- Reported by The Irish Times, German government official, Jürgen Friedrich, has said that Ireland has a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to supply Germany’s huge energy needs with green hydrogen via wind power. Speaking at a conference in Dublin this week, Friedrich noted that offshore wind energy from Ireland’s west coast was one of the few completely reliable sources of renewable energy in the world. https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2024/12/03/ireland-has-once-in-a-lifetime-chance-to-fuel-eu-hydrogen-network/
- Ireland Live reports on the latest figures from the Society of Irish Motor Industry that have revealed that the number of petrol electric hybrids registered in Louth so this year has increased by 22.3% on the same period last year, with the total number registered not far off double the amount of fully electric vehicles. https://www.ireland-live.ie/news/louth-live/1671849/rise-of-petrol-electric-hybrids-in-louth-continues.html
- Reported by RTé, oil prices climbed nearly 1% yesterday afternoon, as investors hone in on the outcome of an OPEC+ meeting later this week. OPEC+, which accounts for about half of the world's oil production, has been looking to gradually unwind production cuts through 2025. https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2024/1203/1484466-oil-prices-nudge-higher-ahead-of-opec-meeting/
- Galway Beo has outlined an expert’s tips and tricks ahead of the festive season on how to save energy in the home. Jason Higgs, Senior Deals Strategist at Proxy Coupons, has recommended switching to LED lights, stating “LED lights use up to 90% less energy than traditional bulbs. They last longer, too. They also emit less heat, making them safer to use”. https://www.galwaybeo.ie/culture/expert-shares-five-christmas-light-9766246
- ReNews.Biz has reported on the opening of a new 250MW wind farm in Queensland, Australia, with the development having the potential to reduce carbon emissions by over five million tonnes annually and attracting additional investment and jobs to the region. https://renews.biz/97468/european-energy-plans-250mw-oz-project/
- According to The Independent, prices of petrol and diesel in the UK over the Christmas period are set to be among the cheapest since the pandemic, with petrol 10.5p cheaper and diesel 12pm cheaper than the same time last year. The cost of oil has remained broadly stable, averaging 73 US dollars a barrel, leading to little change in wholesale prices. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/petrol-prices-december-november-fuel-b2658204.html
- The Guardian has outlined that EV chargers are the ‘key’ to the electric vehicle transition, claiming that the lack of demand is only partly due to the higher prices, with it more importantly being due to a failure to install the necessary infrastructure to enable mass charging. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/dec/03/chargers-are-key-to-the-electric-vehicle-transition