Socially Just Energy Transition in the Housing Sector | ?? Izaskun Gallo Ormazábal
The Renovation Wave Strategy, published by the European Union in 2020, within the framework of the European Green Deal, is being strongly promoted in Spain through the NextGenerationEU funds. The Spanish Transformation, Resilience and Recovery Plan, launched various aid programs aimed at the energy renovation of residential and non-residential buildings. One of the transversal axes of this ambitious plan is to promote social and territorial cohesion and, therefore, within these programs, the implementation of actions aimed at the most vulnerable groups is encouraged, directly or indirectly.?
Most of the programs aimed at building energy renovation fall within Component 2 on “Housing Renovation and Urban Regeneration” of the Spanish Plan. IDAE. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía , works on two of them: Program for the energy renovation of buildings (PREE) (RD 737/202) and PREE 5000 (RD 691/2021), with a budget of €402.5 million and €179 million, respectively. In both, the percentage of aid is increased for homes that have had some public protection regime, located in certain areas defined by the State Housing Plan 2018-2021 or whose owner is covered by the Thermal Social Bonus established in the Royal Decree-Law 15/2018. This bonus is aimed at alleviating energy poverty in vulnerable consumers, covering the expenses for heating, hot water, and cooking. The amount of the total aid increases by 10-15% and can reach up to 85% of the eligible cost. For its part, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU) is working on two other programs, with a total budget of €3,420 million, one aimed at residential buildings and the other one at entire residential neighborhoods (RD 853/2021). In these programs, the grants can cover up to 100% of the eligible cost when economic vulnerability of the owners or usufructuaries is detected.??
From another point of view, the PREE 5000 program is aimed at buildings located in municipalities called of “Demographic Challenge”, with less than 5,000 inhabitants, which, on average, have a higher percentage of homes not equipped with heating, in poor condition and with obsolete equipment and/or fossil fuels. In these areas, facing depopulation and resulting vulnerabilities, investments are indirectly favoring vulnerable social groups. The same happens with another IDAE’s program, DUS 5000 (RD 692/2021), for sustainable urban development, with a budget of €675 million, which covers other aspects in addition to the energy renovation of buildings, but that also includes municipality owned residential and non-residential buildings, with less than 5,000 inhabitants.?
Finally, in Component 7 “Deployment and integration of renewable energies”, within the framework of IDAE’s program for Self-consumption (RD 477/2021), in its incentive program no. 6, it is included an incentive for thermal installations in residential buildings in which public or private, non-profit entities or organizations that provide social housing to vulnerable groups, can be beneficiaries. For Component 7, the program has a budget of €1,300 million, to be distributed among four other incentive programs related to this component. Incentive programs 1, 2 and 4 address self-consumption also in buildings. And, also within this component, another socially significant program is the implementation of energy communities program. With a budget of €80 million, (Orden TED/1446/2021) it promotes self-consumption or distributed generation with renewable energy, an important factor for the economic savings of many citizens. In this program, one of the aspects that is valued when selecting eligible projects is the number of community members who are vulnerable consumers, thus contributing to fight against energy poverty.?
Starting to investigate the concept of energy poverty and vulnerability in small family businesses | ?? Enrico Biele and Chiara Martini
Over the past few years, the concept of Energy poverty has gained a steadily increasing attention among policy makers. The recently approved EED Recast (2023/1791) introduces a definition of energy poverty, referring to a household’s lack of access to essential energy services, where such services provide basic levels and decent standards of living and health. The approach previously adopted by the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) was also relatively in line with the new definition, considering energy poverty associated to the inability of households to ensure their energy needs.???
Nevertheless, there are cases of micro enterprises (micro-SMEs) which have relevant similarities with – and experience similar issues of – households: this is the case, for example, of some family businesses with relatively low energy consumption activities in the tertiary sector. On this basis, the National Energy Agencies of nine European Countries 1 started to investigate within the LEAP4SME H2020 Project2 the possible application and integration of energy poverty and energy vulnerability concepts (already developed for households/citizens) to very small businesses.???
Within this exercise, the partner Agencies proposed a framework to allow policy makers to pre-assess the factors contributing to the energy vulnerability, by means of a qualitative matrix representing different possible cases for both the characterisation of SMEs and the contextual factors. This categorisation clarifies how different factors interact to determine the extent of the energy vulnerability risk, whether high or low.??
This first assessment was part of a broader investigation on the “Integration of SMEs energy audit policy with other legislation and programmes”, aimed to propose valid solutions to policy makers in order to connect dots among different articles of the EED and among the EED business related aspects and other policies.??
