1) Would you just believe this? The ex of the man who murdered Bosman says she helped move key evidence material. She was in court testifying and incriminating her sweet heart. The late gentleman is Tim Bosma. His ex GF is Christina Noudga. Note to all the men reading, do not stop being friends with your ex because they might get you booked for life for murder. Tim Bosman put up an Ad on Kijiji (an online site we use in Canada and USA) to sell things. Kijiji has a very strict policy that you must meet the person in person and give cash instead of those sijui money gram, western union or paypal. So Tim (RIP) met potential buyers and took them for a ride in the truck to test it out before they would hand over the money. He ended up dead and incinerated. But get this one. The killer is from a very wealthy family with his own hanger at the airport for his plane. Goes to tell you humans cannot be trusted. The place was Ontario Canada.
2) Out of Toronto Canada, a judge has awarded $36 million to a class action suit involving people who lived in institutions in the province for disabled people. They suffered much degradation and mental damage. One thing you might want to know is that the province of Ontario allows class action suits, even direct libel suits and the lawyers are allowed to not demand for a retainer but they get to name their share of the percentage of a successful suit outcome. Naturally most lawyers only take on the cases they know they will win. Imagine if you agreed on 25% on this one if it won, you would be laughing all the way to the bank.
3) The Q1 social media financials are in. For UPE graduates, Q1 means a quarter. So in a financial year, you have Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Q1 will mean January through March. According to CNBC, Facebook did very well but Twitter and Linkedin limped! And they should limp. It was not funny when Linkedin where I contribute found me faulting on their policies. I only use Twitter for sending out quick alerts. Otherwise that one is too noisy. I read their business model and watched their algorithm and was not in the least impressed at all. BUT then again, many Ugandan media houses rely on Twitter to get their breaking stories so thanks Twitter.
4) Oh my. Hillary is in media again. Apparently a key email was withheld about Benganzi which could have been revealed 2yrs ago. Before she ordered tens of thousands of emails deleted. Oh Obama now has a problem in Houston.
5) In Silicon Valley, a body was found in the Apple main campus office. No word on the name or age or likely cause of death. Must be that iPhone 6s which is tanking in sales. Just guessing people!
6) Europe's most wanted fugitive by the name of Salah Abdeslam has been extradited from Belgium to France to face charges for the Paris attacks. Imagine Uganda does not know about extradition agreements as much as Kenya. Except they were desperate to extradite Mukulu from TZ and 8 months later, no charges and not enough evidence to bring him to court. Hahaha.. .Uganda is ruled by thugs.
7) Canadians are angry. They want Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada) to cancel the Saudi Arabia arms deal. We got a contract for $10 billion to supply armoured vehicles to a country which is killing people in Yemen and does not allow women to drive. By the way in case you missed some of my past articles, Saudis buy Ugandan sex slaves (maids) for $2000 a piece. It is Job Creation by the junta in power which brought you peace, sleep and tear gas. Any wonder why there is an increase of cancer...expired gas. Ask #Mbabazi.
8) Do you people remember that 1989 stampede at a soccer match in UK where some 96 soccer fans were crashed to death? Well Liverpool is commemorating their death. Meanwhile in Uganda no one even offered a day of mourning for the 67 youth who were swimming in Lake Victoria Xmas 2015 and they were fully clothed with their IDs on them. Some had bullet wounds, torture wounds and broken necks. I even now hate opposition.
9) Social media is awash with the Tramp mispronouncing Tanzania while he was giving his speech on Foreign Policy. Ugandans will rush to forgive him because he wants Jarukanga and the other great great pa in prison. If you think this is funny, think about Toronto Canada bidding for the Olympics and Mayor Lastman said they were competing against Kenya and would he go there. Reply "Oh gosh non, for all I know, they will be boiling me in a pot while dancing around the fire". He paid a price for that one big time. Hey, all the media is running the Tramp Foreign policy speech so why not visit this site to check it out on CNN but it is on all key media by the way. Poor Jarukanga!
10) Out of Turkey, a female suicide bomber blew her parts up and injured 13 people. Now this one is quite interesting, looks like someone forgot to send her the memo that only male suicide bombers get 72 virgins in heaven. Who even wants a virgin anyway? And then 72 women? Do you people know how much work it is to look after even just one woman? I can give you ideas. Fundamentalists are making the world hate their religions.
11) The UN is suddenly in the media speaking about the 43 missing Mexican students who we all know died (RIP) and sometimes one has to wonder if the UN has not outlived their mandate. They speak but do nothing. Then they give money to killer thugs, hooligans and dictators. Go away UN.
12) Trump may be in a bit of trouble...just katono though. He attacked Muslims in his usual rants. Amal Clooney (the wife of the most handsome man in the world, temuwakana) is now on his case for his rant against Islam. But sometimes you have to wonder how the Tramp can go and rant about Latinos, blacks, Islam until you hear him saying he will throw 2 hooligans in jail and recolonize Africa. AND some people fall for this. Oh dear.
Now you are up todate.
Martha Leah Nangalama
Moncton, Canada
Whatsapp +15068716371