New Year, New You! Are You Ready?

New Year, New You! Are You Ready?

Epictetus said that the root of beauty was beautiful choices. “If your choices are beautiful,” he said, “so too will you be.” It’s simple and it’s true. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less.

He was talking of true beautiful human behavior, one imagines, not of physical beauty. But it applies to both. Beauty, in either case, can’t be separated from the process, the regiment that creates it. It takes exercise, it takes discipline, it takes sacrifice, it takes weeks and months and years. It’s the decision, day after day after day, to get out of bed early and go for a run. It’s how often you pick up the book instead of the television remote, the groceries instead of the fast food, the journal instead of the phone. It’s saying “no” to cool opportunities to “yes” to your kids.

So if you’d like to look and feel and be better, that gives you a good place to start—in your choices.

Ready to start? Take the New Year, New You Readiness Check!

Every day presents us with plenty of opportunities to make a choice—between beauty or ugliness; kindness or selfishness; mercy or vengeance; serenity or anger. There are the little choices we have to make daily: what you eat, how you talk to people, whether you pick up the television remote or a book, what you think about. And some days, there’s bigger choices: whether you stand up for what’s right, whether you reach down to help someone who needs it, what kind of work you do, what standards you hold yourself to. If you want a beautiful life, there’s no escaping it: you must make beautiful choices.

The New Year is almost here and it’s the perfect chance to get in the habit of making beautiful choices.

You know you deserve better. You know you’re capable of better. What’s it going to take for you to ask for it? When are you going to fulfill that potential that just sitting there?

How about right now? Because it’s possible. This year. We’re putting it to you here: Stop putting it off until tomorrow, until Monday, waiting for it to just happen. Because it won’t. Someone must take control.

That someone is you.

Don’t put YOU off any longer! Take the New Year, New You Readiness Check!

We offer a program of healthy habits which guides you in organizing your life around what matters most to you and help you create a better life, and a new you in 2022. It’s 5-10 minutes a day of reflection and action designed to help you become the dominant force in your life and achieve a healthier mind and body. It’s about waking up each morning with intentionality and making the beautiful choice to create a better life for yourself. And it will require discipline and sacrifice and following the process, the regimen.

But when you look back on December 31, 2022, you will be amazed at the results and transformation! So, join us in the New Year, New You Challenge! You will be so glad you did! (I can already hear your future self clapping for you!)

Start right now! Take the New Year, New You Readiness Check!


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