NEWS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEWS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the deal, UK media operators such as BBC and other media corporations have been screwing the consumers for decades!
Most media companies are controled by NAZIS!
Politicians such as Blair and May have screwed the voters big times. Blair is responsible for the state of the world today!
May is responsible for those who are dyeing from DRUGS and POVERTY! Yes we know that there are 500M people in Europe. But did you know that their are 5.3Billion in the British Empire, yes the Commonwealth.
NO DEAL is Good for the UK and BAD for Germany and France! Look at BMW VW and Citron without the UK they will GO DOWN!!!!!!!!!
The MPs are been paid by Blair to F...Up BREXIT. Teresa May is the reason why the crime rate is so high, and Mr May profits from crime!
Labour was in power for 15 years and could not deliver a MediaNetwork for Black People, the present leader is pissing in the wind, and the Liberals are living on Cloud 999. I and I will be the next Prime Minister! OOO.....
Looks like 007 have 7 locations for the Frame Unit, and understand how they run their covert operations.
This includes Chemical and Radiation WARFARE in order to disable transmitters , their actions can be best described as Treason and attempted Murder! This is to create the illusion that there are no clean frequencies in London and other parts of the UK. This is only one of the reasons why Black People are still waiting for a Media Network after 70 years!!!!!