The potential application and transfer of knowledge between article 7 EED (which includes energy poverty measures) and small family businesses is worth to be further investigated. According to 2021 data – start of the LEAP4SME activities on this topic –, more than 9 out of 10 enterprises in the EU were micro enterprises, employing less than 10 persons, and their share of value added within the non-financial business economy was considerably lower, around one-fifth. In addition, the economic recessions together with recent social and health-related events exacerbated the structural financing difficulties that these enterprises face during normal times. Of course, Energy Efficiency alone won’t solve these issues, but may collaborate to partially alleviate them.??
More information on the topic will be shared in the next months through LEAP4SME ( official channels.?
Home renovation programme for the energy modernisation of residential buildings | ?? Dr. Regina Fógel
To meet the increased target level of the 'Fit for 55' package, Hungary is continuously working to reduce CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency. Magyar Energetikai és K?zm?-szabályozási Hivatal (MEKH), as the national energy regulator, notes that energy efficiency improvements in the industrial and transport sectors have been increased in recent years, while the residential sector, which accounts for 32% of final energy consumption, has lagged significantly behind.??
In Hungary, 80% of the 4.5 million residential buildings were built before 1990, of which around 2.6 million are in need of renovation. Therefore, the home renovation programme recently announced by the Government has been widely welcomed.??
The aim of the programme is to modernise the energy efficiency of family houses built before 1990. The programme is funded by RePowerEU with a budget of HUF 108 billion (EUR ~275M) and is estimated to result in the renovation of around 20,000 residential buildings.?
The renovation includes upgrading the water and gas heating systems, windows, doors and insulation. An online platform will be set up allowing the potential applicants to calculate the expected costs and energy savings in advance. The calculation will show whether the planned investment is expected to achieve the minimum primary energy savings of 30% per building, which is a condition for the subsidy. The involvement of energy experts is expected from the start of the process, which will guarantee that truly useful and efficient renovations can be started. The programme also provides contractor certification system to help applicants find the right professionals.???
The total investment should amount to HUF 7 million, of which HUF 1 million should be covered by the house owner. The remaining 6 million will be split between a soft loan and a grant.? In disadvantaged districts, low-income households will be entitled for higher subsidies, so the programme will also support a socially just transition in the housing sector as a measure to tackle energy poverty.?
The details of the programme will be shared for public consultation soon, the call for proposals is scheduled to open in June.?
The Hungarian Ministry of Energy has announced that a similar energy modernisation programme for public buildings will be launched in a few months. This will allow Hungary to focus increasingly on long-term energy efficiency measures, thus taking another step towards successfully meeting the targets of the ‘Fit for 55’ package.
Recap Annual Regular & Full Meeting?
On 14 & 15 March, the representatives of the European energy agencies visited Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) on the EUREF-Campus Berlin Sch?neberg for a two-day get together. The occasion was the annual Regular & Full Meeting, which dena hosted in Berlin as part of its presidency of the European Energy Network.??
With 17 participants on site and additional members online, an enriching exchange took place. Together, we reviewed not only the most recent project activities on working group level, but also discussed upcoming activities in 2024. A particular focus was on the new process for awarding the presidency of the network (Rotating Presidency Scheme). Specific next steps were agreed, the implementation of which is currently being actively pursued within the network.??
In between both meeting days, the members of the European Energy Network came together to enjoy a city tour through Berlin Mitte about street art. Possibly, a second part follows in Lisbon, where the next Regular Meeting takes place in just a few weeks on 20th June.??
Rotating Scheme??
Currently, the focus of the EnR Presidency is on the further development of the Rotating Presidency Scheme. The scheme, as a recap, is a newly set up process aiming to ensure a long-term allocation of the network's presidencies and the distribution of specific internal tasks. So far, a proposal was presented during the last Regular and Full Meeting in March 2024 in Berlin and the EnR members have agreed on next steps towards an internal voting of the proposal.?
One of those agreed next steps is a digital meeting of the member agencies’ CEO’s which is currently being planned. The intention is to involve the management levels strategically and operationally in the further development of the network structures. The call therefore aims to gauge the CEOs interest in participating as well as to provide a platform for further discussion.??
Ideally, a decision on the proposal will be reached before the end of the year.?
MEKH’s ENSMOV Plus project meeting and workshop?
