News Don't Read.
That got your attention did it not. Today was a good morning to travel to Nottingham. Not much traffic and all drivers, driving to the speed limits . Happy days I think. Not long now till the Christmas break and boy do I need it. Shut down is one of the finest items in the yearly calender's notes that I place onto outlook . Having works for 34 years in the public sector and now 9 years in the private sector I know what I now like....
Brexit is starting to be more newsworthy and all news outlets are pushing this story, why? well not much is happening , the jungle at the port in France is coming down. Syria is starting to be none news, Russia are being Russians and with Putin's help they want to take over the world and dominate as they once did. The world power houses are on the changing treadmill and things will happen/change if we like it or not.
Keep smiling and hope that the world smiles at you.
Keep safe.