News, good and less good, from Guatemala.

News, good and less good, from Guatemala.


Original document in Italian. Semi-Automated Translation to English

I have just returned from 15 days in Guatemala.

The usual smell of volcanic ash, usually noticeable when opening luggage upon returning, this year is accompanied by the less pleasant smell of N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide: DEET, mosquito repellent. In a few lines you will read why.

This article is an attempt to organize the information and feelings collected during the trip, accompanying them where possible by useful links for further readings.

The objective is to help those who are physically far from Guatemala, to have content to feed their thinking as well as their conversations. A small part of the document is also dedicated to the activity of Rekko Guatemala , but I have not extended this part to give space to the "Annual Activity Report" that will arrive within a few days,

?4 Open fronts in Guatemala

The first front is linked to the current Dengue epidemic (Emergency Formalized at the end of August 2023): for this reason I spent 15 days "bathing" in mosquito repellent.

This emergency (not new to Guatemala where the last Dengue crisis dates to 2018) is, in large part, a legacy of the COVID pandemic: the pandemic has decreased the common commitment to preventing epidemics deriving from air carriers (mosquitoes). In relation to this Emergency, Rekko:

  • It offers, at cost, price test for detecting the infection. Test requests increased by 350% in 3 weeks.

The other important fronts open for Guatemala, as a country, are:

  • Democratic management of the post-election process: (more here) a strong clash is underway in the country between the SEMILLA movement of the president elected in August 2023 and the outgoing party/government. The outgoing party is using every means to prevent the installation of the new government in January 2024. Peaceful and non-peaceful demonstrations are taking place in the country ?. Many of the neighbouring countries and some of the most influential ones (USA) have publicly denounced the ongoing dynamics as a "coup".
  • Climate Crisis / Torrential Rains : The rainy season is currently in full swing in Guatemala, after a poor start to rainfall. As every year, there are tragedies in every corner of the country. Tragedies are due to the increasing force of rains, increasing population density and soil erosion.
  • Entry of drug traffickers in the north of the country: just a few days ago, Guatemala made official the sending of 2000 soldiers to the northern border with Mexico to "secure" the territory and prevent the entry of individuals pertaining to the various gangs that are sharing influence on Mexican and Guatemalan territory.

A critical situation, which would be difficult to manage for a well-administered country. The current political crisis only aggravates the situation and makes it difficult to manage the issues mentioned above.

ATT.NE : For those who are about to leave to Guatemala, the QDENGA vaccine is available in Italy. In Guatemala unfortunately this vaccine is not yet available.

Economic and Social Development - Guatemala

Guatemala remains a young country with demographic growth (+1.5% year), albeit with a slowdown compared to the past. Population average age is very low: 4 out of 10 are under? 16 years old, 6 out of 10 are under 20 years old.


Motorcycles are now a constant (and noisy) presence of every landscape. The numbers say: +30% registrations in 2022 compared to 2021. Total motorcycles circulating 1.7 million (1 per 10 inhabitants, slightly less than in Italy). Among the reasons for this increase:

Among the direct and not too desired results of this change in mobility there is a new health crisis: traumatic accidents of motorcyclists that flood the emergency rooms.

  • Road infrastructure is increasingly collapsing. The number of vehicles on the move has increased and the latest government investments have been scarce due to poor management. You see, sinking Escuintla road .

The above, namely poor infrastructure, slows down investment and development of areas far from the capital or the two main ports.

Public Investments in Infrastructure are slow: on average, 209 km per year are paved. There are over 20 thousand to be paved (more than 50%). About 100 years of work at this rate.

  • Traffic, the cost and difficulty of travel are also affecting the availability of labor in areas where it would be needed. I have registered reports from associations that run clinics in peri-urban (non-rural) areas complaining about the impossibility of retaining employees, due to the difficulties of moving from home to work around the capital city.
  • At the national level, the construction of a new motorway ring to connect different areas of the country is planned, it is in very slow development and far from completion.


The cost of living is increasing (about 10% year on year).

The majority of the population continues to be employed in informal jobs (71%) with salaries that do not exceed +/-120 euros per month. Meanwhile, the minimum wage is +/-300 euros per month. The national average (always a figure to be taken with pliers) is +/- 2800Quetzales or about 340 euros.

The factors that limit economic development and innovation are different.

The state continues to mismanage its economic resources, already limited in themselves.

In Guatemala we completed some meetings with members of the "San Pedro Yepocapa Child Support Network" (an organization of which Rekko is a founding member) and saw the participation of representatives of the army.

On this occasion, the army was asked to patrol a problematic rural area, but the answer was "we do not have enough fuel for our vehicles".

The Health System

Public Hospitals

I have not been able to obtain any relevant direct information. The situation, however, is substantially unchanged to what we remember: little space, few resources and discrimination against those of Mayan origin.

With sadness I also find these two articles (HERE ?and HERE) that show how for two consecutive years the ministry has exhausted the funds available before the end of the year: in Guatemala we must always hope to be well, especially at the end of the year.


The IGSS system (social security) despite covering only 30% of the working population (therefore about 1.5 million), is in the experience of most, collapsing. Official statistical information is scarce, but the multiple interviews with local doctors who collaborate with it, confirm the situation.

  • In its "emergency" form, the system is able to offer a service to its members.
  • For "non-emergency" visits, on the other hand, we are talking about waiting months, even years. This "despite" the number of daily visits per shift (8 hours) is 26 patients for specialist visits and 32 for general practice visits. On average 13 minutes to review, diagnose, document and inform.

Another problem of the IGSS system is related to the geolocation of its members:

  • They are almost all in the capital.

For this reason, the IGSS offices in the capital are constantly under stress while the offices in the most remote areas, assist few people and are not well equipped.

