Are New Year’s Resolutions a Load of Bollocks?
Leigh Shenton
Helping creative entrepreneurs build sexyAF, heart led personal brands to create wealth and joy! | Artist | Author | Hotseat Host | Business & Mindset Mentor | Bespoke Coaching | Meditation | LOVE with Leigh
Last year I wrote about what bollocks I thought New Year’s resolutions are.
I still think they are. They only work if you do, and most people expect them to work without any effort.
I am more a revolution than resolution type. That’s when real change happens.
However, it’s common knowledge that people who write down their goals are far more likely to succeed than those who don’t.
I set myself some pretty BIG goals last year. Not all of them came to fruition, but perhaps noting them here will give me some clarity to see just how far I have come.
Like most people, my main goal for 2017 was to have the best year ever. Spend more time with family and friends, financial freedom, travelling and a beach house were my priority.
Looking back, at first I thought my year was pretty abysmal because I didn’t achieve complete financial freedom, nor did I move into my dream house on the beach.
However, what I have done is to set myself up for success and have achieved so much.
So, I am simply going to say it as it comes into my head. I am still a little all over the place...that’s just how my brain works....haha.
Like a butterfly I flitted from project to project and never quite reaching the success I expected.
Now this might seem like failure....but I say nay!!!
All this hopping around came to a head early December and things became very clear.
I discovered my purpose and what I am on this planet for, so that is huge.
Had I not jumped into a network marketing business, gone to Vegas in April and acknowledged with promotion and a White Vibe party I would not have discovered that whilst I am good at this it’s not where my zone of genius lies.
I spent time in Dubai, helping business partners and finding myself. This was a time of pain and loss. In finding myself I also found that I was neglecting me. You know, always placing others needs ahead of my own... and this is where massive change took place.
As I reassessed my own needs and began to take care of me first. Not in a selfish way, but in the way that you really can’t help anyone unless you help yourself first way. Now I could go into great length on this subject....and perhaps I will another time.
This was tough. It meant some people I really care about didn’t get it. They said I was selfish and self absorbed.
And cut me out of their lives.... painful yes....necessary...yes.
An important lesson learned how to release toxic relationship so I can be free.
Sweden was a blanket of snow in March as I celebrated my grandsons 2nd birthday.
How lucky was I to travel and be with the most precious little man on the planet.
Connecting with family was high on my agenda, and this is a huge WIN.
Birthday bbq’s with family and old friends. Making new ones whilst drinking fab coffee.
2017 was a time of massive change and exploring new ideas.
November brought an amazing opportunity.... to join an online group – The Free Life, committed to helping people achieve freedom and run a business online. Fabulous genuine people eager to reach out....and be real, unafraid to say it as it is!!
Invaluable coaching from Dan & Liz has brought clarity and focus!!
I faced my fears and found I loved doing facebook live. I love being in front of the camera and baring my soul and heart to complete strangers.
AND you know what people loved it too. I discovered I’m pretty good at it, and am taking it to another level. I am interviewing people live on line. Who knows...maybe there’s a presenter in me
No seriously it comes natural and with some effort and practise and proper coaching I might be another Oprah.
In July the online art group I belong to, The Cabal, conjured an experience I have to say is probably the most influential and inspiration one to date.
We are a group of creative’s from across the globe. We meet weekly online to discuss, inspire, teach and support one another in our creative endeavours.
A retreat was arranged to meet in Spain in September in person.
AND we were also invited to a joint exhibition to show our work and network and to really get to know each other.
My Spanish retreat and Exhibition has changed me forever. I can honestly say that I truly felt more free and more myself than ever before. It was the first time where I could be just me...with no one expecting anything else.
My fellow Cabalians as I like to call them.... are AMAZING....they love with no judgement.
All they ever expect is me to be me...warts and all!!!! In fact they insist upon it.
AND that is the most freeing thing in the world... when you are free to be just who you are!!!!
So I might not have achieved the financial freedom I was after BUT I have achieved something far more valuable.
My own freedom. I hadn’t realised just how much value I place on being accepted for being me.
No more needing approval from others....
Freedom in all other areas of your life has to start with you.
When you are truly happy with you...accept you for who you are...those that matter will too!!
So 2017 was packed full of love and challenges, wins and losses, travel and family & friends.....time on the beach and ultimately discovering my purpose.
Rock on 2018...... Let's Fulfill My Purpose!!!
I help mumpreneurs overcome low mood and anxiety, and increase their confidence, so they can focus on growing their business & creating results. [email protected]
7 年Sounds like an amazing year! Cant wait to see you in action! x
Transforming how people engage through Proto's Hologram Hardware & our holographic spatial compute platform. 20+ yrs experience. Sr. Sales Exec. VP on Board of the Themed Entertainment Assoc. WNA Div. IG @lisajeyschanley
7 年Great reflection! Looking forward to ROCKING 2018!