News April 17, 2024 - "Strategy" means something different here in Japan.
Hidezumi Inoue
Blog Writer (Japanese News and International Politics) and Volunteer Community Manager
The Kisida Administration declares the China-Japan relationship is a "mutual strategic relationship" as he promised last November in Beijing. In English "strategic" means setting a goal and aligning actions with the goal but it is often used to make things vague in Japanese. You understand what I mean if you are familiar with the Japanese business culture.
PM Netanyahu's strategy is to drag the US into the situation and keep saying that the War Cabinet is communicating with the US constantly while the Whitehouse denies the message. Japanese TV station TBS is reporting it calmly. Sometimes, you can not choose a friend even knowing he/she might bring some trouble to you.
The Co-Custodyship law was sent to the Upper House but Ms. Seiko Noda didn't stand up and showed her position while the opposite parties were not against it.
It is quite rare in Japan to break the party's restrictions but many DV victims are worried because it may be an obstacle to run away from their husbands. The discussion was initiated by pressure from the US government (Gaiaztu as you may say) but the argument didn't get any conclusion for more than three years.
I almost forgot what happened a year ago but the Sudanese civil war hasn't been settled for a year.