News this Week
GCE Ocean Technology
Connecting people. Sharing knowledge. Driving ocean innovation.
Havkraft Appoints New CEO from the Oil and Gas Industry
– Ingvill J. B?k? brings experience and expertise from the oil and gas industry that directly translates to the projects we are currently working on at Havkraft, says Chair of the Board, Ragnhild Skj?vestad.
Moreover,?Ingvill brings over 22 years of experience from both the oil and gas industry and renewable energy, where she has held leadership positions at the operator companies Equinor and Aker BP, as well as at the contractor company Moreld Apply.
Upcoming Events
The Offshore Wind Conference Science Meets Industry
Can Norway still become a leading player in offshore wind, and what is the potential value creation of offshore wind development in Norway??
Time:?5 November, 10:00-15:00 Place:?The University Aula at the UiB, Bergen
?We're bringing together top industry players and scientists on stage and have dedicated ample time for breaks and conversations. Nearly 100 participants are already registered – spots are limited, so secure yours now!
Her samles lederne hos GCE Ocean Technology's partner- og medlemsbedrifter, for ? diskutere hvordan tettere samarbeid mellom klynger kan bidra til ?kt innovasjon og akselerere energiomstillingen.
Tid:??20. november, 09:00-13:00 Sted:?Scandic Flesland Airport Hotel, Bergen
?Blant foredragsholderne har vi blant andre:
Site Visit - Reach Subsea
Vi inviterer til bedriftsbes?k og seminar hvor du f?r l?re mer om hvordan fjernstyrte operasjoner reduserer utslipp og gir ?kt verdi til kundene.
?Tid:?5. desember, 12:00-16:00 Sted:?Reach Subsea, M?llervegen 6, Haugesund
Reach Remote er et 24 meter langt, ubemannet overflatefart?y (USV), som blant annet er utstyrt med en arbeidsklasse fjernstyrt undervannsrobot (ROV).
Utviklingen har p?g?tt siden 2019 og to skip er n? klare til operasjon. Reach Remote ble k?ret til ?Ship of the Year 2024?.
P? dette seminaret f?r du blant annet h?re erfaringer fra prosjektet og hvordan samarbeidspartnere og kunder jobber sammen for ? realisere nye muligheter innen fjernstyrte operasjoner og autonomi.
MELD DEG P? (NB: begrenset antall plasser)
All Events
? 5 NOV.?The Offshore Wind Conference Science Meets Industry, Bergen
11 NOV.?Team Norway's Energetic Future - Britain and Norway, Newcastle
20 NOV.?Lederforum i GCE Ocean Technology, Bergen
21 NOV. HAVlunsj, Save the Date, Bergen
? 5 DEC.?Site Visit - Reach Subsea, Haugesund