News and Events from the National Campaign to Protect People in Pain

News and Events from the National Campaign to Protect People in Pain

For Clinical Professionals in Pain Management and Healthcare Generally...

The Speakers Panel of the National Campaign continues to work on behalf of patients, their caregivers, and their healthcare providers.? This periodic newsletter is to announce recent progress.?

1.? In response to our inquiries, Dr Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse,? and Dr Jennifer Hobin, her chief of staff, have agreed to schedule a half-hour zoom meeting with us on October 9th 2024.? We will present a shorter version of the briefing we offered to senior officials at the FDA in July.?

Our "ask" in this meeting will be that Dr Volkow opens inter-agency discussions and a prompt review of the scientific errors and omissions in the 2022 CDC and Veterans Administration guidelines.? We will ask that patients and their informed representatives be included in the review as key contributors to the review.?

We will further ask that NIDA will take an advocacy position calling for the outright repudiation and recall of the CDC and VA guidelines on grounds of fundamental scientific errors and active harms to chronic pain patients, their families, and their doctors who practice in pain medicine.

As one element of our interactions with Dr Volkow's office, we will represent the Campaign and its Speakers' Bureau in the following terms:

The Speakers Bureau of the National Campaign to Protect People in Pain is comprised of clinical professionals and patient advocates with an aggregate level of experience exceeding 400 years.? We are backed and advised by an email network of 70 practicing clinicians, ~100 patient advocates active in publication, and over 1000 patients and family caregivers.? Our publications have appeared online in highly credible venues including KevinMD (the most widely read healthcare newsletter in America), the American Council on Science and Health, Pain News Network, STAT News, Medscape,? iPain, the Journal of Medicine of the National Association of Medical Doctors, and the Medical Research Archives of the European Society of Medicine.? Our scientific and advocacy work is regularly announced on Facebook, Quora,? LinkedIn,? and X (Twitter).? On LinkedIn alone, these announcements are seen in interest groups read by over 200,000 clinicians and medical educators.?

Among other recent publications, the following may be of direct interest to your doctors:

Finally, Someone is Listening to People in Pain!

View of In Defense of Doctors Who Treat Pain -- Questions and Answers for Judges, Juries… and Journalists --

The latter publication in a peer reviewed medical journal is intended to become a practice standard for the conduct of all adversarial proceedings against doctors who treat pain, in both State Board proceedings and DEA persecutions of clinicians who are otherwise guilty of no real crime other than trying to alleviate their patients' pain and preserve their quality of life.? This paper has been republished in closely similar form on KevinMD and the American Council on Science and Health.

2. In related work, we are also challenging the Injunctive Relief provisions of the US National Opioid Settlement, on grounds of arbitrary creation of a regulatory nightmare that has led directly to widespread shortages of many controlled substances certified for use by the FDA.? We have corresponded with several clinical associations and societies concerning this debacle, as well as offering evidence of the problem to senior officials at the US FDA.

3.? We continue to watch for progress in formal complaints filed with the Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights and the Office of the Inspector General in the Department of Health and Human Services.? These complaints are on grounds of denial of civil rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and fatal flaws in the science and recommendations of the 2022 CDC and VA opioid prescribing guidelines -- flaws known to the CDC writers and approving officials, and to members of the Opioid Workgroup of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the National Center for Injury Prevention before publication, and ignored.

This announcement will be shared today in the online venues mentioned above.

Regards and best, wishes

Richard A. Lawhern, PhD Patient Advocate ? ? Speakers Panel of the National Campaign to Protect People in Pain

Twitter: @Lawhern1

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