News from the cluster - week 49
GCE Ocean Technology
Connecting people. Sharing knowledge. Driving ocean innovation.
A collaboration that creates synergies
– Norway can be at the forefront if we utilize synergy effects from aquaculture, offshore wind and other ocean industries, says Lars Magne Non?s, Research Manager at SINTEF Ocean.
The OECD estimates that the ocean-based industries can double their contribution to the global economy by 2030. But this requires that the resources are used in a sustainable way, and that one sees the ocean in a holistic perspective.
– This is where GCE Ocean Technology can play a central role with many members from a wide spectrum, as well as different insights and special expertise, says Non?s.
He points out that Trondheim has its strength in technology with NTNU and SINTEF, while the Bergen region has a lot of industry.
– This provides great potential for interaction. We are ready to help industry players facing various challenges. Read on
The Norwegian government asks for input from the offshore wind industry
Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland has presented the framework for allocating the areas in Utsira Nord and the first phase of S?rlige Nordsj? II and asks for the industry’s input in the public consultation within 6 January. Read on
Input to the European Critical Raw Materials Act
To achieve the green and digital transitions, the EU must significantly increase and diversify its critical raw materials supply, strengthen circularity and support research and innovation. Read on
Upcoming Events??
HAVlunsj - hydrogensikkerhet til havs, 15. desember, Bergen, NORWAY
Webinar: Testinfrastruktur for havbunnsmineraler, 13. januar.
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