IT News: Technology,  Developer,  FOSS, ERP, PeopleTek, Virtualization, Linux, Operations, Database, Server, Big Data, BI (Vol 284 Issue 4)

IT News: Technology, Developer, FOSS, ERP, PeopleTek, Virtualization, Linux, Operations, Database, Server, Big Data, BI (Vol 284 Issue 4)

In this issue:





PeopleTek News






Big Data


Making Your Business Case For A Digital Transformation (Dec. 9th)
Making Your Business Case For A Digital Transformation (Dec. 9th)
FinConDX is a virtual conference focused on the DevOps, DevSecOps and Digital Transformation practices and tools you need to thrive in the FinTech industry


AI, Cloud, 5G To Be The Most Important Technologies In 2022, Says Study

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Cloud Computing and 5G will be the most important technologies in 2022, according to IEEE's recent Global Study

"The new survey of global technology leaders from the U.S., U.K., China, India and Brazil, which included 350 CIOs, CTOs and IT directors, covers the most important technologies in 2022, industries most impacted by technology in the year ahead, and technology trends through the next decade.

The most important technologies, innovation, sustainability and the future

Which technologies will be the most important in 2022? Among total respondents, more than one in five (21%) say AI and ML, cloud computing (20%) and 5G (17%) will be the most important technologies next year. Because of the global pandemic, technology leaders surveyed said in 2021 they accelerated adoption of cloud computing (60%), AI and ML (51%), and 5G (46%), among others..."?[, November 24th, 2021]

San Diego HPC Center And Fungible Achieve 10 Million IO/s Storage Performance

Solution leverages NVMe over TCP standard and Storage Initiator card and storage target to unlock potential of rest of infrastructure.

"Fungible Inc. and the San Diego HPC Center (SDSC) have shattered the NVMe over TCP storage initiator performance world record, achieving 10 million IO/s.

Distributed AI, ML, and other data-centric workflows have traditionally been constrained in what they can accomplish by the limitations of traditional RDMA, iSCSI, and FC based storage protocols and products. The company's solution leverages the NVMe over TCP standard and the firm's Storage Initiator card and storage target to unlock the potential of the rest of the infrastructure..."?[, November 24th, 2021]

The Top Business Technology Trends For 2021-2022

With the new year just around the corner, the world of business is set to see great change. From 5G and the Internet of Things to the blockchain, new technology trends are creating a digital transformation for companies on a global level. In this article, we'll take a look at the latest trends in technology to keep an eye out for in 2022 and beyond.

  • 2022 Updates to ISO 27002
  • 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Privacy and Data Regulations for Advertisers
  • Hybrid Workforces Become the New Norm
  • Cybersecurity
  • Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency

Which Technology Trend Will Impact Your Business??[Business 2 Community, November 22nd, 2021]

How Robots Are Transforming Both Industry And Society

Even though the automation revolution is just beginning, robotics is delivering significant transformation for both industry and society

"As part of Industry 4.0, robotics, AI and automation are transforming the majority of industries, from automotive to food production and everything in between. Now, this transformation is being felt outside the factories, in wider society.

Information Age spoke to Dr. Susanne Bieller, General Secretary, International Federation of Robotics (IFR) at the Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit, to find out more on how robotics is transforming both industry and society..."?[Information Age, November 23rd, 2021]

Holographic Data Storage: Next Big Thing Or Bust?

The latest work in holographic storage development approaches its uses in a different way. Take a deep dive into the possibilities and potential of this 3D storage

"Holographic data storage has been discussed for decades. Once slated as the next generation of optical storage, it promised greater densities and access speeds than today's Blu-ray discs.

Over the years, numerous research teams tried to build holographic systems that could meet the growing demands of data storage. However, these teams achieved few concrete results beyond the occasional prototype. Their efforts were not in vain, however. Microsoft breathed new life into holographic storage with Project HSD, a collaboration between Microsoft Research Cambridge and Microsoft Azure, whose goal is to adapt holographic technology to cloud-scale storage..."?[SearchStorage, November 23rd, 2021]

The Future of Work Summit (Jan. 12th)


Why PHP Is Getting A Foundation And Why That Matters

The PHP Foundation is an effort by 10 key PHP-dependent vendors to assure adequate funding to keep the popular scripting language viable.

