News from Greater Bergen - Special Edition: One Ocean Week
Invest in Bergen
Interested in establishing your company in Greater Bergen? We are here to help you. Free of charge.
Join our events for One Ocean Week
With One Ocean Week just days away, the city of Bergen is preparing for what will be the largest collective of ocean-themed events and activities.
Invest in Bergen will co-host key events during One Ocean Week.
Join us for a tour of Northern Lights
Northern Lights is developing the world's first open-source CO2?transport and storage infrastructure in ?ygarden, just outside Bergen city centre.
As part of One Ocean Week, Invest in Bergen and ?ygarden N?ringsutvikling have arranged a facility tour for 17 April.
“Slik blir Vestlandet havvinnere”
With the offshore wind sector underway, what will it take for western Norway to become a leader?
Join us on 18 April for "Slik blir Vestlandet havvinnere" (How Western Norway will become an offshore leader"), held in collaboration with various industry partners.?
This event will be free, open to the public and in Norwegian.
Visningssenter for Havnasjonen Norge (in Norwegian)
Bli med tirsdag 18. april og finn ut om det er interessant for deg og din bedrift ? bli partner i et slikt senter for ? kunne realisere dette i Bergen.?
One Ocean Conference
The Ocean Conference will be another highlight of One Ocean Week. This ocean sustainability conference, to be held on 18 April, will focus on how the responsible transition of the ocean industries can be accelerated.
Other key events
Invest in Bergen?is a public agency aiming to facilitate international investments in Greater Bergen.?We are funded by Vestland County Council and the following municipalities: Alver, Ask?y, Austrheim, Bergen, Bj?rnafjorden, Eidfjord, Fedje, Gulen, Masfjorden, Modalen, Oster?y, Samnanger, Ullensvang, Ulvik, Vaksdal, Voss and ?ygarden.