A New 'Zone'?
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A New 'Zone'

Athletes (and those who aspire to be) talk about being in the ‘zone’ ... they experience a prominent shift in consciousness and vibration that some refer to as a natural ‘high.’ I felt this myself 30 years ago when I played competitive racquetball; and again a few years back when, at 60, I consistently outperformed any 20 year old in accelerated aqua aerobics.

It felt like what I imagine would be an adrenalin push or the overdrive switch by my left hand, on the wheel of my ’60 TR3. I drove up and down the hills of San Francisco a lifetime ago and appreciated that extra 500 rpms with the ‘flick of a switch’ on the open road.

I am now acutely aware of another kind of zone. It has to do with mental exercise we experience when we are 'in study.' I don’t mean study like we did in school – because that’s not appealing to me at all. I mean simply learning new things – things we didn’t know, and realizing we just learned something new. We learn things all the time, but rarely slow down to recognize that to solve our own obstacles, we must learn something new, thereby we must grow in conscious awareness of our real potential!

There are pathways to mastery in each area of our life. This new zone to which I refer kicks in as we move forward, toward what we want – what we desire, even when we don’t know how! That action has us experience true faith and the wonder of the universe! How can it be that we can think something and then watch it appear almost before our eyes?

Surrounding ourselves with people who react instead of respond, generates lots of drama, and is filled with complaints ... and will not allow us to grow in knowledge which is required to stand in the zone. Problems are not solved by repeating old actions. You may have heard the expression hamster in a wheel or the saying (Einstein) that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result

When we slow our own sense time down, and begin to watch our thoughts and their movement, we start putting 2 and 2 together, and we experience this new zone. The zone of conscious knowledge. Some call it the ‘flow'.

Now just imagine if you were diligent about physical growth and also growth in knowledge and awareness! You could experience both zones concurrently – if while you were running track, as you begin to feel yourself entering the physical zone, you intentionally clear your mind and ask yourself a specific question! As co-creators with God, if we will listen, we will hear a voice within us speaking the very answer we need. As we hear that voice more and more, we develop ‘cells of recognition’ and then some do have an ongoing conversation with the God-like part of themselves. Some say that voice is what we call intuition. Wayne Dyer says that if prayer is when we talk to God, he answers us through our intuition.

It takes real courage to step out of comfort -- and into the zone of conscious knowledge. It can be very lonely and the pull to move backward toward the base level with everyone else will get strong at times (Maslow says our greatest ‘pull’ is to belong). If however you go toe to toe with your fear and choose to still move confidently toward your desire (you will know it's right when you feel very uncomfortable) you must move higher on your pathway of knowledge and get a real sense of your own true potential!

Before you take this step, consider not one of us ever really know our full potential. We can’t know already know something that we haven't yet learned! It is only when we take a risk and stay laser focused on our passion, that we get into the zone with all living things and really see that abundance has always been here, waiting for us to step back into ourselves, rather than hanging out in outside conditions and circumstances; over which we never have control.



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