"This week, the world learned of a new foundation centered on an open source project: The PHP Foundation.

While open source foundations are now about as common as open source software titles, this seems to be a long overdue move, needed to assure that the scripting language has a secure future..."?[FOSS Force, November 26th, 2021]

IT Priorities 2022: Software Development

As organisations rebuild after the Covid-19 pandemic, strategic software projects will help them become more effective

"The TechTarget/Computer Weekly IT Priorities 2022 survey has found that budgets are increasing. Among the largest organisations, there is a growing emphasis on the use of application programming interfaces (APIs). This offers a way for businesses to derive a positive business outcome by developing a value chain through an ecosystem of partners and strategic use of third-party services..."?[ComputerWeekly, November 24th, 2021]

Why Are Developers In Such High Demand Right Now?

As the war for great talent continues, developers are especially in higher demand than ever before

"The tech industry has seen explosive growth over the past several decades with more and more companies relying on top-notch development talent for their day-to-day operations. Programmers are playing an increasingly critical role in many organizations. Despite the hundreds of thousands of tech graduates entering the job market every year, there is a vast shortage of development talent. What does this mean about the industry?..."?[ITProPortal, November 24th, 2021]

How Software Development Will Change In 2022

Businesses need a pipeline of software-enabled functionality that has to be delivered quickly and reliably without overworking software teams

"Over the past year, I have studied in detail how the software development productivity space is changing. Over this time, I have spoken to engineering leaders from dozens of organisations, reviewed the latest literature and even conducted representative opinion polling among software engineers.

While the future is uncertain, there are three key trends that technology leaders cannot afford to miss. How tech leaders implement these trends within their organisations will help to define how successful they are in boosting productivity and driving developer wellbeing..."?[ComputerWeekly, November 23rd, 2021]

Application Security Code Reviews: Best Practices

Secure code reviews are an essential part of the software development life cycle (SDLC)

"By employing a series of security audit methodologies, you are able to proactively identify vulnerabilities or errors in an application.

During the development of your software application, did you consider the current OWASP Top 10 web application security risks? How often do you review the CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses?..."?[IT Business Edge, November 23rd, 2021]

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Wireshark 3.6 Network Analyzer Release

After a year of development, a new stable branch of the Wireshark 3.6 network analyzer has been released

"Recall that initially the project developed under the name Ethereal, but in 2006, due to a conflict with the owner of the Ethereal trademark, the developers were forced to rename the project to Wireshark. The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license..."?[itsfoss, November 25th, 2021]

10 Holiday Gift Ideas For Open Source Enthusiasts

From DIY projects to computers to books, this list provides gift suggestions that foster creativity, learning, and exploring

Are you looking for cool gifts for people on your holiday shopping list or ideas for your own wishlist? If so, consider one of the ten suggestions below. Each of these gift suggestions connects in some way to the open source ethos. From DIY projects to computers to books, this list provides gift suggestions that foster creativity, learning, and exploring.?[, November 26th, 2021]

Stop Saying Open Source Nonsense

Creating a successful open source project requires more than mimicking the business models of Red Hat or Confluent

"We really need to stop it with posts intended to proffer the secret to open source success (TL;DR be like Confluent). It turns out that market dynamics determine the right model for a given company. The industry wasted a decade trying to ape the Red Hat model. It didn't work. As Peter Levine, general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, wrote back in 2014, there will never be another Red Hat. If he were to write that post today, he might also argue that there will never be another Confluent..."?[InfoWorld, November 22nd, 2021]

DARKReading: Beyond Patch Management: Next-Generation Approaches to Finding and Fixing Vulnerable Code


SoftwareReviews Reveals The Best Enterprise Resource Planning Software In 2021

SoftwareReviews, a leading source for insights on the software vendor landscape, has published its 2021 Emotional Footprint Awards for Enterprise Resource Planning software

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a suite of software applications supporting process areas such as finance, operations, HR, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and supply chain. Managing supply chain complexity has been an increasing area of concern for many organizations over the past two years, particularly as supply shortages have become pronounced across a variety of sectors. This has made ERP a particular area of interest in 2021.?[AiTHORITY, November 24th, 2021]

10 Critical Vulnerabilities Found In ERP Applications

In today's world, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications are being used by numerous companies worldwide. ERP is a type of application that makes it extremely easy for organizations to manage key parts of their business such as manufacturing, HR, sales, accounting and marketing.

