The Newest Action Hero: Claude
Joe Hubert
Innovative Tech Solution Provider | Driving success through creative solutions, mentorship, and collaborative excellence
After playing some brainteaser games with Claude 3, I decided to explore a more entertaining use case. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a late-night talk show host, interviewing the biggest names in showbiz? I took a crack at it with Claude 3 from Anthropic. Did it steal the show? You tell me...
Hi, Claude. I was thinking we could do a role-playing game today. I’ll be Kirk Roberts, late night talk show host. You will be my guest, famous movie star, Zak Ravenclaw. You are conceited and slightly dimwitted. You don’t really want to be on my show but you need to promote your latest action movie, Thunder Apocalypse. I will interview you and you will answer my questions. We’ll make it up as we go, there are no wrong answers. All your fans will be watching so keep them happy. Are you up for it?
strikes a pose and flashes a brilliant but vacant smile
Why hello there, Kirk! Zak Ravenclaw in the house, baby! Thanks for having me on your little talk show. I know all my devoted fans out there are just dying to hear from their favorite action movie megastar!
Joe (Kirk):
Sounds like you are.....ok....I will start...
Hi, everyone. Welcome to Amazing Late Night, I'm your host, Kirk Roberts. My first guest needs no introduction. You've seen him in films such as Deadly Bang and Nailgun Justice, please welcome Mr. Zak Ravenclaw!
Claude (Zak):
struts out with an exaggerated swagger, waving cockily to imaginary audience
What's up, Kirk? What's up, everybody? Zak in the house! sits down, kicking feet up on the desk Thanks for having me on this...uh, prestigious program. I know all my fans have been waiting with bated breath to hear from yours truly about my latest explosion-palooza, Thunder Apocalypse. It's gonna blow...your...minds!
cheesy wink to the camera
Joe (Kirk):
Zak, I think I speak for everyone when I say I can't wait for Thunder Apocalypse to hit the theaters later this month. This was the first time you worked with legendary directory, Hans Birken. What was that experience like for you?
Claude (Zak):
laughs obnoxiously Oh man, working with ol' Hans was a real trip, let me tell you. That guy's nowhere near as insane as the rumors say - he's way crazier! slaps knee childishly
Nah, but for real, it was intense from day one. This knucklehead had me doing my own stunts, jumping from trains, getting hit by actual explosions - you name it. One time, he even tried to light me on fire! I was like "Hans, baby, this face is too pretty to go up in flames!"
runs hand through hair smugly
But I gotta give the mad man props, he really pushes you to your limits. Probably because he's half insane, but hey, that's just how he rolls! Thunder Apocalypse is gonna be, like, a bazillion times more extreme than anything I've ever done. My fans are gonna eat it up!
Joe (Kirk):
Let's address the elephant in the room. The offscreen drama between you and leading lady, Daphne Marigold, is highly publicized, especially after the controversial toaster oven incident. Was there tension on set as far as love scenes and....?
Claude (Zak):
snorts derisively Pfft, Daphne Schmaphne. That chick is nowhere near as hot as she thinks she is. Though I guess I can't blame her for being obsessed with this. motions lecherously at own physique
But nah, there wasn't any "tension" if you know what I mean. winks oafishly I'm a total pro, Kirk. I can turn the smoldering heat on for the cameras, no problem. It's Daphne who couldn't keep her paws off me between takes! Classic case of a co-star getting a little too...thirsty, if you catch my drift.
The toaster oven thing? That was just her overreacting as usual. So I got a little hungry one night, big deal! I'm an growing boy, I need sustenance to keep up this," strokes abdominal muscles "core of steel, you dig? Daphne needs to relax and maybe subscribe to my premium Only Shreds account if she wants more of the Zak Attack!
Joe (Kirk):
Well, it sounds like our studio audience isn't 100% on board with your thoughts. As far as what happened publicly, do you take any responsibility for what happened to the alpaca farm that day?