On 19-20 March 2024, the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority ( Magyar Energetikai és K?zm?-szabályozási Hivatal MEKH) hosted the ENSMOV Plus project meeting and workshop. ENSMOV Plus is a three-year European project of the LIFE programme, launched in December 2022, aiming to provide support to public authorities and key stakeholders on the implementation of Article 8 (previously Article 7) of the EED.??
At the 4th project meeting, representatives of the 12 EU Member States presented national measures taken to implement the EED and assessed the results of the project so far. The workshop focused on alternative policy measures in the EED context, where experts from Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Wallonia presented national implementation practices aiming to achieve energy savings.??
MEKH’s expansion of the EEO catalogue?
The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority ( Magyar Energetikai és K?zm?-szabályozási Hivatal MEKH) has expanded the EEO catalogue to help with the accounting of energy efficiency improvement measures. The catalogue, which defines the level of energy savings resulting from certain energy efficiency improvement measures or investments, lists the types of measures that can be accounted for in a simplified way and which can achieve final energy savings. Based on the experience gained from the implementation of measures, 12 new categories have been added to the catalogue, including the use of split air conditioning for heating, the replacement of professional refrigerators and blast chillers, and energy savings through the use of more energy efficient trucks.?
The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme, introduced from 1 January 2021, has so far facilitated the implementation of more than 3,500 energy-saving projects, with total annual new final energy savings already exceeding 5.1 PJ/year at the beginning of February 2024, which is more than the amount of the EEOS obligations for the years 2021-2023.?
The renewed EEOS catalogue will provide a direct market benefit to stakeholders and facilitate the work of energy auditors and auditing organisations by providing a pre-developed methodology for calculating certified energy savings. The MEKH has already been working on a further revision of the EEO catalogue for further extensions to the list.?
ENEA’s presentation at the Concerted Action on Energy Efficiency?
On the 22nd of March Enrico Biele presented at the Concerted Action on Energy Efficiency in Budapest, the initiative involves Ministry officers and Agencies of all EU Member States and Norway in the transposition and implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The presentation has been done both under LEAPto11 (10 EnR Agencies) and the EnR Industry and Enterprises Working Group.
For all those who could not be there you can find the presentation here ?
The presentation was hold in the Working Group 4.4 "Energy management systems and audits" session.??
EWA’s House visits and Vulnerable Household Scheme???
The The Energy and Water Agency (EWA) seeks to address the social aspect by supporting vulnerable households in implementing sustainable and eco-friendly energy measures in their homes. The Agency offers a free consultation service to all households and furthermore in collaboration with a number of entities operating in social services, offers this service also to vulnerable households. Measures related to energy efficiency and water conservation are discussed with household owners suggesting also how behavior can be changed. Moreover, after visiting the vulnerable household, and when warranted, the Energy and Water Agency replaces free of charge, old and inefficient appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners.?Important to note is that these beneficiaries are always referred to the Agency through their social worker.
Find out more ?
ADEME’s social justice approach in the buildings sector?
The French Agency for Ecological Transition ( ADEME ) has set strategic objectives for reinforcing the social justice approach in its policies and activities. The Agency's activities guidelines for 2020-2023 included the following ambition: "to scale-up the ecological transition towards a resources and energy-sufficient society, which creates jobs and is also more human and harmonious". This includes a reflection on an economically fair distribution of wealth and jobs, but also on the discriminations that can be mirrored or even aggravated by the ecological transition policies – as per French law,?23 types of discriminations are identified among which age, race, gender, health status, etc. This approach will be tackled in each sector of the ecological transition including the buildings sector. The Buildings Unit of ADEME is working on a strategic plan for the upcoming years in order to better address this issue in every program and project implemented. Issues like:?
?? Contact: Cécile Gracy ([email protected])?
Links between energy poverty and the consequences of global warming – a study in preparation??
The French National Observatory on Energy Poverty, chaired by ADEME, is launching a study to clarify the correlation links between poverty and the consequences of global warming, to question the notion of ?summer energy poverty?, to propose indicators and formulate further work for the Observatory. The study is supported by a working group on the same topic. The study is planned to be published in December 2024.?
According to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies ( Insee ) , the most low-income people are more vulnerable to hot weather, especially because of their housing conditions. In France, the territories most exposed to abnormal heat, shelter nearly 1.2 million people living below the poverty line, living in poorly insulated housing (hot and cold) and which are the subject of few energy renovation projects. Of these, 510,000 people (or 6% of the poor) live in areas that are most exposed to night-time heat anomalies, not to mention the most marginalised (homeless or substandard housing populations), which may experience increased difficulties, and are not accounted for. The fight against energy poverty is also part of the policy of renovating housing and improving its energy performance. However, so far, energy poverty and climate issues have not been addressed jointly.?
