New Year…New You!
Get the results you deserve with our proven training programs

New Year…New You!

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, New Year’s resolutions are a good thing. If you struggle to believe that, it’s probably because of a history of failed resolutions. This year, however, you owe it to yourself to become the new person you want to be. Not in order to impress other people. You’re going to do it to remind yourself that yes, you can do whatever you put your mind to—you can become a better person.

Ready to get started on the road to a new you? Keep reading to find out what you’ve got to do this the year to make the new you happen!

Talk about It

After a few years of failed resolutions, you may want to keep your plans a secret. But don’t! If your family and friends don’t know what your goals are, you won’t have their support in your journey. They may scoff or giggle when they find out you have big plans for the coming year, but don’t let them get you down. Most likely, they’re jealous. So whether you want to be more committed to your gym routine, eat better, or be more patient with your kids, don’t keep your resolution for a new you to yourself!

Start with Pre-Tests

Next Monday may be when you’ve decided to really begin committing to your new self, but don’t wait that long. Start today with some pre-tests. Once a day, find a way to implement your new lifestyle into your routine. That may mean skipping dessert one night. Or maybe it’s letting your spouse have the remote control. Then again, it could be chewing on a carrot instead of going for a cigarette break when stressed. Whatever it is, scoring these small victories lets you know that you can indeed become the new person in the New Year that you desire.

Expect Success

There’s a reason New Year’s resolutions are the punch line for countless jokes. There are people, however, who beat the odds and stick with their resolutions. This time around, you’re going to be one of them. Not because you’re better than other people who can’t keep from overeating. And not because you’re smarter than people who don’t read a book every month (like you’re planning to do this year). The reason you’re going to succeed is because you want it, and nothing is going to stop you. When you expect success and realize it is possible—which it is—you’re prepared to do what it takes to find that success. Now go for it!

Go for the Right Goals

Before you set a resolution for a new you in the New Year, take stock of your life to determine what would give you the best bang for your resolution buck. Already spending more time than you’d like away from the family? Maybe you should resolve to work your way into a position at work that requires less travel. Thinking you need to lose more weight when all your friends think you’re exceptionally thin? Maybe you should work on adding muscle to your frame instead. Only when you have the right goals can your new you be the best you.

Have Some Fun

Sometimes, creating a new you can be tiring. After all, you’ve spent a lifetime creating the old you, and your old self will not leave without a fight. When your lifestyle changes feel like too much and you’re drooling for ice cream, jonesing for a smoke, or itching to ignore your family and stare at your phone, turn your focus to something fun. Grab a funny movie, go on a hike, hang out with friends—just do something you enjoy! When you’re done, your head will be cleared and you’ll again be ready to shed the old you in favour of the new you in the New Year!

I have just the exercise plan for you – one that will not only help you recover from your holiday indulgences, but will help keep you motivated and going strong in the future. 

If you haven’t joined yet, now is the perfect time to start. Together we will get you focused on your goals with my results-driven method. 

Simply call or email today to set up your first workout at 604.291.9941 or [email protected] or learn more at


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