The Newports blues ? rock ? soul tour is in high gear this weekend!
The The Newports blues . rock . soul Summer 2018 tour goes into high gear this weekend! Outdoor events Friday and Sunday and our big stage show on Saturday. Friday night we're in Crown Point for Crown Brewing's 10th anniversary celebration. Festivities start at 5 pm and we go on at 8:30 CDT. Saturday it's our big stage show at the Acorn Theater in Three Oaks, Michigan, Michigan. Doors open at 7:30 MICHIGAN TIME (6:30 Chicago time), and the show starts at 8. Sunday around 3PM CDT we're at Zao Island in Valpo, performing at the 8th annual Livin' It Up music festival to support the Porter County Special Olympics. The festival starts at noon. Blues, rock, and soul, with a bit of ska and reggae thrown in to spice things up. Perfect weather all weekend long. Bring friends and family!
The Newports blues . rock . soul -- live at the Acorn
The Newports doing Doors with Horns?