News brief: Schroders excitement | OFR 'underestimated' | Priips doubts

News brief: Schroders excitement | OFR 'underestimated' | Priips doubts

Welcome back to the News Brief, a weekly summary of some of the most important stories on Ignites Europe.

Potential reforms to UK pension rules could have "huge" implications for asset managers, according to the chief executive of Schroders.

Peter Harrison says suggestions from UK ministers that "returns are more important than low cost" are a "really exciting prospect for [active asset managers]", reports Amie Keeley.

Harrison says reforms to defined contribution and local government pension schemes could pave the way for investment in higher-margin asset classes, contradicting warnings by other industry figures that scheme consolidation would increase fee pressures.

Asset managers "underestimate" the amount of work required to comply with the UK's Overseas Fund Regime, writes Dom Lawson.

Although the OFR simplifies access to the UK market for overseas funds, the requirements are still far more onerous than the old Ucits passporting regime, according to lawyers.

Michaela Walker, European head of financial services sector at Eversheds Sutherland, says registering for the OFR "could be an expensive exercise for firms with multiple umbrellas".

Norwegian asset managers are braced for errors as the country prepares to switch to the disclosure documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products.

Nordic fund firms must start producing a Priips KID from October 1 after the Norwegian parliament reached an agreement in June.

Tim Warrington, chairman of Skagen Funds, says the tight deadline means it is an "open question" whether "everyone is 100 per cent correct on D-day". Robert Van Egghen reports.

Chart of the Week: The growing dominance of large funds

The shift to passives is fuelling a growth in sizeable products, with more than 3,000 European funds now larger than €1bn in assets under management. Ed Moisson has more.

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