NEWSFLASH: We don't have a salary guide...
Dominic Khedun
I connect high calibre lawyers with leading law firms across Australia, UK, UAE and Asia. Get in touch to see how I can help map your career path.
...but there is a reason why.
The available salary guides can be quite misleading as not all firms can be categorised in terms of pay. Some firms value work/life balance over money, others overpay to take into account the hours and less career opportunity on offer and even some of the so called "top-tiers" will not necessarily pay a top-tier rate. Market conditions will also have an effect on certain practice areas that create salary differences across specific disciplines. There are so many factors to take into account that a salary guide doesn't cover every option.
One of our busiest times of the year is post salary review (June/July)...this isn't because we are placing disgruntled lawyers who feel their pay reviews don't reflect the market. It's more offering advice that in the grand scheme of things, their pay is fair and is leaving a team you enjoy for the sake of an extra $10k really worth it??
We see a large number of career moves not working out that are based on money alone. Before making any rash decisions, consult with a recruiter who is working in your given area and regularly dealing with offers so you get the most up to date knowledge.