There is something about the New Year that gives us the courage and hope to change and begin a new chapter in our lives. Gym memberships are at their highest and more diets are started right after the holidays. We reside to better ourselves through education, spirituality, and philosophy. Resolutions are recorded on paper and in our minds; some we share and some we keep to ourselves. The New Year is also a time to start fresh, a rebirth, a new beginning.
As we reflect on our lives, some people also examine their relationships with friends, families, and significant others. Ending a relationship with a longtime friend or family member can be very difficult. Ending a marriage carries so many more concerns. When children are involved it can be quite devastating.
No spouse enters a marriage hoping it will end. Even the plaintiff in a divorce is not happy that the marriage did not work out. Couples that decide to separate or divorce can do so in an amicable and non-adversarial way without completely destroying their relationship. The process by which a couple chooses to end the marriage will determine whether they will heal quickly and move on with their lives. It will also help to establish how the children are treated through this confusing and emotional time. Litigation can sometimes use the children as pawns in negotiations; Mediation helps the couple make decisions together that are best for the family and will stand the test of time. Litigation discourages communication thereby setting the couple up for future disputes; Mediation teaches the couple to communicate and negotiate a settlement that they both agree on. Litigation is very costly, takes years, and fosters mistrust; Mediation saves the couple thousands of dollars, time, and their sanity.
If you or someone you know is contemplating a divorce/separation, please contact me to see if mediation is the way to proceed. There is no fee or obligation for the consultation.
Call to learn more: 631-921-2454 www.nbmediation.com
New Beginnings Divorce Mediation