News and Curiosities from the Region and the World./Vijesti i Zanimljivosti iz Regije i Svijeta

News and Curiosities from the Region and the World./Vijesti i Zanimljivosti iz Regije i Svijeta

“Balkantimes” acts in accordance with the principles of independent, impartial and professional reporting by a news agency … “and must not” … be subjected to any influence that could compromise the accuracy, objectivity or credibility of its information … “nor”. .. whether real or legal, they come under the ownership or other control of the interests of an ideological, political or economic group.

The independence of “Balkantimes” is reflected in particular (…) in financial independence (…) in the right to regulate, through its bodies, its internal organization and mode of operation (…) in the right of journalists to give opinions when appointing editor-in-chief.

“Balkantimes” djeluje u skladu s na?elima neovisnog, nepristrasnog i profesionalnog izvje?tavanja novinske agencije … “i ne smije” … biti izlo?ena bilo kakvom utjecaju koji bi mogao ugroziti to?nost, objektivnost ili vjerodostojnost njenih informacija … “niti” … bilo da su stvarni ili pravni, oni dolaze pod vlasni?ku ili drugu kontrolu interesa ideolo?ke, politi?ke ili ekonomske grupe.

Neovisnost “Balkantimes” ogleda se posebno (…) u financijskoj neovisnosti (…) u pravu da putem svojih tijela regulira svoju unutarnju organizaciju i na?in rada (…) u pravu novinara da daju mi?ljenje prilikom imenovanja glavnog urednika.

Leonid Zemtsev

I save shareholders from headaches and sleepless nights by bringing order and subordinating chaos to rules. I solve problems, motivate teams to achieve goals, and streamline processes to deliver outstanding results.

3 个月




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