"Using the latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, ERP significantly improves efficiency and visibility across every aspect of your business, making it an indispensable asset for organizations around the globe.

No matter which vertical or industry your organization belongs to, ERP can prove to be immensely helpful when it comes to the smooth facilitation of everyday operations. However, it can also expose your company to severe cyber risks if proper security measures are not taken..."?[Security Boulevard, November 22nd, 2021]

2021 Ransomware Recovery Tales for IT Professionals (Dec. 7th)

PeopleTek News

PeopleTek: Self Discovery

Invest in self-discovery. It will help you envision a better tomorrow and blaze a path to achieve what you truly desire.

"How much time do you invest in yourself? Do you actually make it a priority to evaluate:

  • What makes you happy?
  • What could change to help you achieve that goal?
  • What are the obstacles that are getting in the way?
  • What's missing from your life and your career?
  • How has your past influenced this?

..."?[PeopleTek News, November 22nd, 2021]


VirtualBox 6.1.30 Released With Initial Support For Linux Kernel 5.16, More Bug Fixes

Oracle released today VirtualBox 6.1.30 as a maintenance update to their very popular open-source and cross-platform virtualization software for GNU/Linux, Solaris, macOS, and Windows platforms.

"Coming just a month after VirtualBox 6.1.28, the VirtualBox 6.1.30 release is here to introduce initial support for the upcoming Linux 5.16 kernel series. This means that you can now run GNU/Linux distributions powered by Linux kernel 5.16 inside a virtual machine, as well as to install VirtualBox in a Linux 5.16-based distro.

Also for Linux users, VirtualBox 6.1.30 fixes packaging for all distribution specific packages like DEB and RPM to make the feature for unattended installation of guest operating systems work, and updates the Linux Guest Additions to allow running only one VBoxDRMClient instance..."?[9to5linux, November 22nd, 2021]


AWS Is Making A Major Commitment To Linux

Latest release is based on Fedora and is currently available as a preview release

"Amazon's cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has put out a preview of its custom Amazon Linux distro (AL2022), while committing to refreshing the distro every two years.

Amazon Linux is popular with AWS users for its tight integration with AWS tools, and no license costs. The service also ensures that its new features work as advertised with the distro...."?[, November 23rd, 2021]

WITI's 2021 Digital Inclusivity Summit and Hall Of Fame


How To Plan For A Data Center Migration

By migrating from a traditional data center environment to a cloud environment, teams will be able to more easily optimize their workloads using the tools that cloud platforms provide

"While there are potential challenges associated with data center migration, the benefits of moving from physical infrastructures, enterprise data centers, or on-premises data storage systems to a cloud data center or a hybrid cloud system are well worth the effort.

Now that we've gone over the potential challenges of data center migration, how do businesses enable a successful data center migration while effectively managing risk?

Below, we've laid out a repeatable high-level migration strategy that is broken down into four phases: Discovery, Planning, Execution, and Optimization. By leveraging a repeatable framework as such, organizations create the opportunity to identify assets, minimize migration costs and risks using a multi-phased migration approach, enable deployment and configuration, and finally, optimize the end state..."?[Network Computing, November 22nd, 2021]

10 Strategic Tech Trends For The Infrastructure Industry In 2022

The time has come for digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. Here are 10 technology trends that will shape the future of infrastructure.

"Compared to early adopters on the road to digital transformation, the infrastructure industry, meaning the 'built environment' consisting of the human-made places and spaces in which we live, work, and play, could be considered a laggard. But it is a laggard with enormous market opportunity-to the tune of $21T annually worldwide and an annual spend of $1.4T in the U.S., representing 4% of US GDP.

Many of the strategic technologies that we know well from deployments in high-tech, finance, and other industries, such as AI/ML and data analytics, are now permeating the infrastructure industry, as are other unique technology enablers specific to architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC)..."?[CIO, November 24th, 2021]

IDC FutureScape: Top 10 Predictions for the Future of Operations

The top 10 predictions for the Future of Operations from International Data Corporation (IDC) speak to the rapidly expanding world of remote operations, the growing role of digital engineering, and the need to prioritize sustainability.