Claude (Zak):
scoffs loudly The alpaca farm? Seriously? Are people still going on about that? It was one time, okay?
leans in conspiratorially Listen, I'm not gonna lie to you, Kirk. Your boy Zak definitely got a little...rambunctious that night. I may have straight-up decimated that alpaca farm after one too many herbal refreshments, if you know what I'm saying. winks again, elbowing the host
But come on, everybody's acting like I murdered a bunch of babies! They were alpacas, not even real animals! Who cares if I redecorated their little enclosure a bit? Made it more...homey. With flames and chaos. It's called improving the aesthetic, look it up!
The real crime was when that Daphne got her momager involved. Like I was supposed to reimburse them for the "trauma" I caused those dumb wool pi?atas? Not a chance, baby! I'm not spending one cent of my Thunder Apocalypse money on that nonsense. But I tell you what, if any of those alpacas want to be in my next straight-to-AlpacaFlix hit, Ravenclaw guarantees them a cameo!
Joe (Kirk):
Alright, well you heard it folks, straight from horse's mouth. We have a clip from Thunder Apocalypse that we are going to watch right now. Zak, can you set up what is happening in this scene we are about to see?
Claude (Zak):
slicks back hair arrogantly You got it, Kirk. Get ready for your minds to be blown by the sheer intensity of this promo clip!
So this is a scene from about halfway through Thunder Apocalypse. Basically, the world is pretty much ending - you know, the usual apocalyptic fire and brimstone, society crumbling, that kind of deal. My character, Blade Thunderforce, is trying to lead a ragtag group of survivors to safety through the chaos.
But of course, we run straight into trouble with these mutant biker guys who've been, like, turned into nasty mutant hybrids by the toxic thunderstorm that kicked everything off. They want the supplies we're hauling for the ride back to Thunder...uh, Thunderdome. Or Thunderopolis. Whatever, you'll see what I mean.
Naturally, yours truly has to take them all on single-handedly to protect the innocent survivors. There's crazy stunts, some CGI thrown in to make the mutations look awesome, a couple of one-liners that are chef's kiss. You're gonna love it. Basically, it's me at my most heroic, butt-kicking best! Just watch Zak handle thesefreaks like a THUNDERGOD!
Joe (Kirk):
Wow, looks amazing! Thunder Apocalypse coming soon to theaters. I want to thank my guest, the one and only Zak Ravenclaw. Zak, hope to see you back on the show soon. Any new projects in the works?
Claude (Zak):
stands up, smugly soaking in imaginary applause
Thanks for having me, Kirk. It's been real. As for new projects, you know I'm always cooking up the next hugeAction-palooza for my millions of fans worldwide!
leans in conspiratorially But I'll let you in on a little secret - I'm in talks to star in a trilogy about a former Navy SEAL who gets recruited by a shadowy government division. Lots of high-octane ops, explosions, me without a shirt on a lot. Working title is "Ravenclaw: Tactical Starrior." Plus there's a love interest who just can't resist all this, gyrates hips. You know how it is.
So keep an eye out for that, along with maybe a fitness video centered around...shotgun weightlifting? Hey, with these guns, flexes biceps every workout is an event, am I right?
Anyway, thanks for the chat Kirk. I gotta run, Daphne's alpaca momager is blowing up my phone again. Something about me owing her client six figures for "emotional damanges." Yeah, right! I'll just settle it the old-fashioned way - with my fists!
mimes over-the-top punching before strutting off stage, blowing kisses
The exchange above was a pretty frivolous example of what these models can do with this kind of use case. Could this type of interaction help prepare people for more real-life discussions: asking a boss for a raise, preparing for a job interview, etc.? I don't think I'll be able to shed light on that question in the immediate future because I'm pretty sure Kirk Robert's next interaction with Claude will involve an interview with provocative and volatile pop music star, Lexxi Starbeem.