New York Contractors! Sick and Tired of Being Gouged and Pillaged by Insurance Companies for Your Contractors Business Insurance Policies?
Gary Wallach
BGES Group - Specialties: New York Construction Insurance (Cover Tri-State); Workers' Compensation Insurance for any Type Business Owner - 914-806-5853
1. Have high value property located along the shore line or on islands like Fire Island, Block Island, Long Beach Island, etc??We have a property/liability/flood program that can give you the coverage needed.?Call 914-806-5853 for help today!
2. Check out our new Construction News website which will tell you what’s going on in the construction industry throughout the country.?Click?here.
Are you a New York contractor who is sick and tired of paying through the nose for your?contractor insurance??Looking for some how, some way of paying less but getting the right coverage??Do you feel your insurance broker is competent, his agency represents the right programs, ever hear from him?
Well that is about to change.?But before we show you how we want to discuss issues within our industry that you never hear about.?It’s our dirty little secrets.
Starting in 2001, we watched insurance company’s raise your rates 25% to 100% or more annually.?One account we worked on had their General Liability premium go from $79,000 to $400,000.?It was an insane!
More recently though we’ve seen companies raise rates 5% to 10%+ annually.?This seems to be the trend.?Where do they expect YOU to keep getting the money to pay??Think the corporate executives care??What they do care about is their bottom line, keeping their jobs and getting bonuses.
Are you dealing direct with an insurance company??They offer you the promise of saving money but do you really think they want to save you money long-term??They sucker you in with low prices and then raise your rates year in, year out.?These companies are public companies, run by “White Shirts” and are about increasing their bottom lines so their stock prices go up.?Their people are not the best trained (if they were why would they be working for an insurance company) and if you think they got you covered the truth is they got themselves covered.
Now switching over to the insurance agency side, here’s something to know.?There are agencies that handle hundreds, thousands of accounts.?Their customer service personnel are nice but overwhelmed with work and can’t think straight.?They never look at your account unless you call.?Never make coverage recommendations.?Rarely shop your account.??They are so inundated by daily problems, phone calls, paper work, renewals, you’ll be lucky to hear from them once a year.
How long does it take to get needed certificates, hours, days??Ever see your broker??Ever go through a “What You Need in Coverage List?”?Can you get someone on the phone when needed or are people away from their desk, in meetings, out to lunch, on vacation??Are you constantly leaving messages and playing phone tag?
More agencies than you think have “Customer Service Representatives” (CSR’s) that are very inexperienced.?They lack knowledge of?construction insurance, your account and identifying potential loss exposures. Some have poor people skills and bad attitudes.?Truth is these people are “Dangerous to Your Wealth” and you are relying on them for the right advice.
Some of you deal with very large agencies that keep growing through acquisition.?Their interest is in volume and bottom line.??They are constantly reorganizing so you never know who is servicing your account.?It’s hard to form close working relationships.??Ask yourself how one person can be on top of your needs if they are servicing 150-200+ sizeable accounts??They can’t, we know they can’t and you can end up with uncovered exposures which if there’s a claim can knock you out of business!
Now that we bashed are own industry we would like to tell you about where to turn.
We are old school.?When we grew up there were milkmen, doctors making house calls, butchers, bakers, you had personal relationships and they knew your name and cared about you.
Now you can get this back!?You can get that kind of service.?You no longer have to be one in three thousand accounts and have inexperienced, paper pushing, brain exhausted people caring for your insurance needs.
Want a whole different experience??What no longer exists in our industry except though and handful of agencies??Want out of a factory and have back the doctor that makes house calls and has YOUR best interests at heart always and forever?
Call or text Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or email?[email protected]?and get it back TODAY!
P.S. By the way we have “51 Five Star Google Reviews” and all of them rave about our service.?Try us you’ll love us!
Coverages Offered:
BGES Group’s?office, located in Larchmont, NY is a full service insurance agency offering, Property, Liability, Umbrella Liability, Business Auto, Bid & Performance Bonds, Inland Marine, Worker’s Compensation, New York State Disability, Group Health, Life insurance, Personal lines and?Identity Theft.
Special Contractor Insurance Programs (NY, NJ, CT)?– We?we have 60+?insurance companies to market your general liability, umbrella?liability, business auto, workers compensation, bid & performance bonds and group health coverages.?We help contractors set up proper risk transfer.?If you’re a contractor we offer extensive information about insurance markets, coverages, risk transfer, subcontractor screening, ways to lower your insurance costs.
BGES Group?are Worker’s Compensation Specialists for the States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut?– Issues we address: 1) Lowering pricing – we have specialty programs that can save you up to 40%; 2) Finding a new company; 3) Replacing policies that are being cancelled or non renewed;?4) Audit disputes; 5) Company creating fictitious payroll at audit time; 6) Lowering high experience modifications factors; 7) Misclassification of payrolls; 8) Lowering or eliminating renewal deposits;??9) Getting coverage when you’ve been without for a few months; 10) Covering multiple states under one policy; 11) Eliminating 10% service or policy fees; 12) Timely issuance of certificates; 13) Always being able to get someone on the phone or by email when?you need to.
If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click?here?to email or click?here?to visit our website.
Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY?10538
e-mail:?[email protected]
? – Copyright – 2021 – BGES Group