Here you can access some interesting data about IGSS.


The analysis of the current political scenario in Guatemala is difficult for many reasons: roots linked to a distant past and a present conditioned by regional and international policies. Because of this complexity, I do not feel ready to address the subject, but HERE you will find an excellent article, written by a friend of mine and of Rekko.

Broader issues, such as the political representation of women, minorities and the Mayan population remains an unresolved problem.

Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala remains one of the main tourism hubs in Guatemala and investments are underway for road improvement? and sidewalk widening.

  • The project to install cameras and emergency buttons in the city center has been completed? . For the moment, the project of a cycle path outside Antigua (currently 250m long)? has failed.
  • I noticed the closure of many bakeries and small neighborhood shops (Tiendas). This is probably due to the increase in rents, the consequences of the pandemic and the decrease in the "native" population interested in this type of services.
  • The Bus Terminal area is more organized and safe for pedestrians.
  • At the entrance to the city, a large municipal car park is being built, which should reduce traffic in the city.

San Pedro Yepocapa

In general, the strong demographic expansion and stability at the level of territorial government (fifth re-election) remains? despite some problems with electoral procedures in August 2023.

The road completed in the last 10 years has helped the economy. Several funds have been renovated in the area near the central park and "modern" fashion and footwear and pastry activities have been opened.

The speed of development leads to shortcuts in terms of safety, to the detriment of the safety of workers. Accidents are frequent, this is the latest.

Even at the level of tourism, there are beginning to be the first developments. There are already MTB routes and various annual competitions. The San Pedro Yepocapa Valle del Miele "brand" has been created and a first annual? festival has already been organized.

And for those who stayed in San Pedro Yepocapa...

For those who attended San Pedro Yepocapa, the arrival of the buses at 4am did not go unnoticed / unheard. I can say, however, that the formal protests (written to the town hall) by a volunteer who collaborated with Rekko in 2023, led to a change: buses no longer use the horn to warn of their arrival.


Rekko Guatemala – Activities and Updates

As mentioned above, the Report "Rekko Year 2022 Activities" is being published. Below are just some brief info.

Activities in the Health sector

I found great excitement in both clinics. There are 25 employees currently employed by Rekko in the healthcare area (Rekko 8 + Rekko 7).

The increase in the number of employees and services offered daily has led to the need to expand the spaces dedicated to outpatient use. So at Rekko 8 some of the rooms previously reserved for volunteer accommodation and EPS, have become offices, changing rooms and additional canteen areas.

The number of patients remains high, almost 22K between the two clinics in 2022. Odontology remains a driving force above all in terms of overall economic benefit, also thanks to the expansion of space and the increase in available dental units. The demand for Gynecology and Physiotherapy services remains stable (and high). Pediatrics is growing, thanks to the weekly availability of the service and its quality.

Community Activities

Community activity in 2022 returned to continuous weekly or bi-weekly frequency. Thanks to some programs funded by external foundations and thanks to the many volunteers who came to help us, we reached over 1700 people. During the period of my stay 7 medical days were carried out, including activities of Psychology, Speech Therapy and Physiotherapy.

Particularly significant and exciting was to see how, our presence (25 years in San Pedro Yepocapa!), the continuous work of the Rekko team with Jose on the front line and the participation in different local working groups (for example the League for the Protection of Children in San Pedro Yepocapa), has led us to be a reference point for the needs of families and communities. In particular, during my stay, I participated in two meetings both requested by local people who wanted to share with Rekko the critical issues of their communities knowing they could find an answer in Rekko. The awareness of one's own needs, the knowledge of the availability of solutions and mitigation paths are for me a great success of Rekko and the system of which it is part. In detail:

  • Two teachers and the principal of a small elementary school, required the intervention of a psychologist and a social worker to support children who in class showed signs (physical and psychological) of family abuse.
  • Two mothers from an aldea (Morelia) convened a meeting with Rekko and the child protection network to highlight a problem of alcohol abuse in the community and a lack of protection towards minors in the community.

Educational Activity


The Rekko School "Gian Carlo Noris" remains an excellence in the educational system of San Pedro Yepocapa, in the network of centers that use "Plantando Semilla" and in Guatemala in general.

During my stay I was able to attend several hours of activities and one of the last days, even an event that involved both children and families (described below, in the solidarity area). Currently there are 46 girls involved in the school and 53 boys and girls who benefit from our scholarship. The costs of running this program are important, but the results are tangible. HERE we always need new supporters!

In the last year a new outdoor area has been equipped, useful during the hours of play and in the preparation phase of group activities (dances, theater etc ..). In the future the ideal would be to be able to count on a covered area, usable even during the rainy season and sheltered from the sun during the rest of the year.



During my visit we received news? of the renewed support of the 8x Mille Chiesa Valdese foundation, which continues its support of our educational program.

In the same days, in Guatemala, Rekko was announced being a finalist of? the ASINDES sustainability award? aimed at enhancing excellence in the world of cooperation in Guatemala.

With happiness I then attended two events organized to raise funds in the local community, two initiatives of "Self-Help" as well as opportunities to promote Rekko services.

  • Event "Rifa Rekko 2023". A lottery, in its third year, which allowed us to collect 7 thousand euros by offering 30 prizes (among them, a motorcycle!).
  • Event "Mercato Escuelita Rekko". A morning in which the mothers of the children enrolled in the school have prepared food in their homes. The same mothers then, in a space set up by Rekko offered these dishes to children, other mothers and the general public. All dishes had a price. The money raised has been pooled and will be used by mothers to buy something useful for the school (in 2022 the funds raised were used to buy the "togas" for the end-of-year party.


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