The work of the French National Observatory on Energy Poverty is a collective effort: thirty players in the field of energy and the fight against energy poverty, exchange ideas and find solutions to prevent and deal with energy poverty.??
?? Contact: Lise-Marie Dambrine ([email protected])??
ADEME’s position paper on the concept of "just transition"?
ADEME publishes a position paper aiming to clarify the concept of "just transition" and to explain what is at stake today, to inform the public debate on these issues.?
There is much more to lose than to gain from climate inaction in France and around the world. This is consistent with the notion of a "just transition", enshrined in the preamble to the Paris Agreement. The transition needs to be made, because it is a major objective of general interest, and ultimately determines all the others. However, the transition may also have negative short- and medium-term effects.?
The aim of this position paper is to clarify the concept of "just transition" and to explain what is at stake today to inform the public debate on these issues.?
The just transition is a transition ... that accompanies brown and green activities ... taking into account economic and social vulnerabilities of all the players in a given territory ... in the most democratic way possible with all the stakeholders. Its significant but not predominant challenges mean that it should be neither demonised nor enchanted, but rather preserved despite the current difficulties.?
?? Contact: Solange Martin ([email protected])?
? Read the position paper: ?
New Group Head of Digital at Energy Saving Trust: Linda McBain
Linda will harness her extensive experience in digital transformation to help us achieve our strategic growth objective: to become digitally led, with a target of 15 million people using our services by April 2026.?
Linda will collaborate across all areas of the organisation to develop and lead a digital transformation strategy, through which we will create digital products and services to support people to save energy and carbon and maximise the efficiency of our internal digital processes.?
Core to Linda’s approach will be focussed on Energy Saving Trust’s customers: “I’ll be bringing that human-centred approach into the work, at the same time thinking about what that means for everyone working in the organisation. What skills and tools do colleagues need to do their best work and ensure that we can provide brilliant experiences at every touchpoint?”.
Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund, UK?
Most electric vehicle drivers charge at home overnight using private chargepoints. However, around 40% of UK households don’t have access to a driveway or other off-street parking where they could install a private chargepoint. Drivers in these households will need access to reliable public charging options to switch from petrol or diesel to electric vehicles.??
To address this problem, Energy Saving Trust is working with the UK government to deliver the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund. This £381 million fund supports local authorities in England to work with the chargepoint industry to transform the availability of EV charging for drivers without off-street parking.??
The LEVI Fund is comprised of capital and capability funding. The capital fund supports the rollout of chargepoint infrastructure while the capability fund aims to build the capacity and capability of local authorities to plan and deliver charging infrastructure projects.??
The LEVI Fund aims to address regional and charging inequality by awarding funding to every part of England. By building out scale, leveraging private investment and driving best practice among local authorities, the capital fund will support rollout across the country.?
LEA’s Conference on introducing EnerGIS??
A conference introducing the newly created interactive energy data platform EnerGIS was organized in Vilnius by The Lithuanian Energy Agency (LEA) on 25th April 2024, designed for effective and balanced planning of energy production. The project was financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and created with the participation of the LEA. The event held the discussion of long-term national goals of energy efficiency and renewable resources development of Lithuania, its achievement guidelines and planned policy measures.?
Conference speakers discussed the potential of increasing energy efficiency in companies, buildings, households, as well as in heating and cooling sectors. Innovations and modern solutions that improve energy efficiency in buildings were presented. The role of energy sufficiency in reducing its consumption was analysed. Tasks, achievements and possibilities of increasing energy efficiency were reviewed.?
The business approach to energy saving and energy audits, the lack of motivation, as well as the necessary synergy between science and business and a holistic approach to energy were openly discussed.?
Find out more information ?
REFEREE Tool Workshop | 6th June 2024, 2-5 p.m. | ?? online?
Register now for the national energy agency stakeholder workshop by REFEREEtool , the new freely available online decision-support tool for energy efficiency measures.?
Built on state-of-the-art stock, techno-economic and macro-econometric models, it?simulates the energy and non-energy impacts of energy efficiency policy packages, e.g. in terms of productivity, socioeconomic development, wellbeing, environment and climate.?
In this workshop specifically designed for national energy agencies, participants will be introduced to the REFEREE project, the working logic and user experience of the European and national tool and be given insight into the case studies carried out during the tool's development phase.??
Agenda: REFEREE Project, REFEREE Tool – working logic and user experience, national case studies, Q&A and open discussion?
