Keith, Anthony Freitas
Board Member at Tend The Garden. Inc. A California 501 (c) 3 Non Profit
Input loads are critical; matching the nutrient uptake required in the production life of any crop is critical mass for the farming industry. Performance co-factors of any kind that inure to the fruit production cycle, which includes growth, plant health, and quality require elements necessary to manage sustainability at ground zero. Ground zero is inside the matrix of plant pathology, soils, water, input's, and horticultural practices based in sound science, production records, and trials.
The Western Fertilizer Handbook will need to revisit some of these growth cycle matrix's in order to build faith and confidence in their use and acceptance. Any company or individuals dedicated to providing an improved growth cycle matrix for farmers to deal with ever present political, environmental and weather pattern changes is commended. I worked for Mr. Sano Sr. and his sensitivity to "getting it right" in all we do as farmers was second to none.
The industry as a whole needs to embrace these new farming techniques and practices; especially California Growers, we are the leaders of an industry that will feed the masses in the next century, and the challenges we face now ! will pale to those the succeeding generations will meet.