"The COVID-19 pandemic created some unique operational challenges and opportunities. Demand for many products plummeted and then accelerated past previous levels. Companies were forced to send workers home and then struggled to staff back up. At the same time supply chains developed numerous choke points, some internally created and some externally imposed..."?[IDC, November 22nd, 2021]

Change Management: How To Build Resilience Into Your Processes

While building personal and team adaptability, IT leaders should also examine how team processes either build or drain resilience. Consider this advice

IT leaders have experienced and witnessed some incredible flexibility, adaptability, and downright heroism since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic - among their team members, across their organizations, within themselves. As the pressure on technology teams has persisted, however, many have turned their attention to identifying and preventing burnout on their teams - learning how to toe the line between building healthy resilience within themselves and their teams and demanding too much change of their organizations.

One way to ease the impact of uncertainty and volatility on people is to build more resiliency into processes.?[The Enterprisers Project, November 26th, 2021]

ITIL Incident Management: What Are Best Practices?

The most recent version of Information Technology Infrastructure Library, ITIL 4, contains guidance for IT and business activities

"The system doesn't mess around when it comes to processes, and this includes cybersecurity and incident management.

While it seems like everyone has a different suggestion for avoiding cybersecurity workplace incidents, not all practices are applicable for the ITIL operating model. ITIL 4 contains IT practices and methods for incident management specific to the framework.

To help you fully utilize everything this system has to offer, we discuss effective incident management practices for the ITIL 4 framework..."?[CIOinsight, November 24th, 2021]

Identity And Access Management Predictions For 2022 (Dec. 8th)


Best SQL Server Monitoring & Performance Tools 2022

SQL server monitoring and performance tools can drastically improve user experience and application functionality for enterprise workloads

"To store, track, and share massive amounts of data across a global network, reliable database storage is a necessity for SMBs up to large organizations. But just as important is finding the correct SQL server tools to track and optimize database performance.

These tools are now critical to the DevOps pipeline, and some make up the growing market devoted to application performance management (APM). Still essential are the monitoring and performance tools dedicated to the underlying databases..."?[ServerWatch, November 24th, 2021]


Hyperscalers: Will They Upend The Mainframe Market?

As seen with the latest quarterly earnings reports, the hyperscalers continue to post strong growth with their cloud platforms. Amazon's AWS remains dominant, with sales increasing 39% to $16.1 billion.

"As for the No. 2 player, Microsoft, the software giant's Azure business grew 50%. Then, there is Google, which saw its cloud operations generate $4.99 billion, up 45% on a year-over-year basis.

There is much room for growth for the hyperscalers. According to IDC (International Data Corp.), the spending on cloud technologies and services is forecasted to go from $706.6 billion in 2021 to $1.3 trillion by 2025..."?[IT Business Edge, November 22nd, 2021]

Big Data

Three Ways Companies Can Achieve World-Class Data Maturity

Moving to world-class data maturity is the next frontier in the digital transformation journey that can help organizations realize new growth opportunities.

"For so much of the COVID-19 pandemic, tech companies demonstrated their agility as they pivoted to new circumstances. While rapid digital transformation and cloud deployment efforts were prioritized, massive amounts of data were amassed. A recent KPMG report found that 73 percent of technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) enterprises agree that most did not have time to think through the treasure trove of data they were creating for themselves..."?[eWeek, November 22nd, 2021]

ITProToday: 2021 Ransomware Recovery Tales for IT Professionals (Dec. 7th)


How BI Can Help Enterprises Overcome The Effects Of The Pandemic

Business intelligence has become very helpful for companies trying to overcome the problems created by the pandemic

"It's been almost two years since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and now we have enough information to assume that most enterprises weren't prepared for the crisis. Although teams had vast amounts of data and powerful analytic tools at their fingertips, the pandemic still caught most organizations off guard. As a result, most enterprise executives had to cut their plans and initiatives. According to a Google-commissioned IDG survey, 55% of respondents have postponed or canceled at least one technology project..."?[ComputerWeekly, November 24th, 2021]

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This was really useful thank you



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