? Sign-up:
?? Website:
Regular Meeting| 20th June 2024 | ?? Lisbon?
The next internal EnR event is approaching quickly, and we are excited to welcome the Networks Regular Members and Working Group Chairs to the M75 Regular Meeting in Lisbon, hosted by the Portuguese Energy Agency ADENE - Agência para a Energia .??
In addition to the contributions from several external speakers, it is planned to hear about updates from the EnR Working Groups and to discuss internal EnR topics such as new accession candidates, organization and activities of the shared presidency in the 2nd half of 2024 and finally reviewing the networks latest activities.??
Therefore, we are looking forward to a fruitful meeting and further progress within EnR and put everything into the final preparations.?
EnR/IEA TCP Users workshop: Using behaviour change insights and programmes to accelerate the just energy transition | 21st June 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | ?? Lisbon?
EnR, the European Energy Network, and the Users TCP will be hosting a workshop on June 21st, focusing on strategies to encourage behaviour change to accelerate the just energy transition. This one-day workshop, hosted online and in Lisbon at the headquarters of Galp (ALLO Building B), will focus on innovative approaches to behaviour change under three key themes:??
The workshop will build on the findings, highlights and lessons learnt from the Behave 2023 conference, and also draw on the work of the Users TCP and the EnR member agencies.??
The main objective is to bring the lessons learnt from the research community to policymakers and practitioners; to facilitate knowledge exchange between stakeholders by sharing experiences and good practice examples; and to facilitate dialogue on how to apply the knowledge and expertise and put it into practice.??
During this workshop, we will explore:?
09.30 – 10:00 a.m. Welcome from Portugal, EnR and TCP Users?
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Just transition?
11:30 – 11:45 a.m. Coffee break?
11:45 a.m. – 01:15 p.m. Demand flexibility?
01:15 – 02:15 p.m. Lunch?
02:15 – 03:45 p.m. Encouraging the public acceptance of new technologies?
03:45 – 04:00 p.m. Wrap-up / Main take-aways & closing??
The workshop is aimed at energy agency professionals, policymakers, policy implementers, social scientists, researchers and energy practitioners.??
? Register to participate online at: ?
GSI Energy & Sustainability programme | 21st – 25th October 2024 | ?? Berlin?
The Portuguese Energy Agency ADENE - Agência para a Energia in partnership with LBC, Leadership Business Consulting, a leading company in strategic consultancy and digital transformation, has launched GSI Energy & Sustainability, an immersion programme aimed at managers and entrepreneurs in the energy and sustainability sector.?
This strategic partnership between ADENE and LBC, who have signed a cooperation protocol, aims to provide a unique opportunity for public and private managers, as well as entrepreneurs, to learn about innovative business models and establish contacts with leading innovation companies and industry experts from Silicon Valley, the global centre for high technology and innovation, located in the Northern California region.?
The GSI Energy & Sustainability programme, part of LBC's Global Strategic Innovation, will take place between 21 and 25 October 2024, addressing key topics for the future of energy and sustainability, including the role of artificial intelligence, the digitalisation of the energy system, the latest innovations in sustainable mobility, the decarbonisation of industry and buildings, among others.?
Participants will have the chance to attend sessions at Stanford University, meet companies that are champions of innovation and interact with innovation experts, in a unique opportunity to explore innovative and disruptive business models. They will also be invited to present their pitch to investors and venture capitalists, as well as obtain information and constructive feedback from their peers.?
The protocol signed between LBC and ADENE promotes modernisation, innovation and sustainability in the energy sector in Portugal and Europe, in line with sustainability and economic development goals.?
The detailed programme and registration are open on the GSI - Global Strategic Innovation website ?
National Energy Conference| 24th October 2024 | ?? Malta?
The Energy and Water Agency in collaboration with the University of Malta , will once again be organizing the National Energy Conference on 24th October 2024. This year’s overarching theme will be Digitalisation of the Energy System, and the topic will be explored both from a supply side, as well as from an end use perspective. Local speakers, as well as notable foreign speakers will make up this years’ panels with interesting conversations on key topics such as the role of digitalisation in the energy transition, integration of renewables, artificial intelligence, cyber-security and the just transition.?
Chair of the European Energy Network (EnR) Working Group on Behaviour Change
9 个月Don't miss the follow-up event of the BEHAVE conference entitled "EnR/IEA TCP Users workshop: Using behaviour change insights and programmes to accelerate the just energy transition on 21st June 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. It is